The Call to dissolve the current Government of NZ & call a snap election.

The Call to dissolve the current Government of NZ & call a snap election.

This call is for the Governor-General of NZ to demand this action now!

IF WE DO NOT GET EVERYBODY IN New Zealand to sign this WE WILL be subjected to communist rule and we would be saying that we are all ok with those people who are dying from the Shot or loosing their jobs, I am not ok with this are you, we must make a stand as one people and take back our country! the Governor-General must sign the writ that dissolves Parliament she is the Commander-in-Chief in and over New Zealand.

Roles and functions of the Governor-General


The Governor-General's role includes several functions:

  • Constitutional
    • appointing the government after an election
    • giving Royal Assent to legislation 
    • presiding over the Executive Council
    • appointing key public officials and accepting diplomatic credentials 
  • Ceremonial
    • holding investiture ceremonies 
    • conferring honours
  • Community leadership
    • supporting Vice-regal patronages
    • attending significant community events
    • visiting the regions of New Zealand
  • International
    • representing New Zealand at important international ceremonies
    • undertaking state visits

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