Save Waikawa footbridge



The bridge is for everyone, not just a few and has served the Horowhenua community well over its short life.
Make it suitable for disabled people.

Stephen Betts (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-06)


The bridge is the only access to the most rare and endangered dune plants in Waikawa Beach.
These need looking after
It is also the way Doc and MPI are working to manage the sea spurge infestation. Without this bridge the environment would be more at risk. Council decision making always needs to prioritise the environment in these fragile areas.

Chris Wood (Levin, 2024-10-06)


The Waikawa Beach footbridge is an iconic feature within the community. Its retention should be regarded as essential by HDC given how many people regularly use this bridge, from a wide geographic area. These include elderly and disabled people as well as those with small children who find other access ways difficult. Council money should be prioritised to benefit the majority, not a few.

Jan Jordan (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-06)


It’s important to save the iconic footbridge at Waikawa Beach!

Maarten Quivooy (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-06)


I live locally and use the beach regularly in my walks to and from the beach. The bridge provides valuable access to the beaches and walks north of Waikawa Stream.

Michele Walls (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-07)


The footbridge is a vital asset in Waikawa Beach its used by all locals as well as hundreds of visitors and is vital for accessing the beach and stream

Sophie Campbell (Waikawa beach, 2024-10-07)


This is the ONLY access to the Beach and is used by all residents of Waikawa. There is no other access.

Pip Clout (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-07)


I'm signing because our family of five uses the Waikawa footbridge at least once a week during the warmer months (spring, summer, autumn) for recreation. It's very unusual not to pass at least one other party using the bridge when we visit. The bridge is well utilised by locals.

Lisa Dale-Low (Manakau, Levin, 2024-10-07)


I use the bridge a lot, normally three or four times a week. Without it, I could not access the quieter part of the beach at Waikawa where there are fewer vehicles.

Liz Brown (Manakau, 2024-10-07)


I've been using this bridge (and the one that preceded it) for 41 years and it would be a real shame to not be able to access the north side of the river. A simple safe and well maintained bridge is an important part of this community.

Dave Nalder (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-07)


I regularly use the bridge

Christine Strawbridge (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


My family have owned property at Waikawa beach for approx 55 years and this bridge is the only pedestrian access to the beach, it is widely used and much needed. What options are there other than wading across the river which is filthy, please save our bridge

Katrina Smith (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


The footbridge serves as the sole access point to the northern end of the beach for individuals unable to traverse cross country terrain. The HDC has invested significant resources in upgrading the toilet facilities and developing a picnic area. However, without proper beach access, these facilities will not be fully utilised.

Linda Lambess (WAIKAWA, 2024-10-07)


Local resident who uses the bridge

Pete Lister (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


We donated the gate to allow boats to enter the river. If the bridge is non existent, we would feel betrayed.

Christine Hammond Hammond (waikawa beach, 2024-10-07)


I live in Waikawa beach

Kezna Cameron (Levin, 2024-10-07)


I have been going to Waikawa since I was a child living in Levin. The bridge must the beach unique. To walk across then through the pine trees, across the flats and over the sand hills ... its like no other beach.

George Goldie (Waikanae, 2024-10-07)


Gives access to the beach no matter the conditions

Shannon Fahey (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


I have spent a lot of time at Waikawa Beach over the past 24 years, since I was a child. My family and I use this bridge every evening to cross the river, walk up the north side of the beach, and then back to the bridge via the sand dunes and macrocarpa forest. Otherwise to access the north side of the beach we would have to wade across the river, which is deep in parts.

The north side of the river is a special place. We play spotlight in the sand dunes and collect pinecones in the forest. We collect rubbish and leave it at the iconic ‘rubbish pole’ at the north end of the beach that marks the well-trod pathway through the dunes that has remained there for decades. We build huts out of driftwood. There is a colony of shags on the north side of the river that we go and look at, and further north along the beach there is a colony of seagulls that we go look at each breeding season.

