Stop Civil forfeiture Laws in Prince Edward Island.

The purpose of this petition is to request that the provincal government of Prince Edward Island does not implement the request from Charlottetown and Summerside city councils for civil forfeiture laws. These laws are in place in other provinces in Canada, in these provinces there are multiple cases of the abuse of these laws. The police and politicians are just people and can be just as easily be influenced by money and power when it is dropped in there hands. If you are reading this petition then hopefully you have read some of the CBC and other news articles that show how civil forfeiture has been abused and used as an income source by police and municipalities across Canada.  Using the reasoning that it will help stop drug trafficking (a criminal act not a civil infraction) has been used as a smoke screen to have these laws put in place. I have not yet found any proof that it helps with this growing issue in our country. As long as the demand for narcotics exist in our society selling of it will always find a way to continue. All these laws will do is infringe on our rights as Canadians.

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