Save The Pohara Store Car Parks



I created this petition, as I am completely against this cycle way going through the shops carparks

Dave Hix (Pohara, 2023-03-28)


The cycle way through the front of the store will have such a negative impact not only for the store but for locals, holiday makers and visitors to the region.

Tania Hix (Pohara, 2023-03-28)


In support of the business and this crazy obsession of laying bike lanes despite the affects of anything else.

Ken Hix (Hamilton, 2023-03-28)


TDC need to respect and uphold small business in golden Bay, there is already a public road thru the campground they own.

Jo Mclean (Tasman, 2023-03-28)


This is very shortsighted of TDC, so many businesses in town have to provide extra parking spaces and for the sake of a few cyclists we lose our existing parking spaces!

Pauline Tasker (Golden+Bay, 2023-03-28)


I have safety concerns about the cycleway cutting into the parking area outside the Pohara Store.
1. This is an essential area provided by the store, for the convenience and safety of customers and delivery services.
2. The road outside the store has a regular flow of traffic and becomes even more congested during the summer months, with visitors to Golden Bay.
Please leave the Pohara Store parking spaces as they are, for the safety and convenience of all.

Carol Price (Takaka, 2023-03-29)


My family live in Pohara and these are parks that should not be removed for a cycle lane. This area is already dangerous in the summer months with traffic congestion and pedestrians/children reducing the number and then making them parallel parks would make it even more dangerous!

Ginny Harman (Auckland, 2023-03-29)


This will make it difficult for elderly and disabled to park and access the amenities and reduce the number of car parks available

Jenna Bowden (Takaka, 2023-03-29)


It will cause chaos

Erin Hodgkinson (Takaka, 2023-03-29)


The car parks are imperative especially during the holiday season. Put the bike lane through the camping ground!

Elizabeth Pearson (Takaka, 2023-03-29)


The Pohara Store is a vital part of our community. We have already lost a motel and two Cafes in the township and this could be fatal to the only General Store. Further, the population increases by several thousand during the summer months. The loss of the store would mean all of those people would have to go to Takaka to shop for necessities. This is a round trip of 18kms and means more pollution and a major increase in traffic. Thus more hazards for all. The proposal as it stands lacks any commonsense or understanding of the needs of our community

john Crocker (Takaka, 2023-03-29)


I think that's going to have a negative effect in the pohara community. In the tasman area there are multiple sections of the great taste trails that have to be partly on the road. I don't see why this can't be any different for the short length and having no effect on a already established business

Stacey strange (Takaka, 2023-03-29)


I am a regular user of pohara store. Its a stupid idea to put the cycle lane directly though the car parks. It would be so hazardous.

Lisa Campbell (Takaka, 2023-03-29)


These car parks are essential and the only safe place to park without going on other private property

Maria Morgan Morgan (Tuakau, 2023-03-29)


Silly cycle ways ruin everything

Ben Hix (Richmond, 2023-03-29)


Why should the store lose car parks. It's not good for any businesses to lose parks for cyle path. They be better off using the money to put a cycle path from town towards Collingwood.

Marilyn Goodwin (Takaka, 2023-03-29)


Those parks are SO necessary and SO BUSY .. especially over summer!! It will turn into a major traffic hazard with cars everywhere trying to get to the store ...

Robynne Harvey (Takaka, 2023-03-29)


It’s already dangerous enough with the blind corner coming from where the penguin cafe used to be, this is just madness that’s clearly been suggested by someone with sweet bugger all knowledge of the area and someone who’s clearly never had to stop in at the general store. It’s a high foot and vehicle traffic area and to be blunt this proposal is blatantly stupid and an offensive suggestion to both the locals and holiday makers from motupipi through to way past wainui

Francesca Pooley (Christchurch, 2023-03-29)


I think that besides the Store losing their customer parking, the track should be on otherside of the road where the street lights are, proper drainage off road fall formed to prevent flooding in Sth side sections

Joanna Stevenson (Takaka, 2023-03-29)


These parking spots are needed and are important to retain. There must be continued safe and close access for the store, for visitors, and for vehicles.

Teri Sawers (Golden Bay, 2023-03-30)


I am a resident in Tata Beach and use the store regularly for incidental groceries, ice creams and takeaways. The Pohara store is the hub of the area and is busy with holiday makers, retirees, and trades trying to access the shop. I think that having a cycleway without speed limits passing directly in front of the store, is an accident waiting to happen.

Judy Hoar (Chch, 2023-03-30)


I use those parks a lot and totally agree with the petitioner’s arguments

Peter Bromley (Pohara, 2023-03-30)


The road is sufficiently wide for cycles there without a cycle way and the reduction in car parks would have multiple negative impacts

Grant Fleming (Tasman, 2023-03-30)


I use the Pohara Store. My disabled mum does too. Many people need to park as they come to the shop by vehicle.

