Re-Open Yewtree Road with Traffic Calming Measures



I agree with all the points in this petition.

Declan Coffey (Ormskirk, 2021-11-20)


I'm signing this because of the disruption that is being caused daily.. around Ormskirk! It's becoming an unbearable place to live and drive around.

Valerie Baldwin (Ormskirk, 2021-11-20)


Its a ridiculous decision to permanently close it. Its caused potential accidents at the bottom of burscough road and just moved traffic to scarisbrick street and hants lane.. open it snd put in speed bumps or other speed slowing methods.

Helen Clensy (Ormskirk, 2021-11-20)


I live off Yew Tree Rd and we now have cars, vans, taxis parking down there as people live the other side of the bollard don’t want to drive all the way round so they park on Hillcrest road now and walk through the Ballard to get home. We also have rubbish being left. I’m fed up having to clean up other people rubbish. This has all created a worse mess overall. More congestion, more accidents, it hasn’t been thought out properly.

Julie Alker (Ormskirk, 2021-11-20)


I fully agree with all points made in this petition. Why do the local Council not use traffic calming measures in Ormskirk which are already used in other parts of the Borough - Burscough, Skelmersdale? The argument about Yew Tree a “rat run” is incorrect. It wasn’t - until the retail park developed on the Foundary site.

Andrew Sackville (Ormskirk, 2021-11-21)


What is the reason? Is this for cyclists - hardly any . Unfair to the residents and these plant tubs are an eyesore. Totally ruined what was a pleasant road.

Ruth Beaumont (Ormskirk, 2021-11-21)


The flow of traffic in and around Ormskirk was poor, it is now abysmal. The reasons for this are due to the terrible mismanagement of road works, road alterations and road repairs.

Nik James (Ormskirk, 2021-11-21)


My mother in law lives on this road and it causes a head ache. How does this affect covid ? Stupid idea

Matt Fannon (Ormskirk, 2021-11-21)


The whole closure was unnecessary even during COVID
Restricting access to people’s properties and access to shops through diversions is and was totally pointless.

Lee Armstrong (Skelmersdale, 2021-11-21)


I agree with all above!

Caitlin Coffey (Ormskirk, 2021-11-21)


There was no consultation with local people to close this road. Yewtree Road is hardly used by cyclists or pedestrians. Traffic has increased on Burscogh Road - a road used by many children as a route to Greetby Hill school. The speed limit on Burscpugh Road is 30 mph which is too fast for the increased traffic. Council agreed to the new shopping precinct on Burscough Road and now have made traffic congestion far worse by closing Yewtree Road. Pollution to residents in the area has increased due to the County Council forcing cars down Burscough Road. Trying to leave homes takes ages and has become dangerous as has joining the A59 which has become a dangerous corner on a road where accidents are a common occurrence. Whoever decided to close Yewtree Road could not have considered the people in Ormskirk or understood its consequences.

Michael Leah (Ormskirk, 2021-11-22)


1. The increase of traffic on Burscough Road leading to the County Road junction - This is a dangerous junction at the best of times and not an option most people would choose in order to get onto County Road.
2. Increase in traffic up Burscough Street onto a bad diversion turn - This is a struggle for people driving their children to school and for the emergency services!! This will only get worse and back up traffic when the bridge over the train track goes to single lane use!! Also the people who live on Burscough Street struggle to access their own driveways due to this increase in traffic.
3. Increase in traffic on the narrower Scarisbrick Street & blind turn - These residents do not have off road parking so park on both sides of the road - which they can. An increase in traffic has caused access issues not only for people coming from Burscough Street but for those residents from the smaller streets that come off Scarisbrick Street (Owen Avenue, Clucas Gardens and Jubilee Avenue).
4. Increase in traffic on Green Lane past kids playing field and Air Cadets - People still park their cars on the road and paths are narrow in parts. The Ormskirk Rugby Club also use the playing field and on match days this is already an extremely busy road. The Guide Hut is also on this road and is used by many different types of community groups i.e. it is hired out for birthday parties and dance lessons etc.
5. Increase in traffic on the narrower Hants Lane to Southport Road - This is a busy little lane already. There is minimal off road parking for residents so they park on the road - which they can, Newlands woodyard with their customers and their deliveries, Hants Lane Clinic and the new special needs college that will be opening. Using this road to access Southport Road causes the traffic to back up further on Southport Road i.e. traffic stuck in the bottle neck right back to Park Road and beyond.
6. The increase in traffic at the already dangerous Five Ways junction - This speaks for itself.
7. Increase in traffic jams, longer idling, causing more air pollution - People use their cars for many reasons - School runs, getting to work, getting to appointments, deliveries, emergency services, the elderly or the disabled trying to go about their daily business as they have no other means of transport other than to drive and taxis to name but a few. This proposed diversion is to the detriment of the local community and is causing stress and anxiety to so many both mentally and financially. This proposal is making peoples journeys longer not only in time but an increase in mileage.
8. Increase in pedestrians walking down the centre of Yew Tree Road - To the disregard of the residents who need to drive down this road to access their homes i.e. they will walk four in a row with prams etc looking at you as if you are in the wrong for driving down there.
9. Restriction of access for people to and from local shops - People want to support local businesses but may not be able to walk, have other disabilities, have too much to carry or are busy with life in general and just need to nip out but the thought of getting caught up in unnecessary traffic may again cause stress or anxiety or to shop online taking business away from our local businesses.
10. Emergency Vehicle access restricted could man life or death - This speaks for itself!! There are so many more elderly residents within this area who would possibly need to go to Southport - Don't put their lives at risk!!