I have fond memories as a child of playing safely around the bridge in kayaks and floundering on the shore there. It isn’t just an access way, but a hub of activity for the community. The Waikawa Beach community holds annual boat races there, with the bridge being the finish line. There is a sausage sizzle and a ‘big dig’ on the north side of the river. This is a hugely memorable event for the kids and the community loves to come together in this way. Near the bridge, there is the community notice board, basketball hoops, domain, and public toilets (which were recently upgraded by the council). The bridge is much-used and loved by all in the community here, with families crossing it to go spend the day on the north side of the beach and dog walkers using it every evening. The north side of the beach is relatively traffic-free compared to the south side (which gets traffic coming from Ōtaki). It is much safer for children and dogs on the north side.

Without the bridge, all this daily life at Waikawa would stop. It is an integral part of daily life for those living at and visiting Waikawa Beach. It has been a fixture there long enough that the Council SHOULD HAVE included it in their infrastructure budget for replacement at the end of its safe life.

Grace Haack (Palmerston North, 2024-10-07)


I mainly use the bridge and rarely use any other access to the beach. I use the bridge to cross to the beach side of the river at least five times a week. The bridge is well used by families, children fish off the bridge and loads cross over to get to the beach or to access the walking tracks

Louise Kirby (Levin, 2024-10-07)


I’ve signed this petition because it is important to preserve this valued community asset.

Jane Selby (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


My whanau have used this beach for over 50 years. My aunty learnt to walk at Waikawa Beach!
Nan and Pop brought my mum and her 2 siblings up, on that beach, using these 2 bridges, Nan and Pops 3 children, have brought up 9 of their grandchild up, and now, Nan and Pops great grandchildren are using this bridge and beach alongside them! So many friends and families have been across this bridge with us.
Just this weekend, my 2 kids, me and my grandparents walked across this bridge!

Ashleigh Neill (Feilding, 2024-10-07)


I have used the Waikawa River footbridge for many years to access the forest, wonderful dunes and beach with my dogs. Every time I use it there are others doing the same. It is well used and much appreciated.

Anna Mahoney (Upper Hutt, 2024-10-07)


My family and friends and I have been using the Waikawa footbridge a great deal over the last 35 years. Being able to access the North side of the beach via the bridge has been a really important part of my life. Now I have h children of my own. They love crossing the bridge and playing in the pine forest and walking through the sand dunes. If there was no access to that beautiful area, it would make owning a bach at Waikawa Beach seem quite pointless.

Bryony Cornforth Camden (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


All people in the Horowhenua should have access to the Waikawa north beach and the 'RECREATIONAL FRIENDLY' side of the Waikawa Stream.

Nòrman Orange (Palmerston north, 2024-10-07)


It's the only access I have in my wheel chair to get to the river in waikawa and I can go on walks with my dogs and grandchildren

Alan Signal (Levin, 2024-10-07)


This is the only way across the river so that people can access the northern side of the beach...without it, there is NO way to access it.. .we use this bridge every weekend to gain access to the beach as do many others....elderly, parents, children, dogs...

Brett Gordon (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


This bridge is the access I take to the north beach. I don't use or like the south beach. I have frequented Waikawa Beach for 50 years and since a child there has always been some type of bridge across the stream. You (the Council) will destroy the fabric of Waikawa Beach if this access is removed, its been there for long enough that the Council SHOULD HAVE allowed for its replacement at the end of its safe life, in the infrastructure budget.

Liz Goldie (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-07)


I'm signing because access to the Beach and dunes would be drastically limited without the bridge. We need to retain this access for our community and visitors.

Lisa Love (New Zealand, 2024-10-07)


I'm signing because the bridge is the main access point to the bridge now that the private landowners have closed the access off Manga Pirau street.

