Renovation of John A. Holmes HS Tennis Courts



My daughter played tennis in high school and it was bad 4 years ago!. This needs to happen!

jennifer cranford (Edenton, 2020-07-05)


I'm signing because tennis is an awesome sport and those courts are the only ones in the area. They are dangerous and need to be replaced.

Josh Harward (Fuquay Varina, 2020-07-05)


Edenton needs to have public tennis courts. My entire family has played on them in the past, and would like to continue in the future. There are very few venues for physical activity in our county, and we cannot afford to let this facility continue to degrade.

Maria Ore (Edenton, 2020-07-05)


Rae Burroughs Knox

Rae Knox (Edenton, 2020-07-05)


These courts were bad in 2018. I cannot imagine the shape they are in now!

Kelly Cross (Edenton, 2020-07-05)


I am a graduate of JAHHS and the community deserves better than this.

CRYSTAL ANDERSON (Charlottesville, 2020-07-05)


I coordinate Albemarle Junior Team Tennis and we are not able to play matches on JAH courts. We had 24 junior players last year from Edenton. This year only 3 are playing. See

John Wells (Edenton, 2020-07-05)


I was the Women’s Tennis Coach at JAH and work with the JTT teams with John Wells. I declared the courts dangerous to play on and all of our matches were played away. Tennis is a great sport than you can play for much of your life. There is no reason a town like Edenton cannot build new courts. I can honestly say that I would not have moved here 2 years ago knowing that the town would not have tennis courts.

Margaret May (Edenton, 2020-07-05)


My son played tennis in high school on those courts, and helped coach the boys tennis team last year. It is a pity that our community leaders let these courts get in this state of disrepair. An embarrassment, really.
The courts are very visible in our town and looks terrible to anyone who sees them. It says that we do not care about our kids playing tennis, and upholding the traditions of having people traveling here to play in tennis tournaments; not to mention money they would spend while here. We can do better than this. Keep the courts where they are and find a way to work together and solve this problem.
Thank you.

Mary Montgomery (Edenton, 2020-07-05)


I have grand children attending this school and we need to have this done so it’s not an embarrassment to Chowan County ! They shouldn’t have to go to other schools and stuff for practice and games!

Rita Harrell (Hobbsville, 2020-07-05)


I love tennis!

Jacqueline Kretzer (Edenton, 2020-07-05)


I am an avid tennis player with over 30 participants. There are no other public courts in Chowan County.

Wynn McCallister (Hertford, 2020-07-06)


As an Edenton/Chowan community member, tennis player and supporter of high school sports the tennis courts are hazardous to play on.
The courts are an asset to the community, people visiting and provide an opportunity to anyone of any economic level try a new sport and or hone a new sport.

Deanna Chesson (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


My children have both been on the tennis team for JAH. It is a true hardship and deterrent for kids and parents to participate in school tennis when the matches are all away.

Mary Morris (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


These courts were in bad shape back in 2006-2014 when my girls played in the high school tennis team. Back then the team filled in cracks and obviously the deterioration has continued. It is PAST TIME for new courts both for the high school and the citizens of Edenton!!!

Marty McCarthy (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


This public use court is a great well used asset to our community that is in need of replacement/major repair

Peggy DiMartino (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


Though I've always been a field sport athlete, for public health reasons, individual sports like tennis may need to take presidence in the coming months. The public should have adequate facilities for individual sports

Thomas Di Martino (Rdrmton, 2020-07-06)


Join A. Holmes Students deserve nice tennis courts

Kate Whichard (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


I’m signing because our community has so very little for our students and adults. We have so little to offer here. Let’s at least maintain what we do have. I truly feel if it was the football field needing slight upgrading a petition would never even have to be considered. Sports install a sense of pride and belonging among those athletes. Every sport should be considered important and equally valuable. Please support this petition so every athlete feels pride in their sport and community.

Sharon Nixon (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


I was a member of the JAHHS tennis team from 2006–2010. Our team was undefeated in our conference for over 108 matches. Not only did we give our school and community a great reputation—I would not be the person I am today without having been a tennis player. I learned invaluable skills on those courts: how to be a team player, self-reliance, mental toughness, determination, and decorum. Repairing these courts would give young people and other adults the opportunity to develop these skills. Tennis is a great, and fun, way to exercise and can help individuals and our community combat obesity, especially in this pandemic where social gathering should be limited to socially distant activities. Also, these courts are on Broad St and if they fall into disrepair could reflect poorly on the “South’s Prettiest Town” and become an eyesore. Let’s restore these courts to their former glory and get another generation engaged in the great game. Who knows, another Serena Williams could be in our midst!

Rachael McCarthy (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


These courts benefit the community as a whole, not just the JAHHS tennis teams! Before my 4 years of tennis in high school, I came to the courts for lessons, matches with my family and friends, and even with Girl Scouts! I hate to think that others will not have the same opportunity and that the courts are sitting there not being used due to these safety concerns. Please address this ASAP

Emma McCarthy (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


High School tennis needs a home court. Teams spend too much time out of school when all games have to played away. Teams have been successful in state tournaments and are one of the top teams in the Albemarle area.

Donnie Copeland (Tyner, 2020-07-06)


I have children on the Lady Aces Tennis team. We do not want to travel for every match and miss out on playing at home for the next several years.