Deborah Callaghan (Ormskirk, 2021-11-22)


I walk down there everyday and have seen about 4 bikes a week use it what a waste of time and money it is

C Edwards (Ormskirk, 2021-11-22)


As a result of this closure, the amount of traffic on Burscough Road, attempting to access the A59 has increased ten fold. This junction is a notorious accident blackspot, and I am sure it is only a matter of time before there is a fatality. Ormskirk is quite simply gridlocked and is becoming an unpleasant place to live. I can only imagine that those who plan these changes don't live here, and aren't subject to sitting in endless stationery traffic. Please spread the word and get as many people as possible to sign this petition.

Karen Gaughan (ORMSKIRK, 2021-11-22)


Who came up with this idea? Crazy thinking !
Traffic chaos everywhere else due to this road closure !
Does not make sense……

Paula Thompson (Ormskirk, 2021-11-22)


I'm signing because the closure makes no sense to me and just causes extra polution by diverting traffic.

Alan Wall (Ormskirk, 2021-11-22)


This closure has caused nothing but problems from its inception, extra traffic idling on surrounding narrow roads. Someone is going to need urgent ambulance attention and the non access will add on valuable minutes. It's unsightly planters are full of rubbish and the notices at either end jut into the road making access difficult esp from the mini roundabout by retail park. Solution road calming bumps or shicain

Pat Harwood (Ormskirk, 2021-11-22)


Having lived in the area for over 18 years I see the impact the road closure has had on the loc residents and feel it is time to reopen the road for general traffic.

Jake Callaghan (Ormskirk, 2021-11-23)


There’s no logical reason to close Yew Tree Road. There also needs to be a high level proposal provided with a strong justification as to why this is required before this can proceed.

Matthew Gill (Ormskirk, 2021-11-23)


Friends who have lived in Ormskirk for more than 50 years and understand the problems of traffic flow are greatly inconvenienced by these closures

Margaret Fernie (Preston, 2021-11-23)


We have not been informed why Yewtree Road is to be closed permanently, except for access and it is causing major problems on Burscough Road. and Scarisbrick street totally unfair to local residents.

Maria Gill (Ormskirk, 2021-11-23)


All the reasons given for the closure apply to the diversion routes also and if they where then
similarly closed how would we get out? It's a case of not thinking things through and creating a greater problem.

Maureen Venables (ORMSKIRK, 2021-11-23)


The road closure has made all surrounding roads more dangerous! Most notable is the queue of traffic waiting to get on to County Road / High Lane from Burscough road often going right back past Lonsdale Avenue making an already potentially dangerous turning even more so due to the frustration of drivers that have been delayed.

Gareth Prytherch (Ormskirk, 2021-11-23)


The closure of Yew Tree Road was done without research or consultation.

