Upgrade storm water infrastructure in Ward 27, Ekurhuleni!

We, the residents of Ward 27, namely Airfield, Ebotse, Morehill, Northmead and Rynfield, hereby petition the Member of the Mayoral Committee for Roads and Storm Water, Cllr Masele Madihlaba; and his HOD, in the Roads Department for Benoni to urgently address the cleaning of storm water drains, and replace broken, damaged and stolen drain covers. The drains are so full that when it rains, there is no place for the water to go, turning our roads into rivers. This is further damaging our roads as well as some drains, which cause sewage to flow into people’s yards; as the rain water flows into sewage lines.

Democratic Alliance Councillor in Ward 27 Ekurhuleni, Lornette Joseph    Contact the author of the petition

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