Laura Manson (Takaka, 2023-03-30)


What the TDC is doing is wrong and adversely affecting a small businesses ability to function and make a living

Graeme Hampshire (Takaka, 2023-03-30)


Parking is essential

Hamish Hills (Takaka, 2023-03-30)


I spend a lot of time at Tata Beach in GBay and the Pohara Store is a busy place as the only shop for this part of the Bay particularly the camp ground. The road is wide enough for bikes already and to lose these car parks is not a good plan.

Carla Wild (Takaka, 2023-03-30)


I’m against this modification of the car park

Juan Fernández (Collingwood, 2023-03-30)


Disagree should be within the camp

Shane Fleming (Tākaka, 2023-03-30)


Yet another stupid decision by a Council completely out of touch with common sense!

Fran Broad (Nelson, 2023-03-30)


Why should this business suffer for sake of poor planning on TDC part I know for a fact no parking I'd just carry on.

Lassy Rangihika (Takaka, 2023-03-30)


I live in Pōhara and believe in the holiday season, having less car parks outside the shop is a silly idea, it gets very busy out here and it is easy enough for bikes to go around as it is. Why fix something that isn't broken, it is fine as it is!

Casey White (Tasman, 2023-03-30)


I will be affected as this is my local supermarket where I shop regularly. It also makes me nervous about my children cycling on a cycle track right past a carpark where they can be backed into as the Pohara store is a very very busy store at all times of the year.

Katie McRae (Takaka, 2023-03-30)


This proposal is just another case of our local council pushing the small business owners around because of their own inadequacies in forward planning.

Anthony Nicholls (Takaka, 2023-03-30)


I support this petition to stop the car park spaces being used for a 2.5 m wide cycle way

Darryl Tinetti (Hamilton, 2023-03-30)


The parking is perfect during summer madness, reducing the parks would cause utter chaos

Ashley Porter (Takaka, 2023-03-30)


As the previous owner of the Pohara General Store I agree that there needs to be an alternative to this plan. This proposal would have a huge impact on this business throughout the year, however during the summer holiday season it has the potential to seriously compromise the economics of this business. Access to the store and the takeaway section would be severely compromised. The high volume of children visiting the store during summer is already high and there is a serious safety issue looming with cars having to park further away leaving children to navigate seasonally high traffic. This cycle way proposal has the potential to destroy this business! How can a supportive TDC consider such an idea?

Russ Martin (Nelson, 2023-03-30)


I would like good parking when I come for my holiday to pohara.

Craig Hix (Perth, 2023-03-30)


I do not wish to lose safe parking at the Pohara store. Let alone wasting rate payers money that should be put in improving/maintaining the existing cycle way

Michael Orange (Takaka, 2023-03-30)


There’s not room for both ,I’m against the bike lane there

Steve Woods (Takaka, 2023-03-30)


It is so inappropriate to take away these parks in front of our store. There had not been enough thought gone into this . We don’t all ride bikes and walk everywhere and when you look around what the council has done with our bike and walk lanes they are certainly nothing to be proud of.

Trish Mctaggart (Pohara, 2023-03-30)


Use the car park regularly sometimes with a trailer

Kevin Renwick (Brightwater, 2023-03-30)


I’m signing because this is a great useful little business and the car parking makes it very accessible particularly if you have a disability. U

Pauline Watts (Collingwood, 2023-03-30)


Council come up with some stupid ideas and this is definitely one of them. The shop needs safe parking for their customers especially those with disabilities and the older generation. People will be put off stopping at the Pohara store if the parking is inadequate which will affect the stores trading and will have a roll on affect to the community of Pohara. Cyclists aren’t very good at using the existing trail we have between Pohara and Takaka now and prefer to use the road which is frustrating so I think it’s a waste of rate payers money. Get a grip TDC and stop trying to create more hazards for the community to deal with and support local business’s for a change instead of making life difficult.

Sue Wadsworth (Pohara, 2023-03-30)


Totally no need for this to happen !

Julia Hix (Richmond, 2023-03-30)


This will cause the area to be unsafe and a hazard area.

Roy Lewis (Christchurch, 2023-03-31)


Absolute madness and without a doubt an accident waiting to happen. Over a busy summer it can be bedlam even with the current spaces

Jo-Anna McKay (Pohara, 2023-03-31)


We need these parks to get in and out of the store safely.

Jayne Hunter (Takaka, 2023-03-31)


I visit Pohara most weekends, mymother and kids live there, use the shop, they need car parks! Surely the bike path can go through the camp, or along the beach front??

Sam White (Nelson, 2023-03-31)


In best case the whole thing is not happening. This has an negative impact on all businesses along the road.

Schmidt Jane (Takaka, 2023-04-01)


Wouldn't it be a safer and far cheaper option to use the existing public access route through the campsite? Also who will be able to cycle along the proposed cycleway during the peak season when all the camper cars and boats are parked on it?