Ian McArdle (ormskirk, 2021-11-23)


Visiting my parents involves a big rigmarole it's very inconvenient

Lisa Procter (Ormskirk, 2021-11-23)


I am sick and tired of not being able to get out of my drive. The constant traffic jams plus the extra pollution due to Yew Tree Road being closed. Our access to routes around my area is now limited and congested due to this closure. There was no consultation. Who are the people who make these decisions, certainly not people from our area and probably not from Ormskirk. The junction at Burscough Road and the A59 is now incredibly dangerous. There are probably 100 times more pedestrians/cyclists using Burscough Road than Yew Tree Road.
PLEASE NOTE: Objections to the proposal of the closure of Yew Tree Road should be sent to:
The Director of Corporate Services
Lancashire County Council,
PO Box 78, County Hall, Preston PR1 8XJ or by email to uk quoting ref: LSG4\894.14153\AFR. Before 8th December.

Dawn Leah (Ormskirk, 2021-11-23)


The increase in traffic, noise and pollution are totally unacceptable! It’s extremely difficult and frustrating to enter and exit our own drive with a constant flow of speeding and stop/start traffic. It is a very dangerous road for people to cross especially those with children. The junction with County Road is extremely dangerous with 3 way traffic and severe congestion.

Lynda Reeder (Ormskirk, 2021-11-23)


My mum and Grandma live on Croftson avenue which is off yew tree road and I’ve never seen something so ridiculous put in place. It makes no sense for the traffic it causes elsewhere.

Casey Callaghan (Skelmersdslr, 2021-11-23)


I live in Ormskirk and the traffic going onto Burscough street to Liverpool Road is awful due to this road being closed.
It has never in all my 32 years living in Ormskirk had heavy traffic through it and it seems to causing worse problems on the nearby streets due to its closure

Rachel Domigan (Ormskirk, 2021-11-23)


I travel through ormskirk regularly and agree with the above statement

Kelly Kays (Liverpool, 2021-11-23)


Keeping this road closed is causing more traffic to use other side roads as a different route thus increasing journey times resulting in more pollution

DAVID TAYLOR (Ormskirk, 2021-11-23)


I am signing this petition because I too am totally dispondant at the continued traffic problems in Burscough Road caused the illogical traffic restraints at Yew Tree.

John Gore (Ormskirk, 2021-11-24)


The closure of Yew Tree Road due to Covid was an inspired decision which caused lots of amazement to the local residents. Now the ongoing closure is causing lots of traffic congestion all over Ormskirk Town. How much additional pollution is this causing whilst sitting in a queue of traffic .
It is time to remove this ill thought out idea.

John Hague (ORMSKIRK, 2021-11-24)


The closure increases traffic everywhere else. I have spoke to the road engineer who is dealing with the closure at the county council and he told me he was only to do a letter drop to residents in Yew tree rd croftson Avenue and hillcrest road ie. residents who might be for the closure. All other impacted residents where never informed about the consultation period, they had to find out for themselves.

Stephen Oliver (Ormskirk, 2021-11-24)


There is absolutely no need for this road to be closed permanently. If it is supposedly used as a rat run then the problem has only been moved elsewhere to much narrower streets.

melanie harris (Ormskirk, 2021-11-24)


I believe the closure is wrong. Local government would be better placed to consider the impact.

Burke Denise (Ormskirk, 2021-11-24)


This road being closed has caused all other roads to be congested causing tail backs at other junctions. Yew Tree rd was not meant to be a cul de sac. Instead of closing the road just put calming measures in i.e speed bumps

Lynn Charlton (Ormskirk, 2021-11-24)


Lancashire County Council received Central Government funding for the temporary closure of Yew Tree Road to help alleviate the spread of Covid 19. I’m sure it must have helped…..
However, this road closure is proposed to be made permanent to enable safer walking and cycling.
In June 2021 the Department for Transport (DfT) wrote to authorities in England “underlining that applications for grants from the Government’s Active Travel Fund involving cycling schemes need to comply with the LTN1/20 standard.”
Basically there is £250 million available funding for councils provided that “Cycling schemes need to include segregation, or closures to through traffic.”
So, would it be cynical of me to suggest that the closure of Yew Tree Road, with all the eloquently and very validly described problems caused to Ormskirk residents, has nothing to do with safety, but more to do with Government funding?
Funding perhaps that could be used to pay for closing one lane of the railway bridge at Derby Street……..
Surely not?

