A vote of no confidence in the Mayor and Several councillors of the DCC



I have know confidence in the mayor and council

Graeme Mancey (DUNEDIN, 2020-05-22)


Total waste of money

Jono Kennedy (Dunedin, 2020-05-22)


I find it unacceptable that our Mayor and Council are ignoring ratepayers and moving forward with controversial projects.

Deb McKinstry (Dunedin, 2020-05-22)


I have no faith in the major or some of his counillors

Lorene Rosie (Dunedin, 2020-05-22)


I don’t agree with the councils underhand ideas.

Clive Hewitson (Dunedin, 2020-05-22)


He and Cr Benson-Pope are not listening to their citizens.

Neal Wallace (Dunedin, 2020-05-22)


Sick of the current dcc wasting our ratepayer money on stupid stuff.

David Lott (Dunedin, 2020-05-22)


I feel the lastest changes to our city has been a complete waste of tax payers money and feel that we as a community have had no input what so ever.

Nathan Sheridan (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I have no confidence in the mayor or some members of the council about the stupid speed limits it is a danger to kids as it encourages them to play on the circles on the road .maybe the council needs drug tested as happens in other workplaces

Peter Rietveldm (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


The Mayor does not consider the people of this city or ratepayers best interest. Spending our money without consultation. Undermining our intelligence. Wasting our money on useless not needed planter boxes, spots, dots, no consideration for the busineses affected. Time to listen to who pays your wages.

Denise Kent (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


they should leave inner city alone. They've done enough damage and slowed the traffic already and want to make it worse. People will just stop going into the city, I avoid it already if I can. Businesses will suffer. It is also a gross waste of money.

Allison Hunter (Ravensbourne, 2020-05-23)


I am extremely concerned by the denigration our city. The Mayor seems to have all the say in what happens. He is out of control.
I cannot walk very far and I am concerned about our senior Citizens getting about.

Russell Duff (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I have no confidence in Dunedin Councillors or Mayor. I totally agree with what is written in the petition .

Carolyn Shalders (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


This council is a joke wasting money following their own agenda before even consulting the public or appropriate authorities.

Alan Todd (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


This council is out of control! We need leadership, fiscal responsibility and a complete review of priorities and costs.

Mark Scorgie (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


The Dunedin Mayor is incompetent and I believe that he should not be in control of what is happening in our city!

James Farrell (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I have no confidence in this council, started right from the start no one I know voted for our Mayor so I'd love to see the actual numbers. It was a scam from the get go.

Marty Carroll (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


A lot off rate payers money getting wasted our rates going up sooo much is this stuff they doing really needed cleaning drains etc would be better before we have floods

Grace Mathieson (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


His decisions are worse than a 2 year old.

Gabbie dickinson (dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I done trust the City council of Dunedin , they are acting like children

Keith Dickson (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


Because I think the dots are a massive waste of ratepayers money and already there has been a picture of a child playing on the dots - a crash waiting to happen. Also future idealistic plans need to be scraped and save ratepayer money.

Dianne Casey (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I have no confidence in Aaron's ability to lead a ratepayer focused council

Brent Fletcher (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I believe our current mayor Arron Hawkins is failing the people of Dunedin, not listening to our voice wasting money and pushing ahead ideas no one wants ...he needs to go ASAP

Paul Eckhoff (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


The citizens of Dunedin should be consulted before these idiots just go ahead and do whatever they like to try to justify their existence. Wasting ratepayers money without getting the ok from the residents is NOT ok. It's time for a cull of a lot of pointless councillors within the DCC

Gareth Milne (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I have asked the council about several safety features around my local area only to have emails back saying I should pay for them my self I have small children and grew up in this city and the lack of facilities real progress forward is shocking yet we waste money on painted dots, seven speed humps on one stretch of road and painted roundabouts

Brendan Taylor (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I oppose this unlawful and undemocratic policy.

Vicki Moseley (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


The decisions he has made so far are purile

Dii Moffatt (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


Money is being wasted , no accountability or understanding of its value.

Jeff McDonald (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


There are some ridiculous decisions being made that are costing the rate payers a huge amount of money. The city and the rate payers of this city cant afford such waste in these difficult times.

