Support Guns@Work Shooting Range

Guns@Work shooting range situated in the Industrial area Zoned under Mining within the Germiston band is a fully registered and accredited facility with the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) and the South African Police Services (SAPS) under the Central Firearms Registrar (CFR).

The range is operated in a safe and secure manner by professionals within the firearms industry whom has been involved with the management of shooting ranges for the past 15 years.

There are a handfull of community members from the adjacent residential areas that is continuously inticing and spreading negative and false information in order to put the range in bad light with the community.

The range has been in operation since 15 April 2019 a mere 500 meters from the old Knights Shooting Range that has been operating in the same area for 15 years without any complaints whatsoever.

  1. It is a handful of vindictive and malicious individuals that is totally against firearms and we are of opinion that they are in support of Gun Free South Africa (GFSA) and is doing everything in their power to close the Shooting Range DOWN.

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