Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I’m in agreement

Pamela Nichols (Blaine, 2021-10-01)


Because its criminal what's happening.

James Haswell (Grays, 2021-10-01)



Eva Cibulová (Banský Studenec 177, 2021-10-01)


I value my freedom and I want my children to grow up with their freedom.

Cassidy Logsdon (Courtenay, 2021-10-01)


Lebo toto uz nema obdoby co sa na sk deje 🤬

Helena Bachmann (Au ZH, 2021-10-01)


There are crimes being committed & we now need to protect our children

Heather Lenehan (West mallingb, 2021-10-01)


There's a lot of evidence that extreme human rights violations are being committed under the false cover of a pandemic emergency over the last 18 months by government officials, NGO and corporate employees, police and medical staff.

Paul Hunt (Puerto Princesa, 2021-10-01)


Enough is enough!!!

Agata Bodnárová (Žiar nad Hronom, 2021-10-01)





I agree with the content of the lawsuit.
Human lives and rights are on the stake! Healthy people should never be forced to take experimental medications.

Ján Silvaj (Štrba, 2021-10-01)


ukončete chaos

Růžena Fraňková (Praha, 2021-10-01)


I'm signing

Miroslav Mojžiš (Bratislava, 2021-10-01)


Truth means everything. Justice is required.

Nori Mansley (Grande Rivière Ouest CANADA, 2021-10-01)



Helena Gottliebová (Košice, 2021-10-01)


This whole vaccine mandate and lockdowns etc etc are completely out of hand , there’s no logic or science to back up what you are doing , the mandates and ridiculous legislations have caused more damage tha the covid ever would , it’s tyranny

Adam Johnston (Catterick, 2021-10-01)


I’m following the science. We are not expendable - or we shouldn’t be thought of as such. We are human with inalienable rights. What is being done to humanity is criminal based on what I’ve learned.

Kim Stratta (Athens, 2021-10-01)


This peoples whichone's cheated all the world with "plandemic Covid-19" must be judged and punished for all this cheated same as " Nazi in Nurnberg " after WWII.

Lubomir Milo (Zilina, 2021-10-01)


Ich will nicht dass die Kinder sind geimpft.

Maria Mroskova (Innermanzing, 2021-10-01)


nesúhlasím s očkovaním

Hábelová Mária (Vištuk, 2021-10-01)


Podepisuji, protože jsem přesvědčená o nutnosti prošetření konání vlády ve věci : pandemie nemoci Covid 19

Olga Šedivá (Praha 4, 2021-10-01)


Because I care

Petra Flach (Kittsee, 2021-10-01)


I am against forced vaccination or any medical treatment for that matter. From extensive research I have done these are not traditional vaccines and some of the ingredients of these jabs are highly toxic and even poisonous to the human body.

Teresa Smith (Margate, 2021-10-01)





I agree with investigation

Marcel Jokel (Kremnica, 2021-10-01)


The crime of coerced injections has to be stopped immediately.
Those who initiated and made profit of this genocidal business model have to return every cent they received from public institutions and politicians

Bernhard Müller (Neustadt/W, 2021-10-01)


I am Czech living in UK and as person from post communist country every sign of totality since first lockdown is scary me. The last straw was when UK made unlawful regulation of mandatory vaccine despite 57% were not for it and the regulation is contrary to many others UK Acts. And in the same month they started to discriminate unvaccinated people for traveling. UK government lost my trust. Now they even don't follow their own law Covid Act 2020 which must be reviewed every six months and they decided do not do it and move it for later.

Jana Vavru (Brighton and Hove, 2021-10-01)


Les criminel doivent être jugés. Ils ont du sang sur les mains

Jane Govindin (ANDRÉSY, 2021-10-01)


Every Life lives matter

Zuzana Škriputová (Topoľčany, 2021-10-01)


I’ m signing because all C19 propaganda is a genocide of human beings !

Zuzana Lajcakova (Bratislava, 2021-10-01)


I´m signing because vaccination is the greatest crime since the World War II

Eugen Hinterbuchner (Roztoky u Prahy, 2021-10-01)

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