Stop the "Vaccine Passport" proposed by the Liberal Government in Canada



Make Canada great again. Free world not new world

Brad Hunt (Victoria, 2021-05-02)


I am vehemently against this!

Conrad Hull (Ottawa, 2021-05-02)


Our health data is private. Mandating a vaccine is against our charter of rights. I do not consent to being part of human trials.

Paola Wilson (Montreal, 2021-05-02)


We live in Canada and our personal health should always be free choice.

Paul McFadden (Sooke, 2021-05-02)


Tyranny must be fought

Chadwick Dueck (Cranbrook, 2021-05-02)


Freedom to worship is the heart of our country and is not a Covid threat

Frank Giesbrecht (Calgary, 2021-05-02)


It is tyranny, disguised as caring

Barry Bomba (slocan, 2021-05-02)


I am healthy, and I don't agree to be forcefully vaccinated.

Юлия Петрушкевич (Montreal, 2021-05-02)


I'm signing because nobody should be punished or discriminated against for exercising their Human Right to choose to vaccinate or not. This will just cause more divide like the masks did.

Louise Besserer (Onaping, 2021-05-02)


The COVID shot is NOT a vaccine and does not a
stop the transmission of the pointless to be needed to do anything

Lauren Kovacic (Cranbrook, 2021-05-03)


It's unconstitutional and creates more division

Ovidiu Badea (Vaughan, 2021-05-03)


I am against this fascism

Marla M (Edwardsville, 2021-05-03)


This is an experimental gene therapy and not a vaccine . It should be stopped immediately or who ever enforced it Must get prosecuted based on Nuremberg codes !
STOP THIS KILLER SHOT . It is NOT a vaccine 😡😡😡

Sepideh Sajadi (Toronto, 2021-05-04)


We all have a right for personal freedom

Cindy Straley (Charleston, 2021-05-04)


I do not believe this passport should be mandatory to cross the border to see my mother.

Denise Amato (NIagara Falls, 2021-05-04)


I always was pro choice on everything and this is no different why pushing this gene therapy more than actual medicine that is FDA approve that work already just fine!?What consequence will it have on children's and future generation to come from parent that got the gene Therapy!?Why stopping people to travel ?The dying and weak people wont be traveling ,they are already lying in beds,from you know.. Dying of been obese or old .Why cancer patient are now refuse treatment since Covid ?

There more dangerous diseases out there and we don't force people to get those vaccines with the treat that they cant be part of society! Why cant people choose what goes into there bodies anymore!?this infringe people privacy and freedom.This is is a slippery slope.. what next? people wont be able to work or buy food or go to school?Are we gonna end up microchip by force like a dog too!?Or all live in the wood!? 2 week to flatten the curve they say... Has a New Democrat from Quebec I say open up and end The Lockdown and curfew! This flu wont go away so we better get natural herd immunity instead! Promoting a healthy lifestyle and alternative medecine that is already FDA approve! im not a guinea pig! Children suicide and adults is on the roof right now !Why Costco can have so many people inside but not the religious people? why small business are close when they dont have the same amount anyway of clients like waltmart !? I see alot of bigotry's and i dont think My government is still a Democracy that value FREEDOM... Im disappointed too that liberal and conservative dont have real representation anymore in our party !I guess i vote PPC !

stephany larocque (Longueuil, 2021-05-05)


Vaccine passports are a notch on the belt of lost freedoms for the Citizens of Canada.
As is your Bill C-10 .
Our Country is being sold out and it shameful that our Prime Minister has no pride or love of his Country nor its constituents.

Cindy Mann (Hanmer, 2021-05-05)


It is crazy to require a passport of proof for an experimental drug that at the governments and products own admission does not prevent contracting or spreading the very virus its designed to treat.

Melanie Blain (Evansville, 2021-05-05)


Vaccine passports are against our basic human rights. It is against the Nuremberg Laws. No one should be forced into a medical "treatment" that has death as a side effect. This "vaccine" does nothing to the anyone's health but supposedly the individual athlete receives it. It does not stop transmission, so how can it possibly be so important for everyone to get it? It should absolutely be up to personal choice.

Elizabeth Andrews (Mill Hall, 2021-05-05)





A vaccine passport is ridiculous and unnecessary for any virus....we have been living with viruses for 2021 years, without manitory injections....never in history ....the government is hiding something..the full truth will be exposed

Lisa Kennedy (Mississauga, 2021-05-06)


Anything that goes into someone's body should be by choice..never forced. And it should not dictate what freedoms a person may have.

Melissa Kneeshaw (Parksville, 2021-05-10)


I want personal health choices. The government has no right to force experimental vaccines on us!

Debora Powell (Chilliwack, 2021-05-18)


It's taking human rights away

Donna Stewart (Manchester, 2021-05-27)


Vaccine passports would be an infringement on our rights and freedoms and it's very invasive of our medical privacy. These passports are going to create a two-tiered society where vaccinated get the privileges while the unvaccinated are treated as second-class citizens, a medical apartheid. We, as Canadian citizens, should have the right to make our own decisions regarding our health and should not be guinea pigs in a medical experiment.

Robert Campanella (St. Catharines, 2021-06-23)


It’s all a huge pack of lies!

David Driver (Guelph, 2021-07-21)



Warren Steeves (Grand Forks, 2021-07-30)


This is CANADA, not China or NAZI Germany, one word- NUREMBERG

Yvonne Campaner (North Bay, 2021-07-31)


I’m signing this because it is against the law to put this through.

Frank Delisle (Eckville, 2021-08-02)


i am signing because this is a violation of my rights.