David Love (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


I, My family and friends are regular users of the bridge to go to the beach, enjoy the forest for play and gather pine cones, to watch the summer sports, to walk children, pass daily dog walkers and people walkers , carry flotsam to the bin, play Pooh sticks with grandies , watch white baiters. It’s a highly valued and daily used amenity by old and young. Please please continue to maintain it. No bridge would be madness. The closing of the end of Manga Pirau street and the rough new access way is extremely difficult and challenging for older people and young children. Save the iconic and essential bridge!

Rosemary Russell (Porirua, 2024-10-07)


Continued bridge access at Waikawa Beach is vital for the community.

Jackie Stewart-Morris (Lower Hutt, 2024-10-07)


The foot bridge is an iconic and essential part of beach life.It's the only way to get to the north side of the river where we swim, walk and fish and children play in the woods. We would be devastated to lose the bridge.

Jeanie Truell (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


We use it all the time when we are at our bach in Manga Pirau street. It is the only way to the north end of the beach and the lovely walks up through the tidal flats and dunes. Fantastic for the kids.

John Russell (Waikawa Beach Levin, 2024-10-07)


I’m signing because I use the bridge a lot when I visit family in waikawa

Wayne Seabrook (Wanganui, 2024-10-07)


I have owned a holiday home at 5 Norna Grove Waikawa since 2002. The bridge links the reserve and the north beach and would be tremendously missed. Derek Kane

Derek Kane (Upper Hutt, 2024-10-07)


Our family has owned a house at Waikawa Beach for 6 generations. The bridge is an essential part of accessing and enjoying the beach at Waikawa. It is even more essential now we no longer have beach access at the end of Manga Pirau St. Loosing this bridge would be devastating for the community and those who use it regularly for leisure.

Kennedy Briar (Lincoln, 2024-10-07)


I want my children and my children’s children to be able to access the beach as I did as a young child and now.

Waikawa is a very special place and going on adventures via the bridge holds many a special memory for me and my family.

Please continue to support the local community and all visitors to Waikawa by continuing to keep the bridge access.

Cheyenne Ford (Porirua, 2024-10-07)


I have been over this bridge many times while visiting Waikawa. It enables access to the other side of the stream, to the wooded area and dunes. Without this bridge, I would be unlikely to cross the stream which is the best part of Waikawa.

Matt Lane (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


I use the footbridge multiple times a day when staying at waikawa. it’s the key access and only access to the north end of the beach that is on walking distance to my residence. Not having a footbridge would defeat the purpose of having a beach house. Not having a footbridge could create unsafe crossing practices.

Sharon Lysaght (Upper Hutt, 2024-10-07)


This bridge provides easy access to a multitude of different walkways for children- adults and at times our dogs. It means we don’t have to cross the river itself to get to the northern beach and also provides an alternative means of getting to the beach. It is iconic to Waikawa Beach and from what I’ve seen- frequently used.

Deb Walker (Manakau, Levin, 2024-10-07)


I use this footbridge all the time when I stay at Waikawa Beach. It provides easy access over the river. I don't actually know of another (walking) access or bridge that gets me over this river and then around and onto the beach. I have seen lots of people use this bridge and I have met lots of people to chat to on this bridge.

Jennifer Gibbs (Lower Hutt, 2024-10-07)


Use this bridge every time I visit and have many fond memories of boat days every summer

Thomas Andrews (Auckland, 2024-10-07)


I walk over the Waikawa Foot bridge nearly everyday & have been coming to Waikawa Beach & living here for 45 plus years. I have paid Rates to the Horowhenua District Council for many years. As you are well aware HDC, there are Hundreds of people, who come out to Waikawa Beach every year.
So why would you even contemplate not keeping up the maintenance of the Walk bridge, to make it a safe Walking access to Waikawa Beach ?
My Family & I, Support this petition 100%.
Yours Sincerely
Mrs Cheryl Angove Beech.

Cheryl Angove Beech (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-07)


My family use this bridge all the time as the only pedestrian access to this side with all its wonderful marsh & dune walks

Sarah Metcalfe (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


The bridge is an important and well used facility in the Waikawa Beach community.