Paul Furnivall (Ormskirk, 2021-11-24)


The letter we received from Akib Khan, the Assistant Highway Engineer states that “the closure of Yew Tree Road to motor vehicles has had a positive impact overall”. I Would be interested to know why he thinks this?
It actually creates a more dangerous situation ie. the official diversion down Scarisbrick Street; a high density residential area, that is reduced to single lane traffic because there is little off road parking. Also it exits into Green Lane opposite a children’s park and rugby field on a blind bend.
I also thoroughly agree with all the other objections included in this petition.

Heather Furnivall (Ormskirk, 2021-11-24)


Someone is going to be killed at bottom end of Burscough road. Children cannot get across road due to heavy traffic.

Gillian Gill (Lancashire, 2021-11-24)


I agree with all the points mentioned

Patricia Ball (Ormskirk, 2021-11-25)


The diversion round trip is 1 mile, 3 members of our house do this 5 days a week, 47 weeks of the year = 705 extra miles per year. Times this by all the other residents doing the same and it would equate to 10’s of thousands of extra miles per year. All that extra carbon going into the air and you have signs on traffic lights telling drivers to turn off their engines to save carbon !!

Mark Crowther (Ormskirk, 2021-11-25)


Since Yew Tree rd has been closed the traffic has been been diverted down Scarisbrick St and as there are parked cars on either side of the road which has now become very dangerous both to pedestrians and drivers

Sheila Mcdonough (Ormskirk, 2021-11-25)


There is on logical reason to close YewTree road to traffic is and should remain a link road between County Road and Burscough Street for all to use without having to make unnessary diversions how many more road do you intend to close as for traffic calming try to calm Burscough Road first . It will be interesting to see the outcome if the council are referring to YewTree road as a rat run why not close Bridge Street which is a known rat run I dare you !!!

Kenneth Sharples (Ormskirk, 2021-11-25)


The current set up is causing dangerous back up on the A59 for drivers having to turn into Burscough Road. More pollution from current set up cos driving further.

Christina Thornton (Ormskirk, 2021-11-25)


I agree wholeheartedly with the points raised

Anne Caunce (Ormskirk, 2021-11-25)


The council like to describe it as a”rat run”. This is totally misleading and unnecessary. Yew Tree Rd is and has been for as long as I can remember an alternative thoroughfare from Burscough Rd to A59 and on to Grimshaw Lane. The effects of redirecting the traffic are already causing problems.

Alan Proffitt (Ormskirk, 2021-11-25)


Closing Yew Tree Road has been a total inconvenience for me and I can't see any advantages for doing it

Heather Harper (Ormskirk, 2021-11-25)


I'm signing because I feel that the closure of Yewtree Road has produced no obvious benefits and traffic is now encouraged (by diversion signs) to take a less suitable narrower road (Scarisbrick St.)which has a very difficult and potentially dangerous exit onto Burscough St.

Milly Casey (Ormskirk, 2021-11-25)


Because there is absolutely no reason for this road to be closed

Dominic Fleming (West lancs, 2021-11-26)


Due to the closure of Yewtree Road we now have increased traffic, noise and pollution at our address. It’s causing no end of stress trying to get onto and off our property.

Peter Smith (Ormskirk, 2021-11-27)


I believe the road should be ready opened to stop Burscough road / county road junction being so busy.

Hazel Davies (Ormskirk, 2021-11-27)


The volume of traffic at the bottom of Burscough Road where we live has increased ten fold since the closure of Yew tree Road. I have three young children and it has become a very dangerous crossing and difficult to pull out in the car. This junction was never intended to deal with this volume of traffic at the speed many of these cars travel. Its only a matter of time before a serious accident occurs. To my knowledge Yew Tree has never been used as a cycle route, to favour the safety of some members of our community at the expense of the residents of Scarisbrick Street, Green Lane and Burscough Rd seems entirely unreasonable.

Katie Halsall (Ormskirk, 2021-11-27)


I live on one of the affected other streets and this situation needs a better solution than permanently closing off a Yew Tree.

Philip Towson (Ormskirk, 2021-11-27)


I agree that Yew Tree Road should be re-opened to traffic

Susan Dean (ORMSKIRK, 2021-11-27)


I agree that Yew Tree Road should be re-opened to traffic.

Stephen Dean (Ormskirk, 2021-11-27)


traffic coming down scarisbrick street is ridiculous.

tommy souther (ormskirk, 2021-11-27)


Increased road traffic on my street as a result, carless driving by the retail park as its closed off.

