Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
Podpisujem ,nakolko tato hra ktora sa tu rozsirila po celej planete nema obdoby.ŽI A NECHAJ ŽIT.
DOSŤ bolo manipulacie a vytvaranie strachu.Ďakujem Prosím o urýchlené zacatie konania,nakolko dosledky pokracovania budu katastrofalne.Ďakujem
Jana Mikolášová (Miloslavov-Alžbetin dvor, 2021-09-30)
It is againts humanity. You are playing with our lives. Just stop this genocide asap because it can be to late.Nadia Maronova (Trnava, 2021-09-30)
Podporujem peticiu, toto šialenstvo musí byť zastavené a pravda musí zvíťaziť.Jana Nigrínyová (Banská Bystrica, 2021-09-30)
Chcem aby boli tý čo robili zločiny proti ľudskosti boli odsúdený čím skôrPeter Forro (Hlohovec, 2021-09-30)
GolianováDana Golianová (Za nožiarňou 7, Slovenská Lupča, 2021-09-30)
Touto petíciou žiadam o rýchle vybavenie súduĽudmila Hunková (Nitra, 2021-09-30)
Crimes against humanity are being commited.Eugen Nagy (London, 2021-09-30)
I can not support non democratical actions in Slovak republic anymoreMirka Adamicova (Salhus, 2021-09-30)
Human rights must be sacred.renata fruhaufova (malacky, 2021-09-30)
I'm signing because the groundless polarisation of the society in Slovakia is unbearable. The government and the majority of their measures cannot be considered to be taken on behalf of the Slovak citizens. On the contrary, they cause harm the extent of which we cannot possibly forecast.Dagmar Sallárová (Košice, 2021-09-30)
Protože se cítím ohrožená covid fašismemIva Krejsová (Liberec - Liberec XXV-Vesec, 2021-09-30)
Podpisujem, pretoze sa nutia nase deti cely vyucovaci proces, aby mali zakryte horne dychacie cesty,! Zle sa im dycha, stracaju pozornost, maju kozne problemy, na ktore sa vobec neprihliada a oslabenu imunitu. Ziadna prevencia sa tu nepropaguje,ziadne vitaminy. Je tu diktatura, obmedzenia pohybu kvoli testovaniu a ockovaniu. Nepustia nas do restauracii najest sa bez testu a v obchode pri pokladni v Lidli na Pekne ceste v Bratislave ma predavacka vyhodila s celym nakupom, ked som nemala nasadene rusko.Alena Stanková (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)
I wanna freedom, stoping the diversification of people and LIVE.Adam Kose (Prague, 2021-09-30)
I believe its rightClaire Herron (Kilcock, 2021-09-30)
The effects of this Covid scam have been extremely damaging to my family and community.I fear for mine and my family's future, but not because of this illness.
Because of the tyrannical way that most governments of this world are leading the response to this illness.
I want my God-given freedom back and those at the root of this crime against humanity held to account.
Stephen Holiday (Lowestoft, 2021-09-30)
I am signing this petition because I perceive division and discrimination and pressure in society.Human rights are being trampled and people are being forced and blackmailed.
Mgr. Erik Halgos - Slowakia
Mgr. Halgos (1110 Wien, 2021-09-30)
Podepisují pro že je tu zabíjení lidi látkami které vydávají za vakcíny a jsou omezování lidé kteří se tomuto nechcou podvolit a vyhazování z práce.A tito lidé co za to můžou a stále to prosazují musí být potrestani.Bohumil Krist (Zlín, 2021-09-30)
vea victispeter baráth (Cabaj-Čápor - Čápor, 2021-09-30)
I find the current situation discussing and completely wrongPaul Sherring (Basildon, 2021-09-30)
I want to live in a free word ,,,,Ľubomír Ondrčka (Senica, 2021-09-30)
History has been and is being repeated in the last few months - it must stop now, governments are killing and maiming people and have tried to remove our most basic human rights for over 19 months now - it must stop, if anyone who ever wore a poppy or stood at Remembrance Day is not getting behind this petition they are a total hypocrite.Helen Wood (Brighton, 2021-09-30)
A want freedomIngrid Demcakova (Presov, 2021-09-30)
I am appalled by the crimes against humanity and wanted to be counted in the actions to stop them allPauline Brady (Solihull, 2021-09-30)
JanákováViera Janáková (Trencin, 2021-09-30)