Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
Truth & justice for humanityChew KahYoke (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-10-02)
They are using an experimental vaccine on us humans that the long term side effects are not known.Marita Lunn (Brisbane, 2021-10-02)
Crimes against humanity are being committed against the Australian population.Guidi Dicker (Hervey Bay, 2021-10-02)
I’m signing this petition, to bring these criminals against humanity, to justiceStephen Mulry (Glen Alpine, 2021-10-02)
It is absolutely truth that vaccination is wrong. My friend died after vaccineMarcel Ilcik (Piestany, 2021-10-02)
Australia has lost its way! People have the right to choice and not to live their lives under tyranny and oppression! I love my country and will fight for our freedom! ❤️Yvette Owers (Tumut, 2021-10-02)
I want justice, this is mass murder and this trial of medicine should be on hold due to the number of deaths it's caused by the injection.It is not a vaccine, it's recorded as gene therapy. I don't want to alter my dna I don't consent, finally these lock downs are part of a global agenda this is not about health. It is all a Satanic black mass ritual (masks, six feet apart, washing of hands, humiliation).
Daryl Sims (Devon, 2021-10-02)
The covid vaccines are killing thousands of people and over 2 million people are left with severe adverse reactions. No long term safety data is available so people cant really give informed consent. Too many unknowns here. The inventor of mrna technology, Dr. Mallone came out together with other renowned medical professionals advising against taking this experimental gene therapy treatment. They are all silenced which put a large question mark as to why their legitimate concerns are not addressed. Peoples freedoms are under attack and governments just steamroller forward demanding unsuspecting citizens to take this dangerous jab. The vaccines are not rigurously tested like other vaccines. People dont trust this vaccines and are pressured with for eg vaccine passports to force us to take the jab. This is crimes against humanity and must be halted asap. Early effective treatments with save drugs are dismissed by the WHO and CDC. Many unnecesary lives has been lost as big pharma advocate the vaccinations to be the only saviour which is absolute nonsense. Thank youMarius Bruwer (Johannesburg, 2021-10-02)
I am opposed to medical and all forms of tyranny.Judith Osterman (Loch Sheldrake, 2021-10-02)
People are clearly dying and being harmed by Covid “vaccines”, media and governments are suppressing information regarding thisChris Jackson (Walsall, 2021-10-02)
Protože souhlasím!Oldřich Bochníček (Zastávka, 2021-10-02)
My believe is the government is breaking the law on my human rights. I believe this is a plan and that covid is no more dangerous than the influenza virus. So I stand strong with all these lawyers who are fighting for our rights.Joy Coates (Armillac, 2021-10-02)
Nesúhlasím s postupom a metódami predstaviteľov SR v boji proti ochoreniu Covid 19. Pokladám za prenasledovie ľudí systémom testovania, ktoré nie je presné a vykazuje protichodné výsledky, vytvára možnosti na ďalšie šírenie ochorenia.Sledovanie ľudí telekomunikačnými operátormi je nepresné a vedie k zbytočnému otravovaniu ľudí cez sms so zbytočnými pokynmi. Zavedenie lotérie ako motivácie pre očkovanie nielen vnáša pochybnosti o zmysle očkovania, ale priamo dehonestuje samotnú podstatu očkovania.
Norbert Adamec (Liptovský Mikuláš, 2021-10-02)
Smelo do nich 👈🙂Milan RS Baldo Baldovsky (Rim.Sobota, 2021-10-02)
This so called vaccine is genocide. My father and other family member/a are now seriously ill with cancer after taking the phizer 2nd dose!B Browne (Norfolk, 2021-10-02)
I want to see an end to the corruption and evil being imposed on most of the world's population. The perpetrators have to be held to account, not least for the sake of future generations.Paul Gale (DORCHESTER, 2021-10-02)
This madness has to stop!! It´s a threat to humanityJenny Silver (Luleå, 2021-10-02)
Chcem podporiť spravodlivosť a práva všetkých občanov žiť v demokraciiKatarina Hradocka (Košice, 2021-10-02)
I am signing because Australia is in trouble. Our basic human rights are being violated. Our right to choose what goes into our body, whether we can work without a mandated vaccine, being able to see loved ones. I am scared for our country. The police are out of line as are the politicians and there is no one they have to answer to!!Kendy McCauley (Wagga Wagga, 2021-10-02)
vaccination of covid 19 should be(must) free.... No discrimination.. Thanks..Pavlina Szalayová (Šaľa, 2021-10-02)
Som za objektivitu a spravodlivosť.Miroslav Bartoš (Vidiná, 2021-10-02)
Současný stav musí dle mého co nejrychleji skončit.Filip Srp (Veltrusy, 2021-10-02)
I’m signing because what is happening in our country and around the world it is murder and a travesty. There is no excuse now to enforce experimental drugs, lockdown or Covid passports as there are drugs which work and are being denied by the governments. This is tyranny at the highest level.Anna Maria Vallario (Dursley, 2021-10-02)
Governments around the world are ignoring informed consent and mandating that we take the Vaccine.Stephen Brock (NORCROSS, 2021-10-02)
Covid injections are not vaccines and cause death and I'll health.These are crimes against humanity.
Richard Robbins (Coventry, 2021-10-02)
Žiadam spravodlivosťElena Bachratá (Bučany, 2021-10-02)
Everyone has a right to live in a free country. Not to be forced, threatened or cohered in taking a medical procedure (vaccine), isolated from family and loved ones and, branded like the Jews by Hitlers reign by way of vaccine passports.Monica Seixas (Sydney, 2021-10-02)
Semnez pentru că este o mare nevoie sa facem ceva cu acești criminali care vor sa distrugă planetă și locuitorii sai ..Maria Palade (Bucuresti, 2021-10-02)
Všetkých politikov ktorí sa zapojili do zversta na svojom obyvateľstve v každej krajine treba postaviť pred súd a hlavne tých pár miliardárov čo sa chcú hrať na bohov. Nech pravda zvíťazí..... Za nás a naše detiEva Muránska (Lopej, 2021-10-02)
Nobody has the right to coerce me to take any medication. I trust my immune system and accept the consequences if that choice.Roy Smith (Penguin, 2021-10-02)
Zločiny proti lidskosti se prezentují jako všeobecné dobro.Pavel Spáčil (Staré Město, 2021-10-02)
I am suffering under Slovak goverment especialy covid restrictions and medical experiments on population.Juraj Gajdos (Oldza, 2021-10-02)
No vaccine passportsAnnette Willis (Newport, 2021-10-02)
I sign as this is absolutely over freedom and human responsibility for the situation which has no sence.Lenka Gurecka (Ostrava, 2021-10-02)
I am convinced that this is a worldwide fraud.Yvona Grütter (Levice, 2021-10-02)