Please help save Brading Primary School!



Don't close our school

Roberta Lea Lane (Brading, 2024-09-06)


We are ruining our children's futures

Tim Davis (Shanklin, 2024-09-06)


I’m a concerned parent at Brading, signing for my son’s education.

Lorraine Bower (Sandown, 2024-09-07)


My nephew has loved brading school and has thrived because of the small size of it. My niece is now also needing the small size of the school to be able to thrive and we worry she will be unable to settle as well into another school. It has taken her a long time to be confident going in and she is in a good place right now as they are able to meet her needs but moving schools we worry it will affect her education greatly. New place, teachers, friends, are just a few of the things she will struggle a lot with and in turn her education will be affected.

Amanda Wilde (Isle of wight, 2024-09-07)


We want our school to stay open! Save our children!

Yasmin Taylor (Brading, 2024-09-07)


I'm signing because my Niece and Nephew deserve a school that meets their needs and the others on the IOW don't.

Emma Lee (Banff, 2024-09-07)


I’am signing this petition because Brading primary school has supported my son so much as he is in the resource provision. This is currently his 3rd school and he is only just gone in to year 4. At this school he is listened to and they understand his needs. But not only do the support him but the whole family. They go above and beyond for all the kids and families.

Anne-marie Ridgley (Sandown, 2024-09-07)


I’m signing because both my daughters go here and my daughter with additional needs has been here since reception and they’ve always been so good for her and she enjoys going

Stacey Wakefield (Lake, 2024-09-07)


I have lived in or around Brading for 56 years , I went to Brading Primary, my Mother was born in Brading and went to Brading Primary, My daughter went to Brading Primary and my granddaughter lives in Brading and also goes to Brading Primary , So four Generations went to Brading Primary , with many things closing down over the years in Brading The Post office , The Butchers , The Bank , The veg Shop to name but a few I think they are killing the small Villages one by one , Please , Please THINK what you are doing to this small Island and our Small village where the Primary School is the Hub to our Community 🙏🏼 .

Ava-marie Wightman (Brading, 2024-09-07)


We need this school for the community education of our children

Sandy Nicholson (Ryde, 2024-09-07)


My grandchildren Mason and Paisley Wilde attend the school.

Kevin Wilde (London, 2024-09-08)


My old school. It’s central between Ryde, Bembrige, and Sandown. Too convenient to lose.

Paul Spanner (Romsey, 2024-09-08)


I live in Brading and the school is vital to the families that live here, its the only school in Brading, is well attended and an excellent school, the goverment cant keep closing perfectly good schools our kids education will suffer.

clive ford (brading, 2024-09-08)


Signing to show support for all schools earmarked on the island for closure. The council need to look at cost cutting internally first as well as ways to allow the settings to generate more income.

Craig Gillam (Cowes, 2024-09-08)


A school is the heart of a town and it is so important to keep it!

Andrew Woodhouse (Newport, Isle of Wight, 2024-09-08)


I will be the new Vicar of Brading from November. Local schools for local children are vital. They are an important community hub, precious resource and play such an important part in the local community. Children don’t need to travel far to their local school and they forge life long links with peers and the community.

Revd Karen Wilson (Truro, 2024-09-08)


My husband and his father and our children all went to this school and it is a massive part of village life and needs to stay for the little Brading People and future generations! ❤️

Linda Harbour (Isle Of Wight, 2024-09-08)


My granddaughters both go to this school

Brian Wakefield (shanklin, 2024-09-09)


All my family have been to brading primary. My Nan worked there. You can’t have a village without a village school.

Tracy Oultram (Holloways Beach, 2024-09-09)


All of these children need the first class education that this school provides.

Graham Rowley (Brading, 2024-09-09)


Because we are very sad
This is our school
And we don’t know what to do after

Anhelina Sharanda (Brading, 2024-09-10)


This is a valued school with incredibly hard working staff who serve the children in ways that would be irrevocably damaged if to be shut down.

Lucy Lendon (Southampton, 2024-09-10)


I grew up in Brading in the 70s, went to Grove Rd, as we'd moved in from Bradford
However the school was terrific for the community young generation

Richard Keenan (Lancashire, 2024-09-11)

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