Ty Kahu (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


The idea that the Council should not maintain the Waikawa footbridge is ridiculous:
1) The bridge is regularly used not by residents and visitors to Waikawa, but by those living in or visiting nearby Manakau.
2) What else do we get for our rates? Precious little - no sewage, no water. If the Council cannot maintain our footbridge, it should consider a rates reduction.

Barbara McKenzie (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


I’m signing because the bridge is a vital link for Waikawa, to get to the beach.
Without it, people will only be able to get to the beach on the far side of the river by swimming across, or crossing down near the sea - not everyone is able to do that.
The Council should continue to maintain this bridge - and start setting funds aside to replace it

Margot Brough (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


This bridge is very well used by folk of all ages to access the western side of the river, the beach, sand dunes and walks. Family's use it especially in the summer months. It is an asset to the region and needs to be maintained by the council.

Dan Averes (Levin, 2024-10-07)


The bridge is the encouraged access to the beach.
It should be maintained by HDC - visitors to Waikawa Beach also use this access point.

Shelley Knox (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-07)


I'm signing because this is the only access way at the northern end of the beach...AND it's the only access way that services the older part of the beach.

Ali Welch (Martinborough, 2024-10-07)


Having owned a property in Waikawa for over 20 years, I can personally attest to the fact that the bridge is essential to the community and is very well used all the time.

Nick Baty (Waikawa, 2024-10-07)


I am a frequent user of the bridge

Brendan Thompson (Waikawa beach, 2024-10-07)


The bridge is a well used and integral part of the Waikawa community’s way to get out and enjoy the beach. Without access to it would have serious ramifications for the well being and lifestyle of the locals and wider community.

Fran Macdonald (Waikawa, 2024-10-07)


With the closure of iwi access to the south the bridge is the only practical access to the beach

James Brough (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


The importance of maintaining beach access via the bridge over the Waikawa River. This is an existing, and addition to any other beach drive on access issues currently under. Discussion and the two should not be linked. It was understood that the bridge access (which is well used) was due to be replaced, and funds were already set aside for thus.

Beyan Madge (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


I am signing because I am heavily invested in Waikawa Beach with purchasing 8 years ago to live here permanently and enjoy the coastal lifetime into retirement. I had been coming to the beach for up to 20 years prior to that for family holidays. With the current situation regarding beach access, we walk all the time with our dog over the footbridge.

In summertime it becomes a hub for families kayaking and swimming with children jumping off the bridge building their swimming confidence and just being a kid growing up in New Zealand.

With the other current issues, this situation around the footbridge will only further cause concern and heartache for those who love the Waikawa Beach lifestyle and re relational assets it provides.

It is just another issue the council is causing by not engaging with the community early in order to look after its ratepayers.

This bridge is used by many from outside the beach community as well with the number of cars that fill the carpark area and use the forest and beach on the other side of the river for recreation

Dominic Hayden (Waikawa, Beach, 2024-10-07)


I frequently use the bridge to access the beach and dunes with family and with walking / tramping friends. I have never been there when there has been no-one also using it to access the beach. It is well appreciated and essential

Carolyn Rhodes (Levin, 2024-10-07)


I frequently use this bridge whilst staying at Waikawa for holidays and weekend getaways (multiple times a year), and without this bridge access to the beach would be lost. People would have to walk all the way down to the river mouth and even then there would be no dry feet option for accessing the northern beach and the much loved dunes. The bridge is very well used and needs to stay.

Micah Langham (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


The Waikawa footbridge is critical to this little beach community. We don’t have another way to get onto our beach that is easily accessible by foot if you live or bach in the old community

Sonia Morgan (Upper Hutt, 2024-10-07)


I believe the bridge is needed.

Carol Earnshaw (Levin, 2024-10-07)


We use the bridge almost every day when we are at the beach which is every other weekend. It is currently the only easy access to the beach from the north end of the settlement.