Shelley Grell (Takaka, 2023-04-01)


The benefit of the parking outweighs the benefit or the "actual" use of the shared cycleway. There are only about four regular users of the cycleway in Pohara!
Consultation with stakeholders is a basic undertaking. Did you do that?

Anne Barrett (Pohara, Golden Bay, 2023-04-01)


I use this store frequently. Not having a solution for not having any parking on the store side of the road is an absurdly massive oversight. Often many or even all of the parks are in use during the day especially on weekends. Maybe a full redevelop of the current road area with a proper solution to the parking, traffic calming, a pedestrian crossing, Perhaps a round about for the campground and richmond rd?

Dylan Moes (Takaka, 2023-04-01)


It is hard enough parking in front of store now this will be impossible at Xmas

Sandra Vallance (Christchurch, 2023-04-01)


There won't be anywhere to park to go to the pohara store

Breanna Hovenden (Takaka, 2023-04-01)


I'm signing this because it is a bad plan that has had no community engagement. I cycle frequently from Ligar Bay to Takaka – in front of the Pohara Store is the least dangerous point of the ride. Council should address the issue of cycle and pedestrian access from the west end of Ligar Bay to the Pohara Hall before fussing around at the Store.

Mike Shannon (Ligar Bay, 2023-04-02)


I can see that the decision to reduce CarParks at the Pohara Store will have a huge impact on the business, locals and visitors alike! Support the people, people!

Mary Wilson (Ashburton, 2023-04-02)


I go to the shop every day for a coffee. The car parks at the moment are very well laid out. If u go to the proposed ones I would have to go down the road after leaving the shop to turn around and head back to town. This is a pathetic plan and will probably cost tarns and dave valued customers

Rob Mcdonald (Takaka, 2023-04-02)


Be a shame to lost the parks resulting in business loss, equally dangerous for both drivers and cyclists.

Xanthe Williams (Richmond, 2023-04-02)


This would be a poor result for the business and community, as well as unsafe for the bikers.

Katie Edmondson (Takaka, 2023-04-03)


Leave the pohara store car park how it is . Put the cycle track along the beach front through the campground

Dan Burton (Takaka, 2023-04-03)


There is very little parking near the store apart from the parks out front. Carrying groceries a distance back to the car is not easy for people with bilateral hip replacements!

Sharon Sugden (Christchurch, 2023-04-03)


I'm signing this because where are the Pohara Store customers and delivery drivers supposed to park?

Karina S (Motueka, 2023-04-04)


That idea will ruin pohara store

Don Mcintyre (Takaka, 2023-04-04)


Lack of parking at the very busy Pohara store will cause an accident.

Cait Tomlinson (Nelson, 2023-04-05)


Leave the parking as it is currently

Jim Kerr (Christchurch, 2023-04-09)


There are other options for bike lanes in that spot. The Pohara store is an important community asset to the locals, and we support it's endeavours to stay financially viable and accessible.

Starrlite Mclean (Takaka, 2023-04-10)


You need that space outside the shop for parking, it's busy enough as it is without taking space away

Tarnae Palmer (Tākaka, 2023-04-11)


I bike the trail from Pohara Valley to Takaka and it is currently good enough and I feel safe enough. Great job for all those involved. The part past Pohara Valley towards the marina isn't safe and if Tasman had money to spend, the sections from Pohara Valley perhaps all the way to Ligar Bay would benefit the community much more. The current plan for a bike path in front of the store obviously isn't wise for so many reasons. Maybe in time we can find a better solution for this section but at this time I really don't think it is required.

Russ Ritchie (Pohara, 2023-04-14)


during the summer period it would be very unsafe with poor parking alternatives if the 8 parks were removed. 4 is not enough. and as far as I can see bikes pass through this area with no problems at the moment. thank you.

Kylie Kamo (Christchurch, 2023-04-15)


I think the bike lane going in front of the store is very dangerous...especially when they are on those electric bikes which go so fast. Why can't it go along the beach front where most towns have them...for the Vista......

Raewyn Tavendale (Nelson, 2023-04-26)


This poor business owner is going to lose business all because of this land grabbing cycleway..In Porirua the cycle ways maybe have 10 people using them it's just a waste of money..

Rea Warren (Porirua City, 2023-05-21)


We have a house in GB

Paul Barton (Wellington, 2023-05-21)


I use these car parks when shopping at Pohara store and strongly believe they should remain.

Lisa Barton (Wellington, 2023-05-23)


I'm signing because I know this is going to cause heaps of traffic issues when summer comes and the side street roads are not wide enough to accept the extra traffic that will be parked there as a result of changing the current road side.

Also why not just walk though the camp ground like we do now, it's council owned and safer than the main road would be especially during summer.

Beau Aka-Graham (Pōhara, 2023-06-04)

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