Trevor Mallard must be FIRED over his "childish" behaviour!

Trevor Mallards behaviour towards the 2022 Mandate protests in Wellington has shown he has no maturity or integrity.  "The Speaker of the House is one of the most important constitutional roles in New Zealand and it's time for Trevor Mallard to behave like it," ACT Leader David Seymour said.

Below is what Trevor Mallard believes is acceptable:

- installing a sound system, cranking it up and treating the crowd to Barry Manilow’s ‘ Copacabana (At the Copa)’, the Macarena, and Covid-19 public health messages, all on a 15-minute loop. Then "Let it Go" - Frozen while rain and wind tore up the City and then "Baby Shark" when he didn't like that protestors were dancing to the music!!!
- On Thursday he ordered the Parliament grounds closed, meaning that anyone who gathered there could be considered a trespasser.
- He ordered that sprinklers in parliament grounds be left on overnight and all day. He even said himself, "there is no problem adding a little to their discomfort.”
- A "no tent" notice has been served to anti-vaccine mandate protesters gathered on Parliament's lawn.
Yet Trevor Mallard was part of the  SIS protests in 1977 and had his convictions overturned yet he is now trying to prosecute New Zealanders doing the same thing!
“Not only are Mallard's antics immature, not only are the ineffective, they have made a serious situation much worse". ”
Mallard's behaviour has been "childish". 
"It's like he thinks he's Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone and few silly pranks will scare the trespassers away. What's next? Placing buckets of water on doors left ajar?
"He's even taken to Twitter saying he will take suggestions from the public about what music to play. New Zealand deserves more maturity from the Speaker of the House".
Former ACT leader Rodney Hide has waltzed in with a call for the party to support the protest. "I support the protest 100 percent" he said. 
I believe he has shown he has no respect for the New Zealand people and doesn't deserve the role he holds.
Let's come together to have Trevor Mallard Fired!!

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