Oppose Rotorua Council's 'interim' model of 1 Maori seat, 1 General seat and 8 At Large seats recommended to the Local Government Commission



The Council is proposing to violate our democratic rights.

Reynold Macpherson (Rotorua, 2022-03-13)



Steve Wright (Rotorua, 2022-03-13)


I oppose any race-based voting system.

Fred Stevens (ROTORUA, 2022-03-13)


Its simply not democratic

Neill Kennedy (Rotorua, 2022-03-13)


I believe in a democracy where each person has the same voting power and are all equal.

Graham Bidlake (Rotorua, 2022-03-13)


I’m actually against Maori seats,in this day an age we should be all equal .Every position on the council should be open.It’s up to the people of Rotorua to vote for who they think will serve Rotorua well

Jennie Taylor (Rotorua, 2022-03-13)


Violation of bill of rights

Brent Hardy (Rotorua, 2022-03-13)


I believe in equal voting power to all eligblie voters regardless of whether theyre on the gGeneral Poll or Maori Roll. The Rotorua Lakes Council proposed model submitted to the LG Commission give the minority roll group on Maori Roll nearly 3 times the voting power over those on the General Roll which is totally undemocratic & violates our NZ Bill of Rights which applies to all NZers regardless of their political views...Ds & TEM Caves RLC Ratepayers

Denys Caves (Rotorua, NEW ZEALAND, 2022-03-13)


I disagree with the Council proposal.

Audrey Hendesom (Rotorua, 2022-03-13)


Sick of the them and our people attitude of this supposedly disadvantaged/disenfranchised generation of Māori and the stealth of almost corrupt “elected representatives of all residents” who give the distinct impression of favouring the minority by deliberately misinterpreting the spirit/intention but most disturbingly the word of the Treaty of Waitangi.

Murray McClune (Auckland, 2022-03-13)


The Council's proposed 'Interim' model is totally undemocratic. We are one People in New Zealand and each person should have exactly the same voting power as anyone else in elections ie one person, one vote as we have had for some time.

Carol Smyth (Rotorua, 2022-03-13)


I totally object to to the attempted removal of democratic voting principles by a select group of councillors of the Rotorua District Council (led by an ideologically driven Mayor).

Len Watson (ROTORUA, 2022-03-13)


Rotorua is my home town. Born there as 3rd generation, lived there up until 6 years ago. Shocked at what Rotorua has become and the inbalance of power taking place. Wake up Rotorua citizens.

Christine Norris (Putararu, 2022-03-13)


I want democracy to prevail. Most of our councillors are or have Māori blood. Rotorua council is already awash with democratically elected Māori.

Pauline Kean (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


The proposal is divisive of our society based on ethnicity

Paul Mead (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


I am Signing because this is a Corrupted system drawn up by a few people and also these people are not elected by Public who elects the Council Members. So Basically they have set up a internal force to pass all there motives and the Councillors have no say. Basically the biggest dictatorship of communism in Council, we are equal ! Maori and Pakeha and other Nationalities in NZ . Stop the racism and dictatorship in our Council



I am sick and tired of the blatant, arrogant anti-white racism that has infected our local govt thru the corrupt Labour govt. It is the general taxpayer that pays to provide the finance to run this country, not Maori. its time to get rid of the woke left and get back on track so we can all survive. If you want to generate racial hatred, you are doing a damn fine job, and you will reap the rewards of that.

Rod Kane (Auckland, 2022-03-14)


I believe to be an unfair basis of representation in Rotorua.

Neven Hill (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


I am strongly against this proposition because I firmly believe in one person one vote. Having three seats purely for approx 15% of the population flies against this. In Rotorua, as a Maori, I feel well represented without this change.

Glenys Ihaka (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


An equal number of people should have an equal number of votes.

Douwe Visser (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


I believe in equal and fair representation.

Chapman Grant (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


I want voting to be fair and equal.

Greg Cox (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


... because this procedure is incredibly anti-democratic!!! Equal suffrage specifies that every person's vote carries equal weight!!!

Jon Cianci (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


I'm signing because I want a fair election, not rigged, or pre-determined.

Tracey McLeod (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


I want our council to stop giving additional votes to 15% of the population!

Richard Amery (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


Mayor is pandering to someone. No one with sound Democratic principals would do whats being pushed.. Who is it???Giving the 19,791 citizens on the Māori Roll and the 51,618 citizens on the General Roll one seat each to vote for will give those on the Māori Roll over 2.6 times the voting power of those on the General Roll. This will violate the New Zealand Bill of Rights which gives each citizen the right to vote in genuine elections with each vote having the same voting power.

Roger Wootton (Ngakuru, 2022-03-14)


It is against the NZ bill of rights and thus unconstitutional to pass legislation and initiate legislation that goes against the law. This bill will gove unequal voting power to a minority people in this district and will create a bigger gap between the various people groups in this town.

Remko Schipper (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


I dont believe in xtra moari seats

Peter Calnan (rotorua, 2022-03-14)


The Council's proposal would result in a minority having sway over a majority, which is undemocratic

Mark Armstrong (Wellington, 2022-03-14)


Because i believe we should all have rights and this should not be divided enough of this separatism and racism we are all one.

Gloria Holdsworth (Rotorua, 2022-03-14)


I believe this is undemocratic, and will alienate NZ ers.

Glenys Searancke (Rotorua, 2022-03-15)


I don’t believe it has reflected the wishes or the Rotorua citizens

Thomas Edgar Heard (Rotorua, 2022-03-15)


I believe in democracy

David Bruce (Rotorua, 2022-03-15)


Maori do not need special seats, That is out and out Racism. They can get elected into local Govt at the polling booths like all other contenders.

