Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
It is my duty, as a Human Being, to demand that all Crimes Against Humanity be investigated, and the Perpetrators be held accountable.Jose Morgado (Tomar, 2021-10-01)
The "jab" is experimental & is being used on the human population including children. No one knows the short/medium & long term health effects it will have on the population. It goes against the recommendations laid out after WW2 trials & surely must be a crime against humanity. Those people responsible must be stopped & held to account.Stephen Taylor (Chipping Norton, 2021-10-01)
Government should never be able to implement rules or impose anything on people without the people’s consent. It is every person’s own choice what happens to their body and nobody should ever be forced to take any medical treatment they don’t trust. Freedom of choice was given by God. Who do governments think they are to take it away? Doctors don’t know what they are doing half the time. They follow protocols that are now becoming clear to be thought up by people paid off by big pharmaceutical companies who’s only goal is to make money off sick people and keeping or making people sick in order to make more money. This is evil and the whole rotten system needs to be taken down. Governments around the world have failed their people and I don’t think it is because of ignorance. It is also now clear that all people in power are planted through fraudulent elections by people who have too much money and power. This too has to be dismantled. We are not your slaves and animals to be used in experimentsMarie du Toit (Pretoria, 2021-10-01)
I'm signing because in all my years as a nurse I've never seen such crimes against humanity. Those in power should be held accountable for their crimes.Mary Davis (New Braunfels, 2021-10-01)
The people responsible for the millions of deaths around the world need to take responsibility.Joseph Dicker (Woolacombe, 2021-10-01)
Podpisujem, pretože som za slobodu. Slobodu pri výbere, ako sa budem liečiť voči hocijakej chorobe a nie len covid.Som proti očkovaniu mojej osoby bez toho, aby môj osobný lekár rozhodol, či toto očkovanie neohrozí môj zdravotný stav, či mi nespôsobí väčšie zdravotné problémy ako choroba, proti ktorej mám byť očkovaná. Všeobecní lekári boli doteraz úplne vylúčení z tohto očkovacieho procesu. Očkovacie látky sú stále experimentálne a napriek tomu vlády nútia ľudí sa očkovať pod hrozbou rôznych trestov. Prečo? Nemali by farmaceutické spoločnosti platiť osobám, ktoré sa dajú očkovať, za to že sa zapojili do testovacieho procesu?
Katarína Haššová (Rajec 015 01, Hollého 626/110, 2021-10-01)
I am signing because white the World health organization has done is criminal forcing vaccines on the world when there are therapeuticsAntoinette Gravell (Kunkletown, 2021-10-01)
I hope to see them all tried in courtRaymond Campbell (St Helier, 2021-10-01)
Treba ukončiť apartheid a segregáciu ohľadom koronavírusu, očkovania, ktoré sa deje na základe lobby farmaceutického priemyslu v Slovenskej Republike, ale aj celej EÚ, treba vysvetliť ľuďom aj nežiadúce účinky, ktoré sú spojené s očkovaním a nielen marketingovo a účelovo používať len informácie, ktoré sú výhodné pre farmaceutický priemysel, treba zastaviť a skoncovať s lobby farmaceutického priemyslu, pretože zdravie a byť zdravý nie je biznis, ale právo každej živej bytosti. Farmaceutický priemysel nesmie byť nositeľom zisku, farmaceutický priemysel musí byť v prvom rade pre verejné blaho, musí byť etický, morálny a na prvom mieste musí byť človek a jeho dobro a jeho osobný prínos pre neho samého!Vladimír Mocko (Myjava, 2021-10-01)
I support holding responsible the people who created then suppressed treatment for this virus that has killed so many.Richard Hollett (Greensboro, 2021-10-01)
I believe the government are going against the Nuremberg code. People are being unlawfully forced to take a vaccineMichael Gallagher (Newcastle, 2021-10-01)
Stop the Global GENOCIDE! 🙏Natalie Horne Jewitt (London, 2021-10-01)
A world-wide fraud is being perpetrated by many influential organisations and their government associates. It is increasingly becoming apparent that there are devastating effects being caused to the well being, physical and mental health of the citizens of Earth.Sean Rice (Salisbury, 2021-10-01)
The crimes against humanity must be stoppedGill Heywood (Durham, 2021-10-01)
I am against mandatory vaccination and testing.Timea Rigová (Košice, 2021-10-01)
It's importantMarianne Bronsdijk (Roosendaal, 2021-10-01)
Som za potrestanie všetkých, ktorí sa podieľali na Zločinoch proti ľudskosti pod zámienkou humanity v urýchlenom konaní...Robert Geffert (Zborov, 2021-10-01)
What's happening is genocide & those responsible must be held accountable.Denise Roets (Lagos, 2021-10-01)
Súhlasím z touto petíciou .Oto Suchánek (Závod, 2021-10-01)
the wrongs I see happeningEvron Verschuure (Jerusalem, 2021-10-01)
It is to muchDenis Kristan (Ljubljana, 2021-10-01)
C19 bioweapon is killing humansMarissa Secord (Owen Sound, 2021-10-01)
#16151 na nás vykonáva genocída.Vladislav Šuster (Krajné, 2021-10-01)
I believe there is more to global governments pushing a fear agenda when so few experience adverse symptoms from this virus. Governments are responsible for the well-being of the people, NOT their health; their tyrannical actions have caused unemployment, homelessness, starvation, loss of education and creating a two tier medical segregation, removing people's inalienable liberties & freedom of choice.Governments seem to think they are gods.
Enough is enough.
The people say NO!
Caroline Blackburn (Churt, 2021-10-01)
Wilful harm has been exercised on humanity globally with no justification.Neil Galbraith (Portsmouth, 2021-10-01)
Podpisujem,pretože je potrebnė urýchlene riešiť plandémiu na medzinårodnej úrovni.Miroslav Vitko (Banskå Bystrica, 2021-10-01)
Podpisujem, pretože som presvedčený o tom, že pod zámienkou COVID-Pandémie je porušovaný Medzinárodný dohovor o ľudských právach ako aj Norimberský kódex a osoby za toto zodpovedné, zodpovedné za zločiny páchané proti ľudskosti nesmú ostať nepotrestané!Milan Hudák (Košice - Juh, 2021-10-01)
It’s time to retake our Countries and put an end to this chaos. To do that we must remove the perpetratorsSheelagh Grime (Chester, 2021-10-01)
I have my human rights and I feel they were broken.Alena Vadaszova (Bardejov, 2021-10-01)
I will not comply with tyrannyJake Moreton (Nottingham, 2021-10-01)
Podepisuji, protože vláda už téměř 2 roky nerespektuje zákony této země, bere nám svobodu, pošlapává lidská práva a nutí nás zničit si zdraví (a někdy i zemřít) jedovatou "vakcínou"!Olga Machová (Ostrava, 2021-10-01)
I am signing, because it has to be done. Enough is enough!Mroslava Juhasova (Ruskov, 2021-10-01)
Neverím vakcinamZuzana Černeková (Čadca, 2021-10-01)
They are murdering our children now.susan campbell (ELGIN, 2021-10-01)