Robyn Madge (Lower Hutt, 2024-10-07)


This bridge is essential for the beach environment to be enjoyed by people of all ages and mobilities, not everyone can cross the river on foot

Stephen Marshall (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


I'm signing because we use the footbridge about three times a week (six if you count both ways). The thought of losing access to the northern part of Waikawa Beach and the marshland walk appals me. This is my favourite walk and our place of regular exercise. (I live in Manakau.) Its loss will be great as it accesses a place of tranquility for maintaining mental wellbeing. And, yes, there are many users, many regularly throughout the year. ...And please keep non-essential vehicles off the beach. Roads are for cars, not beaches. ...Save the footbridge!

Anna Bruce (Manakau, 2024-10-07)


I am a home owner at Waikawa Beach. My children, grandchildren and I regularly use the bridge for access to the beach. It is essential to maintain this for our community as it is the only access we now have to the beach.

Virginia Ralfe (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


The bridge is the only decent walking access to the beach from the village. I would be happy to have one decent access way for all but until we know what is happening with that then the bridge needs to stay

Jill Fahey (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


This bridge is an integral part of Waikawa Beach, connecting the township with a well-used beach area. I can't fathom how that space will be accessed without it?

Anna Thomson (Whanganui, 2024-10-07)


I have always used the bridge to walk down onto the beach it is a vital part of access to the beach on the other side of the river

Sue Gorrie (Levin, 2024-10-07)


I am signing this petion because we as a family of six, now extended by grandchildren to fifteen have been using the Waikawa Beach bridge for 30 years. My husband and I have now retired to Waikawa and use the bridge daily. It would be a huge disservice to the WB residents and visitors should the bridge be decommissioned.

Becky Webb (Manakau, 2024-10-07)


It is hard to imagine Waikawa without the footbridge - dog walkers, beach combers, families and the famous boat races would be lost without it.
The footbridge allows separate access to the beach from the Manga Pirau St access (which is not consistently available nor safe to use).
It would be a huge loss to the community, not just immediate Waikawa residents but those from further afield who use the facilities and beach at Waikawa.

Kate Studd (Wellington, 2024-10-07)


The bridge is so well used to access the river and the beach and the forest. It is essential.

Ella Kahu (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-07)


I am a resident of Manakau and have been for 25 yrs, my family and I have used this bridge daily if not twice daily to walk our dogs and play , swim at the beach with all our kids.
With the other entrance now closed how are we to enjoy our local beach.
To take this away is absurd. The little maintenance I see from the council go into this bridge over the years is minimal and will cut a lot of us locals off from enjoying our favourite beach.

Samantha Corkin (Manakau, 2024-10-07)


This is now the only access yo the beach. We have been here since 1974 and use it every time we come

Max Flowers (Lower Hutt, 2024-10-07)


The bridge is an important part of our community. We use it to get to the great area on the other side for walking

Andrew Foster (Levin, 2024-10-08)


I'm signing because it is important to me, my family, my friends and many people in the community that there is pedestrian access from Waikawa Beach settlement to the north bank of the river.

Chris Livesey (Wellington, 2024-10-08)


Anyone who suggests that the bridge is under-utilised has not visited Waikawa in the summer months when there is continuous flow of beach goers over the bridge.

Fred Teague (Auckland, 2024-10-08)


My family have walked this bridge for many generations I want my babies friends and family to enjoy the foot bridge access to the beach

Amy Narasy (Palmerston North, 2024-10-08)


I make use of this access way when visiting the beach with the various beach equipment needed when swimming at the beach in summer and going for walks along the beach to the Ohau river.

Carl Robson (Lower Hutt, 2024-10-08)


the bridge is essential for access to the north beach especially for the main village and is used every day by many people. Residents, holiday makers, visitors, dog walkers and possibly emergency personnel. OTherwise we have to wade through the river- only at low tide and when it is not polluted! There is no vehicle access to the very popular beach and currently only temporary foot access to the south side of the river. This bridge is essential for the community of Waikawa Beach. We get very little else for our expensive rates.

