Enough with the rates increase in Timaru District



I am on a fixed income that is inflation adjusted. If rates rise faster than inflation I will not be able to pay the increases and risk losing my home.

Maurice Butler (Temuka, 2024-07-04)


Because these rate increases are getting ridiculous and it's for things that are pointless

Sarah (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


It's ridiculously too expensive

Shylece (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


Because I do not agree with what the money will be going towards. It is also already hard for families with the cost of living rising and wages that do not rise to accommodate this.

Natasha Ducker (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


The rates are to high

Keilly Wilkins-smith (Timaru, 2024-07-05)



Gary (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


I do not agree with the councils outrageous spending

Ely (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


We are a young family about to go down to one income with me heading off on maternity leave with our second child and everything is already a lot more expensive without even more rates increased

Georgia Rutland (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


As a resident of Winchester I really would like to know what our hard earnt rates are going towards in Winchester itself and I deeply oppose paying anymore money out of our stretched budget if it is not going towards the Winchester community, enough is enough there needs to be other maintenance and upgrades in our district than timaru city pools and theatres not too mention gang pad expenditure and sold for under valuation buildings for now failed hotel projects. Smaller town facilities eg geraldine cinema should be maintained just as well as timarus facilities are! Where is the money going? Seems like our rates aren’t appreciated enough for the council to be more responsible and more answerable to their spending of other peoples money. All ratepayers should and need to be catered for

Jackie Sanders (Winchester, 2024-07-05)


im signing this because its bloody disgraceful i an a hard working man i work at the clubs every night trying to get some change i sit on the corners selling my body for pennys because no one will take me

Mike Hawk (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


The increase is rates will negatively impact mine and several other’s financial positions, Timaru markets itself as an affordable place to live / buy a home but constant increases is changing that

Emma (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


Not happy with what the council has done in my town roads are stuffed

Trevor Wilkinson (Temuka, 2024-07-05)


Rate increase is getting to become a joke and far too expensive

Alyce Gillies (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


I strongly disagree with the councils intentions. Scrap the THEATRA ROYAL INSTEAD

Samuel Breen (Temuka, 2024-07-05)


I agree the council should only be able to increase rates by the level of inflation.

Helen Manson (Temuka, 2024-07-05)


I cannot afford a 15% increase my family is already in hardship

Krystal McLean (Temuka, 2024-07-05)


It is unfair to use south Canterbury residents as an unlimited source for over spending 9f the council. Surely it could be looked at as a business plan in respect to investing resources into what is urgent or what can provide a return.

Steve McGiffert (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


Ive been home owners for less than a year and already had a rate increase and now expecting 3 more ? For things people hardly use. Who the heck budgets this stuff

Mervyn (Temuka, 2024-07-05)


Ratea keep going up. Nothing gets fixed. Council are greedy

Antony Tomkins (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


This council is wasting money with unnecessary spending on idiotically frivolous projects and it needs to stop, we shouldn’t be having to pay extra rates simply because our council is being miss managed by the bunch of incompetent boobs running it.

Blake Hide (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


The Timaru district council is out of control , it’s not their money they’re messing with

Tony Johnston (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


Timaru city council needs to be abolished, increasing rates like there intending is off the scale's.

Lyndon (Temuka, 2024-07-05)


We are already struggling to get by.

Hayley Hughes (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


I can barely afford everything as it’s so expensive to live this rise will be less food on the table. I’m doing that already.

Debz Brady (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


Affording owning a house with a mortgage and the rates as it is is hard enough for people, increasing rates is only going to make it harder for people to survive

James Evans (Timaru, 2024-07-05)


Few too many sitting in that TDC building doing bugger all on huge pay.

(Timaru, 2024-07-05)


Cause i can barely afford my mortgage as it is

Kenny joubert (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


We are all already struggling.also I live rural we already pay a arm and a leg and we get nothink to show but when it suits you yous class us non rural to squeeze more money out of us

Elyse Walsh (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


I have not noticed any increase in local services, on the contrary I have only seen a decline. So there is no justification for an increase of this size targeting homeowners.

Kalieb Jones (Temuka, 2024-07-06)


I'm signing because I object to such a large rates increase. I am a pensioner and also a widow and will find it hard enough to pay the quarterly amount let alone the entire amount over 12 months.

Janice Donehue (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


Rates rise is to high.

Barry Phillips (Temuka, 2024-07-06)


It’s just too much of an increase

Tanya Flett (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


Rates increasing at this rate cannot be sustained. Where is all the money going?

(Geraldine, 2024-07-06)


I can’t afford to pay this increase. My wages are not rising at this rate.

Gurwinder Singh (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


Councillors are out of touch with reality of cost of living for people who can't vote for a pay rise for themselves and ridiculous spending on projects that benefit a very vocal minority

David (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


Can't afford a rates increase

Cindy Lewis (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


Enough of the massive price hikes where we are not getting anything more for it.

Adrian Garner (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


It’s already not affordable, don’t make it even harder. You not doing much anyway

(Timaru, 2024-07-06)


The rate increase is bulls*it

R Ross (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


Rates are way too much to handle at the moment

Maneesh Mohan (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


Rates should not increase as inflation is already very high in NZ. People are struggling to survive. Bank interest rates are ridiculously high and so hard to pay the mortgage.

Gaurav Jethi (GERALDINE, 2024-07-06)


The use of finances is not in good consultation with ratepayers. The pricing is insane considering they are trying to say house price valurs have also increased which adds to annual rates by

Kerry Gunn (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


I don't want families to struggle and the TDC are mismanaging our money as it is.

Matt (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


15% then 12% then 12% over the next 3 years is insane, my rates were about $2800 a couple years ago and now $4000 and with this increase in 3 years will be near $6000 , that’s $115 a WEEK!!! We are in a housing crisis and this is just pushing that further, on top of mortgages and insurances making housing even more unaffordable and will be pushing people to sell up , council needs to pull in it’s spending and get back to basics and look after necessities rather than projects the majority of the community has no interest in

W (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


I'm signing because the council wishes to over right millions of dollars into the community then spread that over 40000 residence like it's no big thing
Maybe council should have more bake sales or put money into the drama league it has.

Julian Graham (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


Everyone is struggling, Timaru council are taking the piss

Kees Mcconnochie (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


I can't afford this...

Gary Sammons (Timaru, 2024-07-06)


I agree the "Theatre Royal" needs an up grade,but I dont agree building this new "Hub".What is wrong with the Museum as it stands?.A difference,between needing and wanting.

Barbara Collett (Timaru, 2024-07-07)


I'm sick of local government spending tax payer money on community projects that seem vastly unwanted by the actual community.
I don't feel supported by my local government.
My local government instead makes me feel like an unimportant number in the system and I wish for this nonsense to stop.

Tash Dennison (Timaru, 2024-07-07)

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