For the maximum effective sentence for Gabriela Sashova and Krasimir Georgiev, and for legislative changes envisaging harsher penalties for crimes committed against animals!


Dear caring and conscientious citizens,

We urge you to sign this petition with the hope that this animal abuse be stopped forever and psychopaths like these, without knowledge of good and evil, be put where they belong – in prison for the maximum term provided by law!

Via this petition, we demand significantly harsher punishments for anyone who commits animal abuse and changes in the law toward longer sentences with potential for life imprisonment, as we rely on relevant legislative proposals.

An appeal to those in power, whose consent is necessary for adopting changes to the law on punishing animal murder and abuse: Listen to the opinion of the people and pay attention to the extremity of inhumane, indifferent, and unscrupulous maiming, crushing, and killing of animals to satisfy the perverted fetishes of online clients! There are plenty of pressing problems in this case; we ask that you strive to impose very strict and novel sanctions and order on the issues as appropriate for a European country! Let us raise the standard! Let us increase the sentences! Let us tighten measures in tracking online animal trade, as well as in their adoption!

There has never been such unprecedented public disturbance as the one after the news about what Gabriela Sashova and Krasimir Georgiev have done! As if it were not proven that only psychopaths are capable of killing an animal for pleasure? Shall we allow psychopaths to return to our society even more callous after their release from prison after just a few years, knowing that their condition could neither be cured nor controlled? It simply exists on the backs of innocent creatures who have to endure it! We insist on a new, significantly stricter law against violence toward animals!


Моника Мишева    Contact the author of the petition

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