Jenny Studd (KHANDALLAH, 2024-10-08)


I'm signing because I would use the bridge at least twice a day almost every time I visit Waikawa beach especially now that the beach access has been lost at the South end.
Being the only access to the North side except low tide crossing the creek closer to the beach must have some safety value too.
People drown in this country often trying to cross streams and rivers, especially those where you can't see the bottom.
Not maintaining or removing a bridge doesn't seem wise.

Richard Hawthorne

Richard Hawthorne (Porirua, 2024-10-08)


The footbridge is the safest point of access we now have to the beach. With the old vehicle access now no longer in service if the bridge is lost this will restrict access for a lot of people.

Colin Sciascia (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-08)


This is the only public access to the other side of the river and is currently frequently used by a high proportion of the Waikawa community

Max Herriot (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-08)


We use it regularly to get across to north beach

Lucy Hickman (Wellington, 2024-10-08)


I’ve been walking across that bridge since I was a child - to think it doesn’t get enough patronage to consider maintaining is way off the mark.

Kahu Laurence (Wellington, 2024-10-08)


The bridge is the primary access point for Waikawa beach and dunes. This provides a significant recreational opportunity for many people every day from the horowhenua area and further afield. Waikawa is a destination for visitors all year round and with the recently upgraded facilities adjacent to the bridge the area needs to be shared not allowed to fall into disrepair or lose beach access.

John Langham (Wellington, 2024-10-08)


Council is wrong, bridge is well used

Liz Duncan (Lower Hutt, 2024-10-08)


I'm signing because the bridge is how many people access the beach and enjoy the river. It is also part of the character of the place. Given recent events with the fence at the end of Maunga Pirau it feels like the village is under threat of changing altogether. It should be possible for foot traffic to make it to the beach from a number of entry points if at all possible.

Susan Price (Porirua, 2024-10-08)


I'm signing because the footbridge is an important piece enabling the Waikawa community and should be saved and maintained.

Thea Betts (Auckland, 2024-10-08)


We co-own a bach at Waikawa and would like to express our dismay council is considering no longer retaining the Waikawa footbridge and is instead redirecting annual funding for bridge maintenance into 'Waikawa Beach Accessway'.

Waikawa residents, local Kapiti families and dog walkers regularly use the bridge to access the northern part of the beach, away from fishermen and vehicles on the southern side of the river. Accessing the northern stretch of the beach without a bridge will be difficult, potentially unsafe and even dangerous for young children.

We support this petition to save Waikawa beach footbridge and ask council to reinstate the annual bridge maintenance fund rather than the Waikawa Beach Assessway fund, which sounds like an attempt to build vehicular access (which has high impact on the ecology of the site) at the expense of pedestrian access (with its much lower ecological impact).

Suzy Costello (Lower Hutt, 2024-10-08)


the footbridge is a critical amenity for the residents!
Access to the beach is protracted without it, taking extra time via the river mouth as well as subject to tides. The bridge is the focal point of the community where rate payers from surrounding areas drive to for walking & recreational activities - it's not just the local beach community that use!

Peter Coles (Khandallah, 2024-10-08)


Our family has been part of the Waikawa community for 35 years, and remember how awkward and difficult it was to access the beach when there was no bridge in 1990 and 1991, (after the previous bridge was washed out).

David Smyth (Wellington, 2024-10-08)


I'm signing this because we use this frequently to take our dog for walks on beach. And when family come to visit we take the down to the beach, the bridge gives us the best access with our 2 year old granddaughter.

Mary-Ellen Foster (Manakua, 2024-10-08)


We need bridge access to the beach for all. Currently we only have it for the fit and able. Very sad and discriminating if the physically compromised and very young are unable access their own beach.

Lisa Toovey (Wellington, 2024-10-08)


We use this bridge heaps, walking to the beach to include some elevation exercises, walking the dog, enjoying all the extra holiday activities the Assn organises, checking out the state of the estuary and many more.

