Do you agree about football is for the fans?
Or that the LEAGUE, UEFA and FIFA continue to do business at will, without caring about your opinion and disrespecting us as a collective of millions of fans? Sign giving us your support. That they do not continue to ignore us, stealing our rights and that they never make us lose our passion for football ⚽️ whatever color your shirt is. They only remember us to create sanctions and that has to change.

 IF YOU THINK LIKE US sign by filling in the spaces with the few data we ask for (name, surname, city / country and football team)

We need to organize together the new association that we have just created so that among all the fans we can defend our rights as passionate football fans against Fifa, Uefa, the goverment of european states and the Eropean Union Parlament. WE ARE WAITING YOU! CONTACT IN OUR EMAIL info@footballfans.world

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