The People V HM Government for False Advertising surrounding Covid19



The Government have been deliberately destroying the country it is their job and their duty to protect, since March 2020.

Richard Gillard (Bedford, 2021-10-12)


I believe that the government's advertising has psychologically smashed the public to pieces. This was done deliberately. The Behavioural Insights Team in the Cabinet Office at number 10 have admitted this.

Simon Steinberg (Bury, 2021-10-13)


Hang em

Steve Jones (Birmingham, 2021-10-14)


I believe the UK govt should be brought to account

margaret Roughley (Hesketh Bank, Preston, 2021-10-19)


Our governments have grossly overstepped and abused their power of authority.

Anna-Constance Lewington-Shultz (London, 2021-10-20)


I am sick of the lying toadys with their imaginary science. - when in fact it is more likely seance they mean🐸

Tommy Shannon (Newtownards, 2021-10-22)


They need to be held accountable for their crimes

richard Pirie (Aberdeen, 2021-10-22)


I am signing because of the blatant use of public funds to raise fear, increase cases through ineffective testing protocols, use of public funds in supporting death of vulnerable people in care homes and insufficient support of early therapeutics known to combat covid virus/illness.
A complete inappropriate waste of public funding.

Ian Chiverton (Rayleigh, 2021-10-24)


Signing just to add to the numbers of people sickened by this Gov.

Pauline Brown (London, 2021-10-24)


The Government created a hoax...I thought hoax calls was an offence!, never mind locking a Nation up! the Police...geniune call...false imprisonment.

Stephen Arthur (North Shields, 2021-10-24)


This is no more than brain washing & scare mongering tactics to enforce tyranny & force untested biological weaponry on our population. It should be halted

Jayne Eastlake (Cowbridge, 2021-10-25)


The government's and media are all guilty of medical fraud, medical TYRRANNY, DOMESTIC terrorism, THE POISONING OF OUR AIR WATER AND FOOD, TREASON AND GENOCIDE AGAINST HUMANITY

Jill Harding (Chichester, 2021-10-26)


This was done deliberately. The Behavioural Insights Team have admitted this.
Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures
22nd March 2020 Persuasion
The perceived level
of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.

Anne O'Brien (Wirral, 2021-10-26)


Covid19 is a scam and a manipulation

Craig Moriarty (Birmingham, 2021-10-27)


The Government need holding to account for crimes against humanity

Neil Bartlett (Hertford, 2021-10-27)


Because I don't agree with what the government are doing and have already done

Lucy Cakebread (Ware, 2021-10-27)


Load of bollocks

Toni Black (HERTFORD, 2021-10-27)


Govt have been devious in their handling of news on Covid which is more akin to propoganda than balanced information

Tim Gibbs (Bristol, 2021-10-29)


Truth must out

Mike Taylor (Blackpool, 2021-10-31)


Covid19 has harmed The WORLD population with NO proof it's exist.

Carolyn Packer (Granville, 2021-11-01)


People need to be held accountable.

Ernest Anderson (Brockton, 2021-11-01)


It is absolutely ludicrous how the government have scaremongered, reported, advertised, behaved over covid 19 and the rollout of useless vaccines to divide the nation.

Sacha Flory (Neebury, 2021-11-03)


I am signing this as I believe our government have been deceiving us and using coercion to make us have these vaccines they say will protect against Covid when there are certainly other treatments we can use which have been proven. They are eroding our freedoms and breaking up families and friends with all the fearmongering instead of uniting us.

June Young (LONDON, 2021-11-04)


Mainstream media is lying to us.

Diyan Rahnev (Hemel Hempstead, 2021-11-05)


U.K. government lie to us and spend our money

Kristine Jablonovska (London, 2021-11-05)


I’m a nurse and I’ve seen too many vaccine related injuries to count !
This coercion , fear tactics, threats and false information is a disgusting act and the mandate a violation of human rights !

Sue Linder (Worcester, 2021-11-06)


I feel strongly that the British public have been purposely mislead by its own government and it vile 'nudge' unit for behavioural control. This must stop,

Perry Bown (MANSFIELD, 2021-11-08)


The government doesn't serve its people, it is corrupt and is causing harm the people.

