Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



This is now becoming more like communist country and it has to stop

Sandra Maconochie (Glasgow, 2021-10-01)


I am signing besause was broken my human rights

Milan Holienka (Grays, 2021-10-01)


Iam doing qnet business last 7months.i like this opportunity

Shamsudheen P (Perinthalmanna, 2021-10-01)


Criminals must be punished!

Maria Ewald (Hlohovec, 2021-10-01)


Som slobodný človek nie otrok.

Marek Ďurinda (Košice, 2021-10-01)


The GENOCIDE must be stopped

Iris Henderson (Larne, 2021-10-01)


Pripájam sa svojím podpisom, pretože sloboda a slobodná vôľa je to najcennejšie čo máme, a tie si treba ctiť nadovšetko.
Tiež preto, že žiadna vláda nemá právo zneužívať svojich občanov na pokusy a testy.

Taťána Hanajíková (Považská Bystrica, 2021-10-01)


Podepisuji , protože si myslím , že se zde pod nátlakem dělají pokusy na lidech ! Staří lidé v domovech pro seniory nemají na výběr , ale také nejsou dostatečně informováni . Prosím zastavte to šílenství !!! Nesmíte otálet , každý den přibývají další lidé , kteří jsou nuceni se podřídit této likvidační mafii ! Viděla jsem umírat staré lidi po vakcíně , kteří před tím neměli žádné potíže ! Prosím zachraňte nás !!!

Jana Zocherová (Chomutov, 2021-10-01)


Doufám ve spravedlnost a Odmítám to porušování práv lidí, které se děje ve světě

Radovan Hanák (Kvasice, 2021-10-01)


i accept this petition

Patrik Pjentek (Námestovo, 2021-10-01)


I’m signing this because I strongly believe in the freedom of choice.

Doina Lazar (Richmond, 2021-10-01)



Eva Poláková (Nové Zámky, 2021-10-01)


už mám dosť nezákonného obmedzovania slobody a porušovania Slovenskej ústavy našou vládou údajne kvôli vymyslenej pandémii.

Miroslav Mařík (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-01)


This tyrannical government are murderers. They need to be hung from the gallows along with Dr's, nurses msm and everyone else who are part of the elite cult to rid the earth of us useless eaters. How dare you how dare you.

Sharon McIntosh (CANVEY ISLAND, 2021-10-01)


Our USA Hospitals are KILLING patients!!! Fauci, Gates, Claus Swabb, Biden, Obama, Pope, Clintons…. ALL need to be arrested for crimes against humanity!!! We are NOT bowing down to these evil criminals!!! The expert vaccines are not approved and we are being experimented on against our will. I have lost friends and watched many others needlessly die. We will NOT stand for it!!! God is on our side, and He wins in the end. I might lose my life over this but I would rather Stand Up to evil and live in Freedom!!! God help us all

Jaime Gottlieb (Mobile, 2021-10-01)


Podepisuji, protože jsem maximálně znechucen děním okolo podvodu a mystifikace jménem covid-19 a bezskrupulózním chováním politiků.

Ladislav Barák (Krupka - Maršov, 2021-10-01)


Zločiny treba potrestať podľa práva

Ján Mihala (Nové Mesto nad Váhom, 2021-10-01)


Som presvedčený že je to zločin

Valent Hudec (Bratislava, 2021-10-01)


We are in grave danger from these tyrants.

John Farley (London, 2021-10-01)


Chcem ochrániť ľudí pred šialenou politikou a dianím v našej krajine.

Jozef Duchoň (Golianovo, 2021-10-01)


All measures all complete disproportional for a disease with the same IFR as the flue, and created an enormous damage, both fysically, mentally, socially and economic

C.J. De Hoog (Soest, 2021-10-01)


I am concerned about genocide currently being perpetrated by individuals across the globe.

Sarah Wheatcroft (Brecon, 2021-10-01)


I want all responsible for crimes against humanity prosecuted and want to be compensated for all harm done.

Arnold De hoog (Zoetermeer, 2021-10-01)


I am horrified at the harm that is being done to millions of people - worldwide.

Sharon Rudd (Leeds, 2021-10-01)


This genocide must stop... the PCR tests are not fit for purpose they are NOT a diagnostic tool... the vaccines are killing more people than all vaccines in the past 20 plus years... they are going to vaccinate children... damaging them for life or even death... if you have any form of empathy I beg you stop this...

Rhiannon Morrissey (Cardiff, 2021-10-01)


I believe the crimes committed by these people should be brought to light and receive judgement

margaret Roughley (Hesketh Bank, Preston, 2021-10-01)


I love freedom

Jason Jarvis (Brandon, 2021-10-01)


The rollout of this experimental gene therapy program must be stopped based on overwhelming risk vs benefit.

Stephen Duncan (Livingston, 2021-10-01)


I wish to save the children from death or disability

Tricia McGuigan (Portstewart, 2021-10-01)


The misinformation of the public has to stop! I want facts evaluated by independent scientist not Pharma Lobby Muppets.

Susanne Holden (Pegnitz, 2021-10-01)


Myslím, že není potřeba k tomu nic dodávat....

Kateřina Waldnerová (Pardubice 19, 2021-10-01)


I am full of all restrictions around world what has no sense

Jan Belsky (Praha, 2021-10-01)


I want any remaining survivors in my bloodline of this world war to know I stood on the right side of the history books and fought for our freedoms at every stage.

Emma Geach (Swansea, 2021-10-01)


Dosť bolo strachu a života bez radosti.

Brigita Hurajová (Košice, 2021-10-01)


Súhlasím s petíciou...

Ľubomír Kováčik (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-01)


Nesúhlasím s tým, čo sa deje, s núteným očkovaním aj keď pod rúškom dobrovoľnosti, je nenormálne, že sa k lekárovi dostane len očkovaný, resp. testovaný, celé je to neľudské konanie.

Helena Kováčová (Čaňa, 2021-10-01)

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