Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
This crime against humanity must stopLukas Palo (Perth, 2021-10-01)
I would like to live in a free and democratic countryvladimir cicha (vancouver, 2021-10-01)
s touto peticí proti bezpráví a proti lidskosti, i očkování, zejmna dětí, plně souhlasím !!Anna Horáková (Zlín, 2021-10-01)
Governments are lying to people about so many things relating to the 'pandemic', the "vaccines" and the mandates. They all should be put on trial.Ruth Cash (Melbourne, 2021-10-01)
What has been happening over the past year and a half and how the inherent rights of all people and especially children have been trampled upon is unconscionable. The overreach of governments everywhere has negatively affected our children physically and mentally, and it has to stop now.Lucia Kocak (SLC, 2021-10-01)
This is a SOS from France. Please, save our humanity, keep innocent people safe from harm! We need to know the truth and we rely on YOU.Isabelle FROMENT (Pontoise, 2021-10-01)
NovákováMilena Nováková (3958, 2021-10-01)
Faut aller au bout des enquêtes et dénoncer la corruption et ses ramificationsFrancois Gaudin (Montréal, 2021-10-01)
Cítím se ohrožena a diskriminována. Bojím se o děti i o svobodu.Lenka Vlková (Rudoltice, 2021-10-01)
I’m sick and tired of governments taking away our basic freedoms using as an excuse a virus with a 99% survival rateRichard Fuller (Chiangmai, 2021-10-01)
This affects everyone's lifes in a wong and illegal wayMartin Harron (Tyrone, 2021-10-01)
I am signing because I believe the investigation is urgent.Daniela Gwyther (Hong Kong, 2021-10-01)
My Body my choiceStephen Behnam (London, 2021-10-01)
I am signing this petition to hold ALL corrupt world leaders, ALL journalists who have spread fear for profit, ALL medical staff going against their Hippocratic Oath and any other person making any financial gain from this situation, accountable for every single loss of life induced by the vaccination programme and lockdowns. There is irrefutable data proving that this virus is not any worse than any other known flu. There are and have been alternative treatments readily available such as Ivermectin, Quercetin and Zinc, meaning the legality of the vaccine from the start should have been under question. All measures made to prevent transmission were also brought in under false claims. The vaccines have caused more damage than any other known medical treatments in history with regards to death and adverse reactions. Long term effects are still very much unclear however infertility is now being shown to be one of them. The social divide brought in through the politicians and media have created a two tier system similar to that of Germany 1933-1945. This is seen by the constant demonisation of individuals speaking against the narrative, gaslit by the media, alongside the introduction of passports for social events and travel. The psychological trauma’s from the ‘pandemic’ have increased anxiety and depression of all ages which in some situations has driven people to suicide. The lockdown measures have also prevented individuals receiving early treatments for health issues who again in some situations have passed away completely due to neglect. The constant coercion and deceit has gone on for to long and I will not be silent about this anymore. This is why I am signing.Chris Lambert (Salisbury, 2021-10-01)
If we are not freeThen what are we
Just mere chattels
To tyranny
So break those chains
And claim your right
That is God given
David Beardsley (Nottingham, 2021-10-01)
I will die a free man and lose my life if i have to defending everyone’s freedom from tyrants governments!Steve Salter (Magra, 2021-10-02)
Suhlasím s touto petíciou a podporujem ju.Anton Tanistrák (Zákopčie, 2021-10-02)
We have to stop the insanity that is taking over the world.Graham Sinclair (Parkwood, 2021-10-02)
Toto klamstvo už nemôžme ďalej tolerovať, musíme to zastaviť !Zdenka Šuhajdová (Dolné Vestenice, 2021-10-02)
[Tibor Digaňa] Thx to Judr. Peter Weis and his colleagues, I can sing this paper! I am signing because the national law does not work any more. We have to get back to a normal style of our lives ASAP. We have criminals in our parliament and I am convinced that these politics are part of a big criminal gang and all of this looks like the third world war against humanity. And not only the humanity of course, the heads of the criminal gang want to create a world with total control of our lives and they want to posses our material wealth. As an example, the COVID is utilized as a tool to destroy low and middle industry, buy it for free, sell it and get money which finally would end up in the hands of the banks. The COVID is utilized to destroy national treasury and been dependent on EU's mortgage loans, everlasting dependency on global system, and that's the economic and monolithic war.Tibor Digaňa (Žilina, 2021-10-02)
