Stop child predator from teaching children

February 20, 2024, Christian Enwright seventh-grade instructor, was placed on administrative leave  for engaging in an inappropriate relationship with a female student aged 12 to 14. As the matter has been concluded, it seems that Enwright will not incur any repercussions for his abhorrent conduct.

Here’s the facts as detailed in a news article by the Kenosha County Eye.

Enwright evidently was enraged that the victim, who was 13 years old at the time, was conversing with a boy her age, a forensic extract of the victim's phone revealed a resentful Enwright. It was after midnight when this message exchange occurred. 

Additionally, he handed the victim handwritten notes that he signed "Love, Mr. Enwright."

A photograph of full-naked buttocks was discovered on the phone by a forensic electronic analyst by the police.

The victim’s phone contained numerous photographs of Enwright. In addition to 112 "concerning" images discovered on the victim's phone, law enforcement discovered numerous other sexually explicit conversations.

 It was discovered by the police that the victim regarded Enwright as her "man."Evidence indicated that Enwright and the victim exchanged 603 messages over the course of six days, with the majority of these exchanges taking place in the earliest hours of the morning and evening.

A Snapchat photo allegedly of Enwright himself displayed a selfie of a man's genitalia.

Detectives conducted an interview with Enwright, during which he acknowledged being the subject of the photograph and acknowledged that it might contain disturbing material. Christian articulated his objection to the inaccurate portrayal of the situation. Regarding the correspondence and relationship he maintained with his former student, Christian stated he is certain he did nothing improper.

The Kenosha Police detective noted in his report: “There was a substantial amount of content obtained in this investigation which proved to be evidence of communication on social media (Snapchat) between Christian Enwright and his former female student that would be deemed concerning. However, there was no content, images or videos observed that would be deemed sexual in nature. Upon review of this case, the evidence obtained thus far, and my experience working these types of cases, the communications between Christian and the victim resemble that of a grooming type relationship. The dialogue in which is observed between Christian Enwright and the juvenile female student does not fully resemble a supportive or mentoring type relationship.”

 As a parent of a Ktec student, I am deeply appalled by the manner in which this situation has been managed by both KTEC and KUSD. If you share my sentiments, please sign this petition endorsing Enwright's revocation of his teaching license and that he be terminated. Discipline should be imposed upon his spouse as well for disclosing the case to students in an open manner, which may have deterred additional victims from coming forward.

Full credit for information goes to: Kenosha County Eye: Kenosha Police Say 29-Year-Old Teacher Groomed 12-Year-Old Student - KUSD Won't Fire Him, DA Won't Charge Him - Kenosha County Eye

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