Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I’m signing because the use of experimental vaccines/medicine on human beings is against human rights. Making experimental vaccines mandatory is also against human rights.

Lesley Skotzen (Beaminster, 2021-10-02)


Investigation and Procesion of Those Individuals Responsible og Crimes Against Humanity

Marlenka Drevenšek (Celje, 2021-10-02)


Crimes against humanity must be brought to justice and punished according to law.

Daryl Bolland (Deception Bay, 2021-10-02)


They abused all out law.Even the Neurenberg Code.Your freedom for taking injections is not correct

Carlo Vandepoel (Belgium Paal, 2021-10-02)


We have the right to justice that has been fought for by our fathers and for father's.we have the right to be protected by the courts...

Terry Poet (Southend-on-Sea, 2021-10-02)


Medical experiments are being forced on people in contravention of the Nurembourg Code and Human Rights Bill . . . People care being blatantly coerced/forced by threat to take an EXPERIMENTAL inoculation . . . .

Nigel Partis (Cardigan, 2021-10-02)


Práva a zákony sa musia dodržiavať

Vladimir PETRO (Rotherham, 2021-10-02)


I´m signing this petition , because this is real "Crime against humanity".

Marek Macke (Lhota pod Libčany, 2021-10-02)



Ivana Kubalakova (Likavka, 2021-10-02)


Il faut stopper ces fous avant qu'il ne ne soit trop tard, et j'ai vraiment l'impression qu'on perd du temps...

Stephane Lemaire (BAYONNE, 2021-10-02)


I believe we need a full investigation of the elites who created the problem.

Richard Duende (Watford, 2021-10-02)


The false claim by government officials and medical officials that the Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective when it has not been proven and is still experimental is a crime. The non disclosure of the ingredients in these vaccines, the non disclosure of the potential health injury risks where one of the risks is death, the non-obtaining of informed consent of individuals before administering the injections and the coercing of individuals to get injected with an experimental agent labeled as vaccine in order to be able to participate in social life or keep a job or get an education or travel is a crime that violates our basic human rights, that violates the Nuremberg Code which is still in existence, and violates the constitutional rights in many countries worldwide.

Herlinawati Herlinawati (Baden, 2021-10-02)


Those responsible need to be held accountable and brought to justice immediately.

Tina Waring (Scunthorpe, 2021-10-02)


I want to see these rich psychopathic parasitic mass murderers brought to justice once and for all.

Roy Williams (Crawley, 2021-10-02)


I believe these people should be held responsible fir the deaths of thousands of people.

Val Brown (Gamston, 2021-10-02)


There is no freedom of choice. This is complete medical tyrany.

Brian Ferguson (Edmonton, 2021-10-02)


I have been doing individual research and I believe that there is a depopulation agenda that is well documented going ahead. Information from official sources confirm seditious intent with the constant misleading lies and official there will be no debate narrative. The government has defined this as a mild illness on their own website yet spew the narrative that you will kill someone by breathing this madness has to end bring flu back and let's live.

Annette Wilson (Northampton, 2021-10-02)


I think medicines & early treatments are being with held. Doctors are being censored. The doctors/institutions responsible for with holding medical attention need investigated & punished.

Rontona Mitchell (Prestonsburg, 2021-10-02)


Nedôverujem vakcínam na Covid-19, dôvod je manipulatívna kampaň a množstvo nežiadúcich účinkov a nevysvetlených úmrtí.

Jana Demeterová (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-02)


Nesuhlasim s celou aktualnou situaciou a jej nariadeniami..

Iveta Beresova (Senec, 2021-10-02)


Someone needs to pay for this genocide

Yasmin Hassan (London, 2021-10-02)


This is becoming a Global Holocaust of multilevel complicity.

ann lawrence (scunthorpe, 2021-10-02)


Podpisujem pretože chcem, aby sa začalo konanie.

Jan Kanda (Čaňa, 2021-10-02)


It’s needed

Zuzana Moravčík (Martin, 2021-10-02)


I believe in the truth and not the lies.

Marco Zehfuss (Kleve, 2021-10-02)


These tyrannical and authoritarian actions perpetrated by elected politicians at the behest of globalist forces, violate freedoms and liberties of the citizenry. These actions have brought undue pain, suffering and death to the people of the world and amount to crimes against humanity. The perpetrators of these crimes should be punished to the full extent of international law, including the use of the death penalty.

Ron deGagne (Copper Cliff, ON, 2021-10-02)


I want to heart true about it



Because human rights of Slovakian people are beening violatet

Vladimír Toth (Prešov, 2021-10-02)


This has to happen they just can’t be allowed to get away with what they have done from those who planned it down to Mainstream media employees Health care ie NHS celebrities encouraging people to get themselves jabbed with this experimental gene changing therapy crisis actors everyone from top down

Catherine Cockburn (Dunbar, 2021-10-02)


I want to

Michal Svienty (Cork, 2021-10-02)


Chcem ...som za správnu vec.

Dagmar Češkova (Ilava, 2021-10-02)


It is disgraceful

Charlie Morgan (Oswestry, 2021-10-02)


The government's are allowing people to die by continuing with this vaccine

bruce campbell (East Kilbride, 2021-10-02)


This is a crime against humanity and unprecedented like we have never witnessed globally.

Christine Cunningham (Melbourne, 2021-10-02)


Only personal suverenity, freedom and independence can make free society.

Martin Juzl (Dolné Srnie, 2021-10-02)


The government should be held accountable for crimes against humanity. This is mass murder on a grand scale

Judith Thomas (Merthyr tydfil, 2021-10-02)


Jarabekova blazena

Blazena Jarabekova (Nové Zámky, 2021-10-02)


These people need bring to justice before it goes any further

Lee Woods (Woods, 2021-10-02)


Atrocities are being committed by the mandatory and forceable vaccine programme, that is being brought in through the back door by the restriction of human rights.
All those responsible should be held accountable.

Derek O'Rourke (Cambuslang, 2021-10-02)


Protože nesouhlasím,s tím jak stát zneužívá covid vůči lidem.

Radek Vopička (Bohostice, 2021-10-02)


Podpisujem, pretože nielen na Slovensku sú potlačované ľudské práva a slobody, ale sú prekračované aj zákony a porušovaná Ústava SR

Martin Dobeš (Plzeň, 2021-10-02)

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