Wayne Mackie (Rotorua, 2022-03-16)


I support democracy

Sarah Smith (Rotorua, 2022-03-16)


Very unfair representation based on roll information.

Barry Wade (Rotorua, 2022-03-16)


I believe in democracy, one person, one vote, race or nationality should never come into it

Alex Billett (Rotorua, 2022-03-16)


1 person, 1 vote

Elaine Billett (Rotorua, 2022-03-16)


Maintain N Z Democratic Voting

Peter Christie (Rotorua, 2022-03-16)


This is disgusting and verges on apartheid!We are all equal in New Zealand, no race needs special treatment!

Barb Ward (Rotorua, 2022-03-17)


Democracy has proven to be the most successful, productive and secure form of government. To throw it away for a tribal, apartheid structure which has proven to be destructive and extremely limiting will doom NZ to 3rd world status or worse.

Fiona Mackenzie (Whangaparaoa, 2022-03-17)


I oppose the creation of a theocracy at the expense of a democracy.

John Petrie (Rotorua, 2022-03-17)


The proposal is severely biassed.

Peter Dare (Rotorua, 2022-03-17)



suellyn caudwell (rotorua, 2022-03-18)


I Oppose Rotorua Council's 'interim' model of 1 Maori seat, 1 General seat and 8 At Large seats recommended to the Local Government Commission

Bruce Beesley (Rotorua, 2022-03-18)


I am sigining in because Reynold Macpherson is 100% correct without a doubt!

Patchell Patchell (Rotorua, 2022-03-18)


Concept of race based politics is undemocratic , unjustifiable and potentially racially divisive causing problems in society that do not need to exist .

Les Renney (Rotorua, 2022-03-19)


I support equal opportunity for all people in Rotorua

Sue White (Rotorua, 2022-03-19)


The PM is overriding our current democratic system with this proposed ruling

Christina Cairns (Auckland, 2022-03-19)


This is racist!

Jeff Cook (Tauranga, 2022-03-19)


It's undemocratic and extremely divisive.



I am signing this because I am appalled at how this mayor has down graded our city She is using undemocratic processes to push forward her own agendas

Maggie Bentley (Rotorua, 2022-03-20)


When I look at the make-up of our Rotorua Lakes councillors, at least a third are of Maori decent, and affiliate to the local Iwi, Te Arawa. Another two are married or have children who identify as Maori and the rest are multicultural. There is a good mix of age and gender. This is democracy in action! Why move to an undemocratic model of governance? I understand there needs to be a conversation around what co-governance looks like in relation to Te Triti, but to try to bulldoze an outcome through Parliament without robust NATIONAL debate and inclusive engagement is far from democratic.

Denise La Grouw (Rotorua, 2022-03-20)


This voting model is being proposed to deliver better representation but is, in reality, delivering a lopsided result whereby the minority achieve a disproportionate voting ratio. One vote per person has achieved a democratic outcome for decades and does not need to be tampered with.

Tak Tothill (Rotorua, 2022-03-20)


I have lived in Rotorua since 1970 and know
that Maori have always had good representation on our council voted in on their own merits. Our Mayor and Councilors need to remember that they were voted in democratically so they need to stop trying to change the rules to give unfair advantage where it is not warranted.

Sharyn Taylor (Rotorua, 2022-03-20)


I am opposed to co-governance as it is in effect giving control to unelected and unaccountable iwi who through veto assume control

Lee Short (Meadowbank, 2022-03-20)


I'm signi g because I believe I. One person one vote.

Joseph Gielen (Rotorua, 2022-03-20)


I am signing this petition I strongly disagree with the RDLC position on this. There is no justification for the approach they are taking and is contrary to the law and the feedback from the majority of those who provided it

Gary Smith (Rotorua, 2022-03-20)


I vote for fair democracy.

Ryan Holmes (Rotorua, 2022-03-20)


I want equal rights for each and every citizen

David Butler (Rotorua, 2022-03-20)


This vote will violate the New Zealand Bill Of Rights.

Barry Cairns (Auckland, 2022-03-20)


I believe the treaty of Waitangi gave Maori EQUAL rights.. It did NOT give CO-Governance or a Partnership. Who in their right mind would give either of the latter to a tribe of stone-age cannibals on behalf of the Queen.

Fraser McKenzie (Rotorua, 2022-03-21)


One person one vote. We are ONE people...not one above the other. C'mon council. Why even have this discussion.

Marinus Koppe (Rotorrua, 2022-03-21)


i agree with Reynold Macpherson

ngaire willemsen (reporoa, 2022-03-21)


I do NOT SUPPORT Iwi-governance in Aotearoa - each one of us is a CITIZEN OF AOTEAROA - we are all equal! With EQUAL SAY & EQUAL RIGHTS!

Faataualofa Smith (Tokoroa, 2022-03-21)


its not adhearing to the rules of democracy

Ross Morris (Glenholme Rotorua, 2022-03-21)


Rotorua council is violating equal rights bill frequently since 2013

Leo Pol (Rotorua, 2022-03-21)


I'm signing because I believe that this will give an imbalance of power and will violate the New Zealand Bill of Rights which gives each citizen the right to vote in genuine elections with each vote having the same voting power.

Lynn Benfell (Rotorua, 2022-03-22)


This is so wrong.

Errol Mahoney (Rotorua, 2022-03-22)


I am opposed to what I consider this council this councils biased view on fair representation to all rate payers , regardless of ethnicity

Robert Andrew (ROTORUA, 2022-03-22)


If I don't, voting in Lakes Council this tear will be a farce.It will be a done deal who gets in, the Elite Iwi. The partnership set up we had with Te Arawa was ok, but this is not.

Esther Turner (Rotorua, 2022-03-22)


I'm signing because I believe in democracy

Grahame W Hall (Rotorua, 2022-03-22)

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