Save Orleans Riverside from Development
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save Orleans Riverside from Development.
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#262014-06-30 22:17It is astounding that the council which emphasises democracy can have gone so far with this plan behind closed doors, with no reference whatsoever to the views of local people. |
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#27 public meeting re the Gloriana2014-06-30 22:24Come and share your views at the public meeting at the turks head on 3rd July from 630pm |
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#282014-06-30 22:24Really? Gloriana over a children's playground in an area that already gets too much traffic for a single track road!? |
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#302014-06-30 23:10I've visited this park many times with friends who live there and its too beautiful to destroy for such a silly project. |
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#312014-07-01 06:58I struggle to understand the logic behind this choice. Besides spoiling a beautiful, peaceful part of the riverside which is greatly enjoyed by local residents, it doesn't make sense to put a questionable tourist attraction in a difficult to access area. Why wouldn't you put it somewhere where it's more easily visible and can be enjoyed by those who are already touring (e.g. Hampton Court, Richmond, London centre)? It's not enough of a draw in and of itself, and Twickenham is not and never will be a tourist destination. |
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#322014-07-01 07:14This is one of the most beautiful and peaceful stretches of the Thames in this area. This is not the right place for a building. By all means house Gloriana but in a location which is suitable and will help regenerate our town centre not destroy our beautiful riverside. |
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#332014-07-01 07:51The cafe and playground is used by so many families. I can't believe this idea is even being considered? It is the heart of our community. |
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#342014-07-01 09:32There are not enough spaces for children to play in London - take the barge somewhere else |
Very angry local very