Support for Mataikotare Rangatahi Marae Committee

The following are signatures of decedents of Ngāti Rangiteaorere and Mataikotare Marae.

 Following multiple hui a Marae committee has been re-established due to the need of  maintenance, management and booking of the Marae facilities and surrounding grounds.

We the hapu members of Ngāti Rangiteaorere and Mataikotare Marae are in full support of this committee and of the members that have been established.

Leanne Phillips, Pirihira Paul, Rihipa Taiatini, Atutahi Potaka-Dewes, Michael Lecomte and Niwa Tait.

 By signing this document I agree to their appointment as of today. Date: 8th August 2020 until the election of new Trustees have been completed.

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