Robby Johnson (Bentley, 2021-08-04)


What you are proposing in unlawful, and unconstitutional. I, the people of Canada, do not want this “vaccine passport”.
As a resident of British Columbia, I am telling you that British Columbia is choosing to follow the direction that Alberta has taken.
This invasion of privacy and free will has to stop, right now, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Donagh Czerwinski (Chilliwack, 2021-08-05)


This is a direct contradiction to ,my constitutional rights and freedoms.

Leah Ziegler (Castlegar, 2021-08-06)


This is awful, not needed as this is a fast track to communism. Nothing to do with the vaccine. Never shown proof of any inoculations before.... Against Nuremberg code... and divides people, we are striving for equality in all ways, this divides ppl. Please see that. Very upsetting

Susanne Hughes (Wirral, 2021-08-12)


There are treatments available at a fraction of the cost of the vaccine. My body, my choice.

Patti Hamilton (Brantford, 2021-08-13)


This vaccine is being administered by these governing body's knowing that the vaccine is not a cure or preventative! . seriously every constitutional right has been violated.
The vaccine id is for control only !

Sharon Van wyk (Boksburg, 2021-08-17)


Vaccine (not a vaccine) passports will create
a two tier society in which one group has the right to live "normal" life and the other one faces all sorts of restrictions. It is not democratic.
Our medical records should be confidential and taking the jab or not should be our personal choice. If you believe in the "vaccine" and its effectiveness why would you worry about those who do not get it for different reason?

Lenka Pelikan (Sechelt, 2021-08-18)


I am signing because I stand for individual sovereignty, human rights and freedom. I am against a two-tier society and social credit system.

Renate Fleming (Rossland, 2021-08-19)


Vaccine passports are dividing our society and they are un democratic!

Deborah Connors (Ottawa, 2021-08-22)


it is evil

Marie Lacroix (Port Alberni, 2021-08-25)


Of our human rights and freedoms.

Tammy Mitchell (Chilliwack, 2021-08-26)


I am an RN and have seen too many children patients at my hospital with vaccine side effects, and support each person's personal and informed decision for their personal health.

Rachel Adetayo (Burlington, 2021-08-31)


All have the right to refuse coercion to inject into our bodies, that which we do not want. Goes against Inalienable Freedom of Rights....

brian pekrul (Lake Country, 2021-08-31)


This is inhumane, it's discrimination & unlawful!

Marty Makway (Trail, 2021-09-01)


It’s going to be the end all and causing a country to be segregated.

Trisha Pedros (Kingston, 2021-09-02)


I'm signing because I am absolutely opposed to tyrannical measures forced upon law abiding people who chose to make their own body health decisions. Stop the immoral vaccine mandates and passports.

DONOVAN BROWN (Fruitvale, 2021-09-02)


Human rights are being violated with this passport and I’m completely against that

Cody Fallis (Ottawa, 2021-09-04)


I refuse to take an experimental drug just so I can be a free citizen. It's a direct vilation of my rights to choose, and by extension my rights as a Canadian to live and work within the country

Richard McHale (Bancroft, 2021-09-04)


Canada will follow infection trends where vaccine have been administered first like in Israel, Iceland, etc where hospital beds are dominated buy the fully vaccinated. Why should I the unvaccinated be acused as the guilty?

Sebastian Kleizer (Toronto, 2021-09-14)



Michael Steen (Sebastopol, 2021-09-17)


I don't believe that the so call vaccine does any good

Brian McHale (Bancroft, 2021-09-19)


We are in a free country and should be able to move around freely

Travis Eddison (Holyrood, 2021-10-01)


I’m signing because my workplace has mandated vaccination with a vaccine policy and it’s a criminal and illegal act. After 20+ years, I can’t go into my office, but I have from the get-go! Employer states they will assume no liability. Nov 1 is the date EVERYONE needs to be vaccinated with 2 jabs and the 14 day waiting period. For my position, I’m required to be there for contractors etc so this isn’t going to work. The fear mongering and segregation has been nasty and it’s really pathetic! I will not comply! No testing, no jabs!

Lisa Walker (Bancroft, 2021-10-18)


It's a crime
It's against humanity
It's unconstitutional
It's fascism
It's force
It's fear tactics
It's dictatorship
It's wrong


Luba P (Mississauga, 2021-10-30)


I do not agree with this. It is against our rights.

Sarah Ledrew (Glenwood, 2021-10-30)


Vaccine Passports are against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Daniel Metzger (Nelson, 2021-11-22)


I am signing because of my Canadian Constitutional rights of free movements in and outside of the country.

Pe Gorski (Toronto, 2021-11-22)


We've seen this type of thing happen over the last 100 years & it does NOT end well for those who are denied services. It's wrong. It's divisive. It has to stop!

Deana Latta (Essex, 2021-12-01)


Vaccine passports are absolutely unconstitutional! Trudeau is a law breaker! May God keep our Land glorious and free!!!!

Ruth MacNaughton (Yellowknife, 2021-12-05)


I don't agree with mandatory vaccination.

Rusan Nadia (Burnaby, 2021-12-06)


I'm signing because personal freedom, freedom to travel and medical privacy is included in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Roland Krebs (Edmonton, 2021-12-08)


Vaccine passports are not only unconstititutional and against the Nuremberg Code, but also goes against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms.

darlene mcconnell (salmo, 2021-12-23)


Not necessary

Katherine Dillon (Candiac, 2022-03-03)


I want an end to vaccine passports to fly within Canada.

Kersten Watson (Kelowna, 2022-03-23)


I am concerned about freedom being stolen by lackeys that claim to represent our society

Robin Baribeau (Vancouver, 2022-12-10)

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