Support Temporary Above Ground Refreshing Pools in our Neighborhood!


Currently, the HOA for our neighborhood, the Shires of Cambridge in Lake Villa, IL, does not allow above ground pools.  It seems the main reason is that it decreases property value.  As a resident here, we are okay with the potential for a very small drop in value, if any, as a possible risk of this change.  We are proposing that the HOA allow temporary above ground pools that are well maintained, as determined by the board, be allowed on any property.  A temporary structure will be highly unlikely to decrease property value.  We are folks that maintain our homes anyway, so I am confident any above ground pools would be well maintained asthetically as well as functionally, and especially during these unprecidented times allow for a physical but safe outlet for our children. We have 4 of them, and keeping them busy has not been easy!! 

This petition is being started to ask your support; and by signing here, you agree to request:
A change in the HOA to allow non-permanent above ground pools in our neighborhood. 

All we need is 75% of the 57 houses. That's quite a few homes, so we do need your vote!!!  Just do it right now or you'll forget! :)

If you don't mind either way, then please just sign! If you do not live in the neighborhood, spread the word but no need to sign the petition! We appreciate your support!

Feel free to contact us,

Kristin and Frank Patten at 224-208-8741.

(Emails, addresses and phone numbers are only visible to us, the creators. If you would like to sign but prefer in person, just text or email us at kpatten09@gmail)

Here's our HOA:


Here's the HOA website: https://www.shireshome.comprod_1376694712.jpg

Kristin & Frank Patten, residents of The Shires of Cambridge    Contact the author of the petition

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