Trish Dryden (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


Our mayor is an idiot

Donna Purvis (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I am signing this because I believe what this council is doing is undemocratic and not healthy for our City and the ratepayers that pay their wages

David Thomson (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


Council wasting money. And ignoring issues like the erosion of the beach between St Clair and St Kinda. That's just one of many

Pamela Clark (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


He is incompetent



They continually ignore what the people are saying. They should represent what the people want, not forward their own agendas. Also spending $40k on this debacle - seriously???!!! We have been let down, time and time again. We need to know that we are not happy with their performance.

Andrew Hou (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I am signing as feel he has his own agenda and not at all in the interest of business in Dunedin.

Jennenne Mackie (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


It is clear the Mayor of Dunedin along with councillors, are ill equipped to be financially responsible with rate payers funds. In a time where finicail restrate and prudence need to be showen. Support to local small business needs to be a priority. This city Council and its Mayor have wilfully disregarded common sense and advice from angencys. I ask that senior goverment administration act, in the intrest of the local economic recovery of the City of Dunedin.

Simon Davis (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


Because of the reasons above this Dunedin Mayor is obviously incompetent of doing his job in a mature way for instance 10 km an hour speed limit through town is pathetic. The list goes on and on and on

Antony Bain (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


Hawkins is hell bent o n removing cars from inner Dunedin, he wants cycles and buses in Dunedin, he doesn't care about the older generation, he is built on stuff up after stuff up making Dunedin look like a bomb has hit it, all this is driven by this org. who template such changes https://iclei.org/en/our_network.html

D Hickson (Australia, 2020-05-23)


DCC is frivolously wasting ratepayer’s money on non-essential projects, and outside of its core responsibilities.

Lionel Bailey (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I have no faith in this mayor or councillors that approved the speed limit change. It has made Dunedin the laughing stock of the rest of NZ. It seems that it was premeditated and when Covid 19 arrived it was a good excuse to strengthen their argument. Who can trust people like this to look after the city.

Jim Thompson (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


Businesses are already in trouble. Mucking up the traffic in the CBD will add to this. Leave it alone!

Nicola Wild (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


Well I really think I've misjudged the mood of Dunedin. I thought I could just swoop in and get away with forcing my personal agenda on the rate payers. Clearly they have seen through my thin veneer of credibility and can see me for the shallow, smug shill that I am. Maybe if I had ever had a real job, I'd have half a clue what the hell I was doing. I guess I can just keep my head down and hopefully bluff enough of the gullible mugs to get through the next election...

Mayor Aaron Hawkins of Dunedin (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I agree with the writer

Joe Toschi (Dunedin, 2020-05-23)


I have no confidence the mayor and councillors are giving the ratepayers any say in changes they are making to speed limits etc. they do not consider the elderly, low or no mobility citizens who make up 55% of the ratepayers. Can’t got to beach as cannot drive onto the beach, can’t get to George st cause buses don’t go there as I can’t walk very far. They have no right to discriminate against disabled people and that is what is happening with their changes.

Susan Young (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


Because our mayor is a stupid retard, spending 10s of thousands of dollars on needless shit in the city. By far the worst we have ever hac

Ben Tahuri (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


Pokadots and a lack of consultation

Wayne Johnston (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I a man totally sick of the poor planning and the waste of PUBLIC money that this inept Council is doing, there needs to be more transparency to public speading these people, I do not trust the incumbent councillors, mayor and CEO to make decisions that affect the rate payers of The greater Dunedin city!

Neville Williamson (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


The council, are in the process of totally ballsing up the main street.

The barn dance crossings are a disaster - congestion has never been so bad.

The 10 k speed limit is a joke. No one observes it. Some moron (or morons) think this is progress. They are wrong. It is a debacle - the council needs to focus on the essentials, and not some ideological pipe dream a few hold dear.

Don't insult our intelligence by saying it is to do with social distancing and the covid crisis. It is not. That is just a lame excuse to justify a personal agenda. At least have the nuts to say so.

To encourage pedestrians onto a road way is madness. Cars and pedestrians are a bad mix. Pedestrians will get hurt.

Cars on the road. Pedestrians on the footpath.

Listen to the people, not just the ones you want to hear.

chris george (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I agree

Stephen Jack (Balclutha, 2020-05-24)


Their total disregard for ratepayers and a lack of understanding of ratepayers' opinions. Wasteful spending and financial incompetence.

