Support of Saifeddine Helal


We, the students and faculty of Berklee, undersigned a petition to support Saifeddine Helal to continue his education in our school.

The reasons for this petition:

- He is a "once in a blue moon" kind of musician, his talents transcend far beyond his principal instrument, and he is exactly the kind of musician we should be attracting in order to open up to parts of the world which are yet under represented in our school. Seifeddine can play so many percussion styles, he can write, arrange, lead, follow, you name it. His professional experience alone is worthwhile in the classroom. When musicians like Seifeddine complete their studies, it allows the Berklee name to be synonymous with ethno-multiplicity, stylistic integration, and cultural pluralism, and Seifeddine will undoubtedly be a Berklee ambassador for all these principals.