Save Tod's Piece Allotments in Uppingham
Tods piece allotments are an important community and environmental provision and there is too much development happening / bring lplsnnef in uppinghamTom Davies (Oakham, 2022-05-29)
I think that green spaces need to be save also a lot of people have used them allotments for years and I know of one person who has had these for 40 yrs and is still useing it now in his old age .Mary Notley (Uppingham, 2022-05-30)
We need to keep our green space in the centre of town.This is a beautiful habitat for the people of uppingham and the wildlife to enjoy in the middle of our town.
Naomi Daw (Uppingham, 2022-05-30)
Liz PengellyLiz Pengelly (Uppingham, 2022-05-30)
A much needed retreat for the allotment user, and an interest for others as we watch the fruits of peoples hard work. Educational for children, I have passed groups from various nurseries/schools talking about what they can see. We leave verges wild (and in some places, dangerously so) yet it’s being considered to replace something that is a haven for wildlife with unaffordable, thrown up samey houses.Lorraine James (Uppingham, 2022-05-30)
I cannot understand why we are thinking of building on one of the last parts of central uppingham that is an open space. If there are other places the allotments could go (albeit the allotment holders would have to start their hard work all over again! Why can’t the houses be built where the allotments could be moved to.Elizabeth Sargeant (Uppingham, 2022-05-30)
This space is so important not only for the allotment holders but for the community surrounding them too. Seeing the fruit and veg grow is good for mental health and for educating our youngsters. Please leave them alone!Abbey Allison (Uppingham, 2022-05-31)
I’m signing in support as this area is an essential green space for people to be where they enjoy growing food, and which helps a healthy diet and importantly a healthy mind. It’s a place for people to relax, to feel free of worries, to relieve any stresses, to communicate with others and where children can be shown how to grow vegetables.Valerie Booth (Uppingham, 2022-05-31)
Gainsborough Road has enough traffic.The allotments are well used and cared for.
Stop building on our green spaces.
Michelle Saddington (Uppingham, 2022-05-31)
The allotments have been in Uppingham for many years, have always been well used. Nowadays they are even more important as a community resource that is invaluable for the mental and physical health of individuals and families. Growing your own food is even more relevant during these challenging times. Once lost they’re never replaced.Pat Dalby (Uppingham, 2022-05-31)
There is already limited green space within the town itself. The allotments are well used and loved apart from the ones ruined and not repaired after the work was carried out on the skate ramp(left to overgrow along the fence line of the adjoining estate). Losing this for what is being banded as affordable housing is laughable, there is no such thing in Rutland so let’s not dress it up as that. It’s vein go done for someone’s profits and to say otherwise is treating the residents of Uppingham as if they were stupid. There are lots of pockets of land equal in size dotted around the town that would be far more suitable and cause less hassle overall. And in the bigger picture this is one step closer to tods piece going the same way. Stop with the short sighted line my pockets thinking and give the town and its residents some regard.Paul Baines (Uppingham, 2022-05-31)
i used to live next to the allotments and they are very much a part of the communityelizabeth pollard (Totland Bay, 2022-05-31)
The allotments are not a suitable place for houses to be built. It is a much loved cared for and well looked after green space and has been for many years.Gemma Lynch (Uppingham, 2022-05-31)
I used to live in the Uppingham area, and still have family in Uppingham. There is new development happening, which is great, but it is important not to lose these community spaces which are vital for wellbeing and support more vulnerable members of the community.Lindsey Symington (Great Yarmouth, 2022-05-31)
I am signing because I am aware of the interested parties previous history.Cornelius Vincent-Enright (Uppingham, 2022-05-31)
I am totally opposed to building on allotment land it is our duty to protect this essential provision for the next generationPeoples mental health is important and so is the ability to grow food
Jane Daw (Wing, 2022-06-01)
I oppose building on the allotments, they are well used and enjoyed by many and provide the local community that use them breathing space to enjoy sowing, growing, and caring for plants, veggies and fruit - not to mention the much needed mental health benefit from spending time in green spaces.Gair Booth (Uppingham, 2022-06-01)
I love the beautiful town of Uppingham. Lived there when I was little and recently returned for a visit and loved how the town was still as inviting as it was when I lived there.Beth Connors (Louisville, 2022-06-02)
I used to live in Upping ham and brought up my family there. The allotments are one of the few allotment sites left in the town. Greed prompts this move to build on this site.Maureen Norton (Corby, 2022-06-05)
They are a vital asset to the community and there is other unused land for housingSusan Cropper (Uppingham, 2022-06-05)
The allottments are a great space for those who use them but also provide lots of pleasure to those who walk by them. They help to educate children about food and growing things and there is always something to look at.Janice Green (Uppingham, 2022-06-05)
Green space in the centre of any town should not disappear to make way for concrete.The people who bought houses around the Allotments do not wish to have other houses built around them closing in there view.