Alison Ainsworth (Waikawa Beach, 2024-10-08)


We have had a bach at 19 -25 Arthur St for many years. Each spring and summer we stay several weeks at Waikawa. Each day we cross the bridge to access the north beach for walking and swimming. Sometimes twice a day.
Please retain and maintain this bridge for us and our friends who all come during the summer period.

William Studd (Wellington, 2024-10-08)


The walk bridge is apart of my childhood memories. I enjoyed with my grandparents for the past 30+years. I also got married at the reserve and had photos taken on the bridge. It also gives the only beach access to the forest and dunes to the north.

Sarah Beech-Pooley (Otaki, 2024-10-08)


Our family (both young and old) uses this bridge constantly. We are rate payers and Waikawa resident's. We swim, dog walk, dune walk and share the place with young relatives to elderly family members. The community is certainly in need of a way to cross the river. We implore you to retain and maintain the bridge. Ngā mihi - Kate

Kate Harrison (Wellington, 2024-10-08)


Me and my family regularly use the bridge, which provides key access to the beach, river and forest.

Jared Stevenson (Paraparaumu Beach, 2024-10-08)


I am a batch owner at Waikawa and regularly use the bridge to access the Waikawa beach north of the river. I also consider that the access south of the Waikawa River needs to provide for both pedestrian and vehicle access.

Kirsty Hyde (Lower Hutt, 2024-10-08)


The bridge is an essential pedestrian access to the Waikawa Beach north of the Waikawa River. The bridge is as important to Waikawa beach residents as the pedestrian/vehicle access to the beach south of the river.

Neville Hyde (Lower Hutt, 2024-10-08)


We use the bridge often, family of four, plus visiting family and friends.

James Prestney (Upper Hutt, 2024-10-08)


I love and regularly use the Waikawa beach footbridge

Deborah McDonald (Wellington, 2024-10-08)


As a regular visitor to Waikawa, I greatly appreciate being able to access the stunning natural environment via the bridge. There are always many people out walking and enjoying the coast whenever I visit. This is a destination area for Horowhenua and brings visitors from
outside the area as well as catering for locals. Having just upgraded the visitor facilities with wonderful new toilet and barbecue facilities, it would seem a shame if people couldn’t access the primary destination they come for - the beach.

Liz Langham (Wellington, 2024-10-08)


The Waikawa Bridge is an asset for the local community and visitors. It provides access to the forest, sand dunes and sea for recreation and exercise. The Bridge facilitates participation in the many recreational shared activities which bind the community- boat day, sand sculptures etc. It is a valuable treasure for all those going to the settlement.

Fred Hirst (Palmerston North, 2024-10-08)


I wish to retain the footbridge for access to Waikawa Beach and regain access to Waikawa Beach for all residents and visitors to the beach with vehicle access, just the way it has always been so everyone can have quiet peaceful enjoyment of the wonderful beach we have always been free to use. What a sad world it has become not allowing Waikawa Beach residents and visitors to have fun in a common area of enjoyment. The main reason most people live at Waikawa beach is to enjoy the beach life, some people are unable to walk onto the beach, and they should be allowed to get onto the beach whatever way is easiest for them.

Linda Playle (Levin, 2024-10-08)


Waikawa Beach has been a part of my life for more than 50 years.
Throughout the years, games of poo sticks from either side of the bridge (tide dependent), just standing in the middle of the bridge watching the tide rise or fall, or accessing the forest, sand hills and beach beyond have been of such huge importance to not just my family but every other family who goes there, whether it to be to live, stay or just visit for the day.
It would be sacrilege for the bridge to not be maintained and to no longer be available to all those in the community who use it.

Rebecca Teague (Auckland, 2024-10-08)


I’m sign g because the waikawa footbridge is the only access to the best part of Waikawa- forest walk and sand dunes. It’s why we bought here.

Libby Mcculloch (Waikawa, 2024-10-08)