Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I'm signing because this is a farce no treatment wether life saving or not should be forced upon anyone

Kiefer Davies (Sheffield, 2021-10-02)


Verím v spravodlivosť. Aspoň predbežné opatrenie pri genocíde slovenského národa.

Anna Mócová (Prievidza, 2021-10-02)


The people of the world have been treated with utter contempt- we are being run by a dictatorship - it’s time the people had justice against crimes against humanity

Tanis Pullen (Wantage, 2021-10-02)


I strongly believe harm is being perpetrated on all of humanity in violation of the Nuremberg Code and the medical freedom of all is being violated.

Deidre Bridges (Macon, 2021-10-02)


I do not want to take the fake vaccine.

Milan Styk (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-02)


Freedom is being lost and citizens are being coerced without knowing the full facts. The opposing view is being oppressed and full debate is not being allowed.

Jane Redfearn (York, 2021-10-02)


Egregious violation of him man rights forcing a toxic dangerous medical procedure onto people causing harm and death

Melanie Quick (Malmsbury, 2021-10-02)


I believe we have to fight for our lives and our freedom

Dave Jordan (Tokaanu, 2021-10-02)


We must stop this now, the world is being controled by great powers that have an a agenda and the public are being forced to take this vaccine.

Gary Gillies (Glasgow, 2021-10-02)


Podpisujem a súhlasím s podaným návrhom.

Mária Danišová (Bratislava, 2021-10-02)


to expedite investigation

Mikulaš Drančak (Stakčín, 2021-10-02)


Štefan Brňãk

Štefan Brňák (Krásno nad Kysucou, 2021-10-02)


Deprivation of my human rights

Debra Gray (Sydney, 2021-10-02)


Criminality should not go unpunished
This sets a precedent for the future of truth and justice
I am certain global criminality on an unbelievable scale has occurred...this warrants a global response....bring it.

clare kneebone (Plymouth, 2021-10-02)


because I want that people know true about covid about vaccine

Jarmila Filipová (Bratislava, 2021-10-02)


I am signing because it's intolerable to see that all these criminals playing with out lives,. remain unpunished. Abd now, they want to Lille the 2 years babies, stating that Pfizer vaccines or so-called, are completely safe. What a.nerve.

Annie YVER (Louvigny 14111, 2021-10-02)


Justice must be done and be seen to be done, this must never be allowed to happen again

Eric Jones (Widnes, 2021-10-02)


We need this murdering of humanity stopped!

Celia Graves (Derby, 2021-10-02)


I am signing as all happends is fully against logical thinking.

milan žák (sedliště, 2021-10-02)



Marta Schererova (Košice, 2021-10-02)


Because our government are breaching many laws by forcing people to be injected with an experimental poison.

Katrina Huet (Mango Hill, 2021-10-02)


I'm signing because we are witnessing the worst case globally of crimes against humanity by the governments of the world upon the people they were elected to protect!

Annie Matushenko (Nottinghamshire, 2021-10-02)


This insanity has to stop.

Karen Mocek (South Brent, 2021-10-02)


Justice needs to be served upon those who perpetrated the COVID-19 Plandemic and lies.

Iain Reynolds (Billinudgel, 2021-10-02)


Podpisujem, pretože plne súhlasim so znenim žaloby a súčasné dianie a nutenie ludi na očkovanie experimentallnymi a nedostatocne preskumanymi vakcinami cestou rôznych reštrikcií a obmedzovania osobnych pivazujem za nezakonné a v rozpore so zakonmi EU ajSlovenskrj republike

Eva Uhliarová (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-02)


The truth needs to come out and be exposed and justice served for the many who has lost their lives and livelihoods needlessly.

Helen Watakila (London, 2021-10-02)


Chcem aby všetko zlo na nás páchané bolo riadne a rýchlo prešetrené a vinníci potrestaní. Ďakujem pekne.

Vladimír Hrončok (Topoľčany, 2021-10-02)


Som proti povinnému očkovaniu a obmedzovaniu slobodného pohybu, pod podmienkou očkovania alebo testovania.

Zdenko Kováč (Košice, 2021-10-02)


I’m signing because i’m tired of this corruption an we need to stop it.

Jonas Sahlén (Hofors, 2021-10-02)


i agree

Martina Benesova (Adamov, 2021-10-02)


find ture and need justice

Niwei sun (lake forest, 2021-10-02)


I disagree with the situation which is happening in Czech Republic

Petra Redova (Brno, 2021-10-02)


Our free and beautiful world is changing into a fascist regime. We must to stop this Covid tyranny.

Alexandra Zemko (Hlohovec, 2021-10-02)


I’m signing because that’s criminal against human rights especially against children. Children are not adults they are vulnerable and we must protect them ever. ❤️

Zuzana Samara (Hradec nad Moravicí, 2021-10-02)


I favor NUREMBER 2.0!

Robert Booker (Augusta, 2021-10-02)


Love and freedom are the same and need respect.

Wendela Copijn (Zeist, 2021-10-02)


Nazi fascists are trying again to take over the World. We can only win if we unite.

Tim Coburn (Marseillan, 2021-10-02)


Pretože môžem pozerať na protiprávne konanie štátu.

Martin Sabol (Košice, 2021-10-02)


I am opposed to any form of discrimination ..& the current global rise in government approved medical tyranny ....,& Medical aparteid 😥

& as I work in Holistic Health Care is tragic seeing previously healthy people ...allowing themselves to be coerced .bullied . or bribed .. into taking an experimental medical "treatment" ....which has then harmed them !

For me ...every single person should be entitled to total autonomy over their own bodies ...& Their own medical choices . Thank you .

Zaria Astaria Shanti (Moffat, 2021-10-02)


It's against the nature law, the free will, freedom, and is a global murder crime...

Luigi Consalvo (Stuttgart, 2021-10-02)

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