Also we need the bees ,insects and other wild life that visits us swifts and swallows eat the insects .The hedgehog families visit too along with the frogs that live on the allotments outside of there breeding seasons. There are lots more reasons like affordable housing doesn,t work.
Stephen Reeves (Uppingham, 2022-06-05)
The allotments in Uppingham are a valuable asset to the community; not only to the allotment holders but all the residents of Uppingham.Mike Fish (Uppingham, 2022-06-05)
The allotment helps my mental well being and is a pleasure to work on . It enables my grandchildren to learn about where food comes from and how it grows . It is a vital asset to the town and to me personallyBilly Cropper (Uppingham, 2022-06-06)
These allotments are popular and well cared for. We should be encouraging more cultivation and connection with nature, not taking the opportunity away.Emma Waterhouse (Uppingham, 2022-06-06)
Wendy HowardWendy Howard (Uppingham, 2022-06-06)
I believe that TPA needs protecting. I value its place and role in the community. It is important for all generations to be able to roll their sleeves up and get involved in cultivation. I have worked there, on a friends allotment, with pupils from the school. It is so important to have this, and for it to be so visible and central in Uppingham.Hugh Barnes (Uppingham, 2022-06-06)
I’m signing because protect the green space within Uppingham is just as important as the green space surrounding it. The pandemic has proven that outdoor space is instrumental in supporting people’s mental health and well-being; as a resident of the Uppingham community, I believe it is paramount we protect that space.Catherine Barnes (Uppingham, 2022-06-06)
vivienne mankowskivivienne mankowski (Uppingham, 2022-06-06)
I agree, I live near Tod’s piece and value the green space in the middle of town. With climate and nature, cost of living, obesity and mental health crises all hot topics at the moment, small scale local food production, getting people outside, labouring in the open air and connecting with the earth should be should be being encouraged and valued by society even more than before.Holly Reilly (Uppingham, 2022-06-06)
I have had an allotment on this site for a number of years now and it is of great benefit to my general health and well-being, and I am very much opposed to the building of any sort on valuable green space!Joanne Salt (Uppingham, 2022-06-07)
I believe that this land should be left as allotments for the people of Uppingham.Susan Morecroft (Uppingham, 2022-06-07)
To save our inner town green spaces!Conor Di Fante (Uppingham, 2022-06-07)
I whole hartedly support green space in BRICK built areas!Peter Blencowe (Uppingham, 2022-06-07)
Lynne pewtressLynne Pewtress (Uppingham, 2022-06-07)
I'm signing because i am an allotment holder for 40 years. I do not agree that allotments should be built on anywhere.Green areas are rare in Uppingham. Lets keep them.
Richard Jeffs (Uppingham, 2022-06-07)
I don't think it's fair it's for the elderly for peiceStuart Murray (Uppingham, 2022-06-08)
Need to keep green spaces in this townLiam Rose (Uppingham, 2022-06-08)
Allotments are a very important part of people's mental health and a requirement by a council to provide them. These allotments are well used and have been for a very long time.With the increase in people's cost of living it may be even more important for people to grow their own food
Sarah Gresty (Stamford, 2022-06-10)
One of my favourite walks first thing in the morning is past Tod's piece. A wonderful piece of green land enjoyed by both gardeners and passers by.PAUL DYAS (UPPINGHAM, RUTLAND, 2022-06-11)
My dad has an allotment here and has for years. A key part of his retirement ids working on the allotment and the grandkids love spending time with him there too.Nicola Jeffs (Uppingham, 2022-06-11)
My kids love going up there growing fresh foodBen Jeffs (Uppingham, 2022-06-11)
Allotments are good for community life, wildlife and the mental and physical health of people who work themRosaleen McHard (Rutland, 2022-06-12)
This is a valuable green space within the centre of town, once it’s gone it cannot be replaced. More and more research is showing the valuable health benefits (physically and mentally) having access to green spaces. At a time of uncertainty in the world these spaces are ever more important for now and future generations. Allotments are an important green space and should be left as a green space and not built on!Elizabeth Edwards (Uppingham, 2022-06-12)
I’m against the purpose housing estate . It will have a impact on wildlife .traffic coming through the Quadrant ,Gainsborough Rd and Wilkes GardensJohn Collins (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Green space is important to any town centre as is the long standing facility for local people to grow local produce .JOHN DICKINSON (UPPINGHAM, 2022-06-13)
Jon NixJon Nix (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
We need green space and gives people a lot of pleasure to grow food, especially at this time when things are so expensive and it’s all so very good excise.Maureen Mccluskey (Rutland, 2022-06-13)
It's important that these allotments aren't lost for ever. They are convenient for people living in the centre of town. The Leicester road allotments are for people who live at the other end of the town. They are well cared for and if there is a waiting list there is a need for them.Jean Gordon (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Green spaces are the lungs of town.Not everything has to be sacrificed for progress and convenience.
