The Removal of The GST Tax on Sanitary Products

Everyday women are being forced to pay tax sanitary products which are essential items that we need but is still being treated as a luxury good.

In an article, social services secretary Pam Waugh stated that she has "...heard of them rolling up newspaper; putting it inside socks; we've heard them using old sanitary pads that they've washed or recycled; and we've also heard about them using leaves and newspapers just so that they can actually function well."

On average, a women "....has her period for 2,535 days of her life." This is equivilant to about 7 years of her life and approximately 9,600 tampons.

This petition was created by a group of Year 13 Sociology students for one of their internal assessments to help raise more awareness towards the GST tax on sanitary products in New Zealand and be a more inclusive form of activism for people to partake in. 

Eva, Felicia, Imaan, Navneet and Purapurawhetu    Contact the author of the petition

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