Mark Gribben (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I have no faith left in the mayor of Dunedin or his "team". Doing everything behind closed doors will end badly.

Laura Paul (Central otago, 2020-05-24)


Because they are ruining our city with their stupid ideas and wasting money

Julie Braid (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I'm very dissatisfied with the way this council is spending our money ( the rate payers ) on stupid things like George & Princess streets when they should be improving infrastructure water surage footpaths roading etc etc.

John King (Dunedin ( Mosgiel ), 2020-05-24)


It will be the Death of Small Businesses in the Main Street of our City.

Compliance of the rules and formalities must be adheard too!

Olwyn Grey (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


As i dont agree with how this was done a council needs to listen to the people not just go and do silly things like this

Suzanne Sime (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


Out of touch with reality and using a health issue to condone their actions

Brent Chappell (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I have no confidence in the Mayor or anyone else on the council ti male the right decisions for the rate payers of Dunedin

Fiona Martin (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I’m over watching money spent on things that clearly do not work without consultation with the Tate payers and business owners. It’s become an embarrassment and a joke !

Jo Taylor (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I think this Mayor is totally out of his depth

John Findlay (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I have no confidence in the decisions being made by our elected council. They are not working for the rate payers but for their own agendas. They are spending rate payers money with no regard to our ability to pay our rates. During this time of pandemic & an unknown future restraint is required.

Stephen Anderson (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I feel that the decisions made without public by using the covid 19 as a way out. The George street did not need to be done straight away.

Peter Dickinson (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I dont agree with the decisions that have been made.

Autumn Stanaway (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


Becoz the mayor is usless with no brain and makes poor and unjust decisions

Kelly Bennett (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I think it’s ridiculous. There’s been no thought put into it. It’s a waste of rate payers money.

C Boyes (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I'd like Council that listens to the ratepayers....a Council that discusses changes and ideas with ratepayers BEFORE making decisions that affect businesses and the infrastructure of our very fine City. After all Councillors are employed and expected to listen to the Ratepayers of Dunedin surely.

Michelle Collie (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


This was definitely not undertaken in a democratic way, no consultation with the public of Dunedin or concerns for the businesses of our inner city

Dean McIntosh (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I'm signing because in addition to failing to adequately consult with local communities affected by the speed reduction proposal in the commercial section of George St as required by Section 2.5(2)(c) of Land Transport Rule No 54001/2017, Dunedin City Council also failed to comply with the requirements of Section 2.7(6) of those rules in that they failed to give the prescribed period of notice to the Agency and the Commissioner that a new speed limit had been set. The Rules were used to hastily manipulate a speed restriction outcome, to satisfy the ulterior motives of a small group of Councillors under the guise of Covid-19 safety provisions.

Warren Smith (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


As a rate payer we have not been consulted properly on decisions the mayor is approving.

Dean Van buuren (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


The mans an idiot, and wasting our money on shit

Sue Taylor (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I'm signing to show support for a vote of no confidence in our current Mayor

Sandy Freeman (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


i am sick of them rushing through with no public consultation, not listening to rate payers or businesses that are affected. sick of the pushing through buy laws restricting vehicle access to beaches last year, now can not get my senior family members onto the beach to enjoy there later years as they cannot walk on soft sand.

jason young (dunedin, 2020-05-24)


I am apalled at the shoddy decisions made by council in regard to dunedin parking and roading restrictions within the CBD that are having a negative impact on the already stalling business community.

nicola mctainsh (dunedin, 2020-05-24)


Lack of consultation with the shop keepers and businesses affected

John Templeton (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


As above

Douglas Aitcheson (Dunedin, 2020-05-24)


The ideas are not making any sense.

Stuart Gunn (Dunedin, 2020-05-25)


Absolute poor effort and no consideration for anybody else other then his own agenda

Tony Kramers (Dunedin, 2020-05-25)


There was no consultation process re road speed limit and the painting of stupid spots in the road.

Jan Checketts (Dunedin, 2020-05-25)


The mayor of Dunedin is out of control

James Morris (Dunedin, 2020-05-25)


Local and Federal Government's have gone Stupid
And are not working for the People of NZ

Gary Nimmo (Moeraki, 2020-05-25)