Simone Guard (Neath, 2021-11-09)


Governments are there to protect the rights of its citizens and not to waste their money on false information

Ilmarie Rencken Lloyd (Yelverton, 2021-11-09)


I hate being lied to.

Ali Lilley (Hemel Hempstead, 2021-11-12)


The PCR test is a fraud and has been proven.
Also this covid19 is a gain of Function biological Weapon that was designed as a mass genocidal weapon, at present 36,000 people have died within 22 Days of being jabbed in the first 8 months of 2021, these figures are from the freedom of information and the ONS.
The Government are knowingly pushing the death jab onto a largely ignorant population.
They are guilty of genocide and the American Dr David Martin has the paper trail that prove Dr Fauci and Bill Gates and many more have been involved in the development of this deadly biological Weapon for 2 Decades.
They need to be stopped.

Bruce Walker (Aylesbury, 2021-11-16)


There is a lot of coercing people and lies about telling people it is safe and protects against covid infection. Which it obviously doesn't

John Bayford (Croydon, 2021-11-16)


Lying to the public, scaremoungering the general public through false advertising, incorrect data the list is endless

Tara Gill (Cardiff, 2021-11-17)


They should be held accountable for their crimes

Karen Yaxley (Norfolk, 2021-11-18)


The False Advertising has divided our family, as some believe the lie and some believe the truth. A proper debate that would clearly show who is the liar and who is telling the truth has not been made available, and because of media censorship, the truth of adverse effects and other anti-covid-vaccine related information is not readily available to anyone searching on the major search engines. Withholding information that is necessary to make a truly, fully informed consent means that those consents that were supposedly informed are actually misinformed, and therefore even those consents are invalid, because the consentees were not given the FULL information, including all the major arguments for and against. Also, the consent was probably obtained under a degree of coercion (either open or subtle/implied) regarding the continuation of employment, which also invalidates such consent. Therefore such advertising and promotion of covid vaccines and lockdowns and mandates is criminal and should be investigated fully and brought to justice.
Useful website:
also The Vaccine Death Report available from

Melanie MacKay (Emerald, 2021-11-22)


Fear mongering. I will not teach my kids fear

Claire Mcdonough (Ormskirk, 2021-11-24)



Nicola Edghill (Christchurch, 2021-11-29)


The Government agenda to deliver the so called "Great Reset" needs to be stopped.

Philip Crombleholme (Manchester, 2021-12-01)


The truth must prevail
We are being lied to on a gigantic scale

Fred Landau (London, 2021-12-02)


I do not Believe the UK government, has the best interests of it's people in mind. As in they aim to enforce the Mandatory Vaccine of it's citizen's against Covid19. These So called vaccinations are unproven and ineffective. They have also been proved to take lives rather than save them.

Michael Trowill (CAMBORNE, 2021-12-13)


Kids need free future

Adam Saint (Essex, 2021-12-14)


The blatant disregard for fundamental laws, especially those hard fought in places like Nuremberg, the medical ethics breached underpinned by the Nuremberg Code and the utter repugnance that such coercion and downright lies can be conducted in such a collaborative manner in supposed democratic countries. A person's right to decide on their own body's health path is sacrocanct, and to deny any human being the right to even know they're part of a worldwide trial, is nothing short of criminal.
Informed consent has been bypassed and unbelievably, the medical professionals, as well as the tax paid politicians, seem to have forgotten their roles and what it means 'to do no harm'.
I applaud the bravery of this petition for bringing these criminals to account, and hope that the full force of the International Criminal Court comes down on them. This, along with preserving our present, as well as our futures, especially for the younger generations, whose health and well-being needs protecting, is why I'm signing.

Lesley Taylor (Leicester, 2021-12-16)


I agree 100% with this petition

Solveig Warren (Wareham, 2021-12-17)


The Government has repeatedly lied and continues to lie and refuses to take hard decisions to stop the wildfire spreading of this covid-19. It has systematically endangered the population, and continues to endanger them with poor decisions and ineffective measures. All the while, it has without any scrutiny or oversight, handed billions of pounds to people and companies they favour without any competitive tendering to ensure best use of public funds. They are corrupt beyond belief. Criminal collusion and obfuscation systematically over the last few years.