Houses can surely be built without having to destroy treasured gardens, (allotments.)
Sonja Lennon (Oakham, 2022-06-13)
Green space and allotments are important to the communitySara Fowler (Stamford, 2022-06-13)
Spoiling the landscapeNick Cooper (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
This is a much loved and calming space for the people who have allotments here, also it encourages bees and wildlife, please do not build houses here.Rose Cooper (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Allotments are an essential part of every community, especially here in Uppingham. Houses can be built on numerous pieces of land which are available elsewhere.Mark Evans (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
In todays climate of green spaces, people being encouraged to grow some of their own food, helping wild life and showing passing children how vegetables grow is very important. Uppingham council has no right to GIVE this land away without consultation.Judith Fisher (Uppingha, 2022-06-13)
I don’t believe that there is any need to develop this area.Paul Holden (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
This will be the thin end of the stick. Will it stop at this development or will it continue until no allotments are available.Keith Whitehead (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Glyn WilliamsGlyn Williams (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
To keep as much country open spaces as possible.William Barnett (Oakham, 2022-06-13)
Allotments are important in any community as a place where those do not have gardens can grown their own food. they serve as a valuable resourceClare Bostock Wood (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Allotments are a needed and appreciated commodity for the community.It is health for both humans and wildlife to have these green spaces.
Marie Barton (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Allotments are a treasured part of many people's lives; providing a quiet place to grow health-giving vegetables, exercise and fresh air particularly during these difficult times. There is also great demand for plots.Chris Hopkin (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Allotments are a precious resource. They are well kept and there’s a waiting list of people wanting to work them. I do not want to give up the land for housing.Carole Forbes (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Allotments are a public amenity for a start.Their removal or reduction should not be allowed.
Given the state of the economy at the moment, they are also some peoples lifeline to fresh fruit & veg! & even those without an allotment, benefit from them; given most allotment holders give away large amounts of the produce they generate on the allotments!
The impact on the mental health of the people who's allotments are potentially about to be removed, is going to be a serious negative.
Let alone the removal of wildlife & nature areas that we are in dire need of.
Given the fact there are major areas of scrub land, or other sites more suited to developing; this is a huge mistake to even consider.
More allotments should be provided, not less!
Simon Edwards (Oakham., 2022-06-13)
I am interested in gardening remember Dig For VictoryDavid Kinder (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
The allotments are an integral part of the history of the town and important for the many people who look after and love their piece of green space, no more shoe box housing pleaseJ Browning (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Faye BirdseyFaye Birdsey (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Mark Shaw is a hypocrite and I don’t like his nepotism or the process of thisGraham Caddy (Oakham, 2022-06-13)
we do not want more houses, Uppingham has been voted one of the best places to live in the East Mids, do not spoil what we have, Listen to the people of Uppingham.anthony frearson (uppingham, 2022-06-13)
I’m signing the petition because I’ve seen the allotments develop over years to become what it is today, some people aren’t privileged enough to have a garden at their homes and rely on these allotments for a release and a getaway.The cost of living is increasing and growing your own veg is a great way of saving money along side reducing the amount of produce we import into this country.
The effort families have put into preparing the soil, planting, growing and picking alongside educating others and sharing the produce with other locals should be a good enough reason to save these allotments.
If these plans get approved it only a matter of time and another reason someone else will be able to build on Todd’s piece and reduce another family area of Uppingham
Jack Henshaw (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
The allotments are a crucial part of Tods piece used by many of the locals who have no garden space of their own.There were talks of moving the allotments to Leicester road. This is simply too far out of town. You can not expect the elderly to travel that distance.
James Kettle (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
I walk past the allotments most days, and it helps calm my anxiety. Losing them would be horrible, and make Uppingham a less pleasant place to live.Please don’t take this away from us. It would be an environmentally and socially irresponsible thing to do.
Jay Statham (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
Why not develop these allotments into community areas? Why is it always about developers destroying these areas for a buck? Dig a pond on the land, grow some plants, make a bug hotel, bird feeders, etc grow veg on it. Lets educate children in the local area and future generations to take care where we live and the wildlife in it.Owen Tate (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
I think that allotments are an important part of community life.Pat Bonner (Oakham, 2022-06-13)
Rachel PedleyRachel Pedley (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
The benefits of having allotments are many. Both personal for mental and physical health and for the ability to grow our own food. We need to protect these areas not destroy them.Olwen Dunbar (Bisbrooke Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
I don’t agree with the allotments being built on when they are well used for their existing purpose.Amy Boulton (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)
I am an allotment holder in Caldecott and know how important it is for mental well being and opportunity to grow good wholesome food that can be shared if there is surplus.Jenny Betts (Caldecott, 2022-06-13)
I think it is a shame to build right in front of houses.Mary Rose de Lisle (Oakham, 2022-06-13)