We have been setup by Globalists to bring in their NWO, with the UN Agenda to destroy humanity !Jean Paul L'Italien (Edmundston, 2021-10-02)
I’m signing because I was born in totalitarian, communist system, but I don’t want to die in it.Jana Kolarik (Melbourne, 2021-10-02)
Accountability needs to happen!Michael Lapierre (Gray, 2021-10-02)
Given lessons we should have learned from history I find it extraordinary and horrifying that individuals apparently believe they have some kind of God-given right to act with contempt for the basic, God-given rights of a fellow human. It is utterly abhorrent. Such individuals must be brought to justice and it must be ensured that crimes of this nature are never again repeated against humanity.Martin Hollington (Manchester, 2021-10-02)
Vsetky zlociny proti ludskosti v suvislosti s coronou je potrebne vysetrit a samozrejme potrestat. Je potrebne taktiez okamzite zastavit ockovanie touto nevakcinou. Nejde o vakcinu, ale o biologicku zbran.Maria Pridavkova (Trappe, 2021-10-02)
The entire world has been under attack by persons and corporations through the biological manufacturing of a weapon purposefully designed to cause harm and/or death. Further, those responsible have purposefully lied about the origin, nature, and facts surrounding COVID-19. They have purposefully provided false information to not only conceal their true actions and intentions, but have also conspired and placed into action an entire campaign of lies in an attempt to stop and silence those persons and entities who have sought to find the real truth and present factual data showing positive treatment options.Furthermore, the guilty have conspired to cause a global pandemic and to bring cause for mandated injections of substances into the global population. These injections have scientifically been proven to be harmful to the human body, and have directly caused many thousands of deaths, and to a greater magnitude, injuries to those who have received them.
Additionally, they have conspired to force upon the human civilization, a mandate that requires all persons to receive these injections, or face confinement, loss of freedom, loss of employment, and separation from their families, regardless of their basic human rights to choose whether or not to take these injections.
There are many confirmed and published scientific studies that show a 100% effective prophylactic anti-parasitic medical solution, that has also been proven to be highly effective at curing persons who have been infected by this man-made biological weapon. The guilty parties have taken massive efforts to keep these safe and effective treatment options out of the scope of treatment, and in doing so, have knowingly caused even further death and injury to our global population.
The parties who have participated in this massive attack on the world are guilty of crimes against humanity, genocide, and the manufacture and release of a biological weapon, at a minimum.
I implore the ICC to immediately and fully, act on behalf of the global population, to wit;
Immediately suspend all vaccination mandates related to COVID-19 and all variants thereof,
Immediately require the full release of any persons who are being held in confinement due to their refusal to willfully receive the injections that the conspirators have publicly identified as a “vaccine”,
Seize the entire sum of the manufactured “vaccine” from every entity that manufactures, ships, stores, and distributes such product, and follow best practices to perform independent testing that identifies the full ingredients therein,
Publish, globally, the entirety of the ingredients contained therein,
Immediately provide for the treatment and relief of those persons who are currently suffering from the release of these biological weapons by removing any and all barriers to identified safe and effective therapeutics and prophylactics,
Thoroughly investigate and prosecute every person found to have participated in this global attack,
Seize in their entirety, the funds of every person, family, entity, corporation, and governmental institution who knowingly participated, or financially benefitted, from this coordinated attack,
Provide medical, legal, and financial relief to all the victims and their families from the seized assets of the guilty,
And upon conviction, execute publicly those who have perpetrated these heinous atrocities.