Nelson Spear (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


I want the courts to be safe to play on.

Julien Mordecai (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


I leaned to play tennis on these courts, and tennis was one of the strongest Aces sports for many years. We used to host conference tournaments, and had some of the best courts in the conference.

Jacob Lewis (Moundville, 2020-07-06)


I love playing tennis. JAH courts are unsafe. How can we encourage growth of this sport without adequate courts? Exercise is important for everyone...youth, athletes, and recreational players.

Lynne Hodges (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


I want to see these courts to continue
safely being utilized!

Jenny Blount Williams (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


These courts are unplayable.

caroline stoltz (edenton, 2020-07-06)


I played high school tennis on this courts and still play to this day. These courts are in DIRE need of repair. I’d hate for someone to get hurt and the tennis programs to be shut down.

Molly Catherine White (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


Tennis is an important lifelong sport. I enjoyed watching matches while my daughter played for JAHHS. Please repair the courts so players may compete and enjoy for years to come!

Liz Brentjens (Edenton, 2020-07-06)


I enjoy playing tennis on these courts. There’s a wonderful group of people that use them!!

MaryAnn Mason (Camden, NC, 2020-07-06)


I’m signing this petition because tennis at John A Holmes gave my son the opportunity to learn a new sport that pushed him as an individual player, but still very much had that Aces team spirit. I hope that future Aces will have they same opportunity, but hopefully on a much needed new court!!

Lori O’Neal (Kill Devil Hills, 2020-07-06)


I’m signing because the tennis courts are dangerous

Lisa Copeland (Tyner, 2020-07-06)


I used to play tennis here and would like for future players to have the same opportunity.

Jessica Copeland (Tyner, 2020-07-07)


My daughter has enjoyed tennis for years and her Senior Year the courts were in such bad shape that they were very limited at who could play and where the games were held. Chowan County needs to step up for our youth. These courts are enjoyed my many people young and old

Mary Criddle (Edenton, 2020-07-07)


These courts are where I grew up! I played on them as a kid! Everyone should have that opportunity! Please fix these courts! Make it safe again!

Maggie Bryson (Louisburg, 2020-07-07)


I’m signing because I support the importance of athletics in our school system. Also, the tennis courts by John H Holmes High have not only provided the best location for its team but has given the public and visitors to Edenton a place to play. Tournaments played there bring other people to our community which helps boost our economy.

Terry Waff (Edenton, 2020-07-07)


I am signing because the children in our community deserve to have tennis courts. We need at least 6 courts to be able to host tournaments and have competitive play for our local tennis teams. Also, tennis courts are appealing to people considering making Edenton their home. We cannot expect to be attractive to teachers and doctors and other professionals that our community needs without being able to offer the basic recreation facilities, of which tennis courts certainly are. Please act quickly to fill this need.

Julie Perry (Edenton, NC, 2020-07-07)


Several schools use these courts for tennis. I would hate for the High school Tennis teams to no longer have the sport.

Christianne Bryant-Gardner (Plymouth, 2020-07-07)


Now more than ever outdoor recreation is essential to our mental and physical well being. I played on the JAH tennis team all 4 years and participated in many tennis tournaments throughout the years. Those are some of my favorite memories. Tennis matches brought many families to town who spent their money in our restaurants and shops benefitting the whole community.

Stephanie Powell (Edenton, 2020-07-07)


I use these courts a couple times a week, as do many other senior citizens 50 to 80+ years old. These cracks are dangerous to us! Please favorably consider this petition! Thank you and God Bless!

Beate Cox (Edenton, 2020-07-08)


I play at those courts regularly and they are in terrible condition. Need repaving badly!

Peter Lolkema (Edenton, 2020-07-08)


Tennis courts should be an integral part of any community wishing to support a game that can be played from 5 to 95.

Mike Keeley (Edenton, 2020-07-09)


I am signing because I understand that the tennis courts are potentially quite hazardous to players.

Cindy Smith (Edenton, 2020-07-10)


This is an easy fix and a lot of us old folks need the exercise.

Michael Zyvoloski Sr. (Roper, 2020-07-10)


My family still like to play tennis and would like to have decent courts to play on. I also think it is critical to give physical activity opportunities to the youth of our community. Please fix the tennis courts.

Julie Tunney (Edenton, 2020-07-11)


We need public tennis courts in our community.

Cynthia Harding (Edenton, 2020-07-11)


I’m signing this because I am a JAHHS alum who feels the athletic generations coming up deserve to have the very best when it comes to accessing tennis courts that are safe to be played on. With such an amazing athletic program, upgrades like these should be looked into for all sports as we have such talented students.

Brandy Goodwin (Edenton, 2020-07-12)


Tennis is a great, valuable sport for our high schoolers and community enthusiasts. My daughter played four years for JAH and it truly rounded out who she was as a student. She loved it so much. As a working mom it was hard not having home courts but not wanting to miss her senior year matches. Thank you for your consideration.

Denise Bunch (Tyner, 2020-07-13)


Edenton needs a tennis court. I play tennis there three times a week.

Linda Parrish (Edenton, 2020-07-18)


I grew up playing on those courts and the tennis team has always been one of our high schools highest performing teams.

Camille Ganzon (Morrisville, 2020-07-20)

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