Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Chci, aby se už ukázala pravda a všichni byli potrestáni..

Marta Andersová (Ústí nad Labem, 2021-10-02)


Súhlasím a podpisujem

Jana Hübnerová (Snina, 2021-10-02)


To Investigate and Prosecute Those Individuals Responsible for

Crimes Against Humanity

Robert Blyth (Central coast, 2021-10-02)


Podpisujem , pretože vakcinácia je neúčinná. A som si istý že nemá príjemný dopad na zdravie v budúcom čase.

Jaroslav Pšenák (Nové Zámky, 2021-10-02)


I’m signing because these governments around the world need to be brought to justice for the tyranny and pain they have inflicted on the world.

Andrew Mutray (Blackburn, 2021-10-02)


When mixing with people who have. Received the jabbed solution I believe that I have received the Spike Protein. I have experienced extremely itchy lumps on my upper back across my shoulder which as lasted for months. After attending a drs surgery for an assessment by nurses I kept having to remind myself where I needed to drive to my next destination. This occurred the next morning. On another occasion I experienced shock like twitches in the muscles of my legs and arms. These went on the next day.

Lynette Sunderland (Dongara, 2021-10-02)


The whole C-19 affair undermines the central tenets of Autonomy and choice. Experimental gene therapy stands outside the remit of the Nuremberg Code. Coercion negates consent. This is not a story of sickness. There are far greater diseases which deserve attention. This story has been hijacked. Learned medics undermined in the face of Big Pharma, technocrats and their hidden Agenda. This is WW111. No Government has the right to take away a citizen’s freedom. This was decreed in the Nuremberg Trial in which for the first time, the terms ‘genocide’ and ‘crimes against humanity’ were incorporated. Thanks to the minds of Lauterpacht and Lemkin to whom we remain eternally thankful. The basis of the ICC even today.

Jo Walsh (Cambridge, 2021-10-02)


I AM signing because I believe that mmy body my choose. I want live

Katarína Vavruškova (Sala, 2021-10-02)


I'm signing this because of the Nuremburgh code.

Neil Murphy (Greasby, 2021-10-02)


My eyes are open. My parents lived through the German occupation in Holland in WWII. I know what is happening here but on a more global scale. We must take a stand now or it will be too late.

JANINE STARINK (Tsawwassen, 2021-10-02)


I’m signing because I think that everyone should decided according to one's own consciousness and conscience.

Kristina Vass (Bratislava, 2021-10-02)


Šadláková Mariana

Mariana Šadláková (Žilina, 2021-10-02)


Plne sa stotožňujem s argumentmi, ktoré táto petícia podporuje.

Mária Silvajová (Štrba, 2021-10-02)



Iveta Cmerova (Bratislava, 2021-10-02)


Its true

Pavol Brveník (Brezno, 2021-10-02)


Geen medice apartheid/ dictatuur. Dit moet stoppen!

Mary kortenhof (Nijmegen, 2021-10-02)


Major Crimes against Humanity ongoing by Fauci, NIAID, Pharma companies, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, WEF, UN, Davos, WHO, Facebook, Google, Twitter, NIH, NHS, SAHPRA, ANC Govt South Africa, UK Govt, US Govt, Australian Govt and most 193 Govt of the world. Killing and maiming en masse of the citizens of the world

Cuanita Chong (Johannesburg, 2021-10-02)


čo robia s ľudmi to je už katastrofa-žiadné ľudské práva len prikazy a zákazy a straženia

Eva Mackovičova (Nová Stráž-Komárno, 2021-10-02)


I'm signing because l believe that the government is corrupt as many have shares in either big pharma or the affiliated businesses. This is either directly or via family members.
Having a conflict of interest makes them unable to be objective

Suzanne Taylor (Blacktown, 2021-10-02)


I agree to this petition, it is valid and righteous

Sláva Horňáková (Trenčianska Teplá, 2021-10-02)


Zločiny proti ludskost

Anna Strelcova (Hrinova, 2021-10-02)


It is not a pandemic and the vaccin must not be forced.

Anne Plugge (Den Haag, 2021-10-02)


IT a right

Jozef Fabry (Bratislava, 2021-10-02)


The lies about covid

David Houghton (Wiltshire, 2021-10-02)


I agree

Petra Vacková (Modlany (okr. Teplice), 2021-10-02)


I believe certain groups have consorted to treasonable acts in most countries in the world. Genocide by injection of a bio weapon. I assume their reasons to lower the population to a manageable level then to enslave and or control through genetic therapy so each vaccinated human will have their DNA altered to a patented DNA code making them property of the manufactory and their coherts

paul knox (Droitwich spa, 2021-10-02)



Ľudmila Motyčková (Spišské Bystré, 2021-10-02)


Our human rights have been violated on an unbelievable level and we are seeing an abuse of power with little or no regard for human life

Sandra Douglas (Stockton on tees, 2021-10-02)


This medical tyranny must be stopped and people must be held accountable for the millions of deaths and severe disabilities from the gene therapy shot they call a vaccine. I do not consent and will not comply to an experimental drug. The constant lies from the media and government officials that it is safe and effective has killed more people then the virus itself.

Susan Reiss (18049, 2021-10-02)


Lawlessness reigns in Slovakia.

Alena Hricová (Liptovský Mikuláš, 2021-10-02)


I believe in freedom of choice and my
Human rights

Kerri-Lee McDonald (Mermaid Waters, 2021-10-02)


Podpisujem, pretože som proti hromadnému experimentálnemu testovaniu a očkovaniu,pričom dochádza k porušovaniu ľudských práv a slobôd.

Rudolf Vančák (Radoľa, 2021-10-02)


Bureaucrats have over stepped the mark and have full control of the useless puppets in government.
My God given rights make me a free man not people sick with lust for power and control.
When governments are led by think tanks and big business, fascism is only a few steps away.

Aid Reid (Frodsham, 2021-10-02)


Because our governments are in breach of the Human Rights Act and the Nuremberg code on medical procedures.

Laurence Reed (Hayling Island, 2021-10-02)


to expedite investigation

Miroslav Drančak (Stakčín, 2021-10-02)


it is necessary

Martin Lacko (Modrová, 2021-10-02)


I'm signing this petition, because what is happening all over the world is just not right and has nothing to do with the law. Vaccine mandates are against the Nuremberg Code and humanity. Who in the world has the right to force someone else to get this 'vaccine', when we know, that this medical product can cause death or serious injury???

Ivana Bartalosová (Kútniky, 2021-10-02)


Im signing this because of this World Wide Crime against humanity.

Silva Tel (Haarlem, 2021-10-02)

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