The ethics of it too, we are a community but yew tree road being treated differently? Why should they get to keep the road cloased an no traffic, it’s completely unfair

Olivia Doran (Ormskirk, 2021-11-28)


I totally agree that this road should be re opened ASAP

Sandra Weston (Ormskirk, 2021-11-28)


I live locally and the closure of yew tree road is having major impacts on traffic and pedestrian safety on nearby routes

Michelle Rooney (Ormskirk, 2021-11-28)


This road closed benefits no one. We have very few roads that lead anywhere. The diverted roads being used are not suitable and everyone is populated by houses. Yewtree is the only other road that leads directly to a large shopping and business park. Also has the widest sidewalks and road than the ones chosen to divert on. Our few roads are all rat runs because of traffic from outlying areas and all the new builds coming into Ormskirk and passing through. Please open Yewtree Road.

Olive Allen (Ormskirk, 2021-11-28)


My parents live on Scarisbrick Street and have suffered massively from the impact of the closure of Yewtree Road and traffic being diverted down their road. They also have to pay for residential parking for their children and grandchildren to be able to park and visit even though they themselves don’t drive or own a car whereas Yewtree Road all have private drives, wider footpath and road and don’t have to pay for residential parking. Visibility for entrance and exit onto and off Burscough Street and Green Lane is hindered by cars parked right up to junctions and is a significant safety hazard. Scarisbrick Street would be a much better option as a cycle route

Marie Winders (Burscough, 2021-11-28)


I am concerned about emergency services whenever necessary as traffic has to stop with emergency vehicles having to block the road, dangerous exits and entrances at both end, concerned about people getting children in and out of cars safely, concerned about speed of vehicles down the narrow double parked (residential parking only) road. This also impacts on traffic trying to enter and exit the two avenues off the street with cars parked up to junctions. Also the health implications with increased pollution and excessive noise

Margaret Everall (Ormskirk, 2021-11-28)


My grandparents reside on this road, it’s a fairly narrow road and increased traffic would cause traffic delays, increased risk of damage to vehicles parked on the road due to no driveways, increased risk of road traffic collisions due to blind spots at either end of the road.

Jœ Swift (Skelmersdale, 2021-11-28)


I fully object to the permanent closure of yew tree road as a local resident, who’s road has been seriously effected by the closure.

Nicola Souther (Lancashire, 2021-11-28)


I completely object to the permanent closure of Yew Tree Road. As a resident on Scarisbrick street, and as a new father to a now 7 month old, I feel the road has become unsafe, especially to walk down, but in particularly when pulling out of the drive. Cars come speeding down, and have nearly crashed into me on a number of occasions, due to cars parked all the way down the street and the increase in traffic down the road. With a baby in the back seat I’m becoming increasing worried about the entire situation. I imagine whoever has come up with this idea has done so to benefit themselves and not took into consideration, the local residents and their families.

Adam Brady (Ormskirk, 2021-11-28)


I totally disagree with the closure all that it has done is push the so-called rat run to Scarisbrick street. But it was never a rat run in the first place so i would like to see the evidence of the monitoring that was done on yewtree road to say it was a rat run.

Philip Mawdsley (ORMSKIRK, 2021-11-29)


As a resident of Scarisbrick Street I am very concerned about the proposals to permanently close Yew Tree Road and divert the traffic down Scarisbrick Street resulting in a vast increase in traffic with all the inherent dangers to residents

Ian Kennedy (Ormskirk, 2021-11-29)


I lived on Burscough Road, Ormskirk for over thirty years. My mother and father still live on Burscough Road and my young family and I visit regularly. I have noticed a terrible change in the traffic due to the closure of Yew Tree Road over the past two years when visiting my parents. Additional traffic jams on Burscough Road, larger amounts of traffic into the town centre, less access to my parents house. It's borderline dangerous on occasions when trying to reverse off their driveway. Traffic flow is also poor from Burscough, Southport and Liverpool. This accompanied with the additional housing that has recently gone up on High Lane, the closure of Yew Tree Lane couldn't have come at a worse time. I don't understand why it has been closed off, but to state it is inconvenient is an understatement, it's ridiculous!

Stephen Leah (Liverpool, 2021-11-29)

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