Ian Akers (Colchester, 2021-12-17)


It is deplorable that the government have used the media to push their agenda. IF they used the original system of Public Health messages I genuinely believe the result would have been better, the budget would not have been abused and the underlying bent of corruption would not have divided our country so appallingly.

Lisa Bunn (Devon, 2021-12-22)


this is propaganda and lies that the government are spreading.

Eddie Eastwood (Cookstown, 2021-12-22)


I want the government and media to be held responsible for their lyes and propaganda

Linda Haddon (Powys, 2021-12-25)


I wholeheartedly agree that the public have been misled.

Steve Williams (Hawick, 2021-12-28)


I have been following the concerns of Peter McCullogh MD, Robert Malone MD, Mike Yeadon MD and many others for a year now. I know the truth. I know that this current virus is no more dangerous than other viruses. There was no increase in worldwide deaths for 2020 or 2021, as referenced on official government websites. The PCR tests have always given false positives and should never have been used as a diagnostic tool as stated by its inventor Kary Mullis way before his death, as it does not differentiate between types of virus. Anyone can put orange juice or any food on these tests and get a positive result for COVID 19.
Vaccines are not warranted on any level or at all safe. People I know and love have suffered and I hear about many others every day. Children and active, healthy people are getting myocarditis, nerve damage, blood clots and many are dying. And you are failing to report any of this on mainstream outlets. This whole obsessive push for everyone to have a novel mRNA injection for a virus with a less than 1% mortality rate, the same as any other flu. Please stop with this experiment on humanity. Please stop with the incessant fear mongering which is the most extreme brainwashing imaginable.
The CEOs at Pfizer (Albert Boula and Ughar Sahin) as of Dec 2021 and members of the CDC and co haven’t taken the mRNA injection. There were talks of these mandatory injections back in October 2019, there is video proof of Fauci and others talking about it. Very suspicious business transactions were also made with China by the pharmaceutical companies making these experimental injections before the ‘pandemic’. We have many accounts from the actors paid to make the fake footage of keeling over in the street to cause the mass panic caused. The same footage from one hospital in Italy was used worldwide with the heading ‘our hospitals cannot cope’ as early as February 2020. Too many know the truth. Stop now before you ruin anymore lives. The biggest transfer of wealth in human history from all this has not gone unnoticed.
It’s malfeasance on a worldwide scale and you will be held accountable one day. You must stop now.

Aimee George (Birmingham, 2021-12-29)


It is clear to me that the UK Government have weaponsied fear as a tactic to control peoples behaviour to deliver the outcomes that they wanted. They used advertising across all media platforms to perpetrate this.

Graham Davies (Barry, 2021-12-29)


The government are all taking back handers from the pharmaceutical companies.

Sam Banner (South shields, 2021-12-29)


Because I’m sick to death of these adverts 24/7 & as said are not true

Nick Dove (Bristol, 2022-01-02)


I’m not believing what is being said in the media

John Lawson (Essex, 2022-01-05)


I'm deeply disturbed at the lies and incorrect information contained In these adverts, and the targeting of young children and teenagers under no circumstances should they be put at risk by taking these experimental innoculations

Chris Clements (Kings lynn, 2022-01-11)


I am signing because the Government corruption needs to be exposed as do all the institutions and businesses supporting it. Many people have suffered as a result of this fraudulent campaign. It is utterly disgusting. I just happen to be one of the fortunate ones who could see through the deception and I want my less fortunate friends and family members to be able to see what has been going on in the world. Enough is enough!

Anna Iversen (London, 2022-02-21)


I'm sick of our governments around the UK trying to use brainwashing tactics to I still fear into my family fellow citizens, this has to stop, the media and governmet are to blame for it all, especially all the mental health issues be have developed.

Caron Reardon (Wales, 2022-02-23)


I am signing this because I am vaccine damaged and I passionately believe that this evil must be stopped

Christina Thompson (Epsom, 2022-03-03)


Sick of the lies tge government spout

Liam Richardson (Hartlepool, 2022-03-08)

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