To Preserve & Protect Observation Rock, Stewart Island / Rakiura.

Observation Rock provides the most accessible, unhindered and unobstructed view of the outstanding natural beauty of Paterson Inlet, Stewart Island / Rakiura.

The Department of Conservation has undertaken a project with a number of parties to develop a viewing platform and interpretation panels / signage to “…greatly improve the visitor experience…” 

A number of locals, in particular, long standing residents believe that any development at Observation Rock is unnecessary and will detract from the stunning views of Paterson Inlet and surrounding Stewart Island.  Additionally no discussions have taken place on any potential roading / social impacts. 

Although safety concerns have been suggested as an argument for this project, there have been no safety issues that we know of in the past 30 + years. It is likely that the proposed fence will in itself be a safety hazard with the public / children wanting to climb, stand or sit on it, with the risk of falling / injury.  

There has been no public consultation on this project and work is expected to begin in 2022 and early 2023 during which, Observation Rock will be closed to the public. 

Individuals will not stop this project alone - it needs collective action.  

We need anyone who is against the Department of Conservation's project to develop Observation Rock, to urgently sign this petition today, to help stop this project before an outstanding and remarkable natural scenic site is ruined forever.

Sharon Pasco / Furhana Ahmad: Action Group - To Preserve & Protect Observation Rock    Contact the author of the petition

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