Brian Gary (Atlanta, 2021-10-02)
To stop the death and destruction of humanity.Marilyn Johnston Fox (Charlottetown PE, 2021-10-02)
There seems to be an abundance of evidence that every aspect of the COVID “pandemic” was pre planned, pre-meditated and systematically co-ordinated with the intent to do harm to the entire human population, both now and into the future. This is a crime of such indescribable evil that it’s full horror must be revealed to the world for what is, genocide on a scale never seen before.Elizabeth Brammer (Perth, 2021-10-02)
The Nuremberg Code was put in place to stop events like what is going on in the world right now from ever happening again. So why is it happening again?Nicole Fleming (Cleethorpes, 2021-10-02)
Tha Truthmust b done and the guilty exposedPauline Rea (Perth, 2021-10-02)
Against the COVID-19 vaccine massacreGiselle Chang (Woy Woy, 2021-10-02)
I am outraged at the harm done by those who subscribe to the event201 version of best practise.Mark Mcdougall (Glendale, 2021-10-02)
Those responsible must be held accountable.Jared Hutto (Converse, 2021-10-02)
People in positions of high power need to be accountable for their actions and these despicable acts against humanity must be stopped before we lose our freedom and choices. We cannot be forced medical experiments against our will!Janet Nagel (Stellenbosch, 2021-10-02)
Je to zločin na našich deťochĽubica Strýková (Košice, 2021-10-02)
Nesúhlasím s touto vládou plagiatorov a zverstvami, ktoré páchajú na občanoch.Miroslav Feranec (Myjava, 2021-10-02)
I'm signing to call for truth and justice coming back. To save people as soon as possible.Sara Shen (Sigapore, 2021-10-02)
The government is corrupt. They are mandating the Covid19 Vaccine and it goes against the Constitution of Australia and threatening people to get an unsafe, untested, experimental vax. The lockdowns are illegal and the virus has never been isolated. Victoria is one of the most locked cities in the world and we have had enough. Our livelihoods and mental health have suffered because of this.Joell Corbett (Melbourne, 2021-10-02)
The crimes against humanity that are occurring right now in front of our eyes are absolutely horrific. It’s time to bring these criminals to justice and put them in prison where they belong.Elissa Miller (Columbus, 2021-10-02)
These psychopathic criminals need to be removed!!!!!!!!!Jess S (calgary, 2021-10-02)
Letter in petition to world courtI am deeply concerned with the wrongs being committed against children and all others who do not want to be part of this genetic and social experiment. There is and has been a distinct lack of truth and proper scientific rigour with the way this "covid pandemic" has been handled by the mainstream media - who have been constantly indoctrinating the public through fear mongering and manipulation of the data and censorship, by the world health organisation and other unelected health mandating bodies who have outlawed effective alternative treatments for the various covid infections, and by the various politicians who have moved together with a malevolent agenda detailed by the world economic forum ("the great reset" ) that has not been challenged by the world's legal bodies or police forces. Please show us, the citizens of the world , that you have not been bought by this evil, and that you defend and uphold the fundamental rights and freedoms of all.
Bowen Boshier (Cape Town, 2021-10-02)
I don't think, dhat anyone can break the codex... We are humans... We hawe rights..Eva Hanouskova (Bratislava, 2021-10-02)
To END ALL CRIMES AGAINST ALL HUMANS !!!Lisa OConnell (Wagga Wagga, 2021-10-02)
This gene therapy is mass murder.Laura Sawatzky (Okotoks, 2021-10-02)
Covid is a lie & so are the poison jabsSteven Bokan (Helensburgh, 2021-10-02)
I do not consent to mandatesKerry Olive (Kings beach, 2021-10-02)
I will not comply and be forced to take an experimental gene therapy in order to live my life. My body, my choiceAngela Power (Bradford, 2021-10-02)
I think it is high time these people are held to account.Just how many unnecessary deaths have there been ?
Gordon Harris (Lloydmnster, 2021-10-02)
You are not alone. Connect with all the great people around you and support each other during those hard times. As much as it's devastating to watch the tremendous hardship and suffering brought upon humanity remember the darkness is weak and falling apart every day. Our collective conciseness is higher than ever and the light is soon to come. I'm sending my love to every single pure soul on this planet to keep you strong and remind you that you're not alone. The ICC all the eyes on you, The individuals in charge don't forget you are part of this and no excuse can make your soul clean. So far about 14K cases submitted from around the world and yet about 4 cases accepted to delay a much needed support to address the global genocide.Tal Lannder (Newmarket, 2021-10-02)
What is happening now in the world are crimes against humanityJennie Loo (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-10-02)
Vaccination is not compulsory, there is effective medication besides vaccines.Theodor Marcu (Ryde, 2021-10-02)
This is a GENOCIDEMarjorie Paulson (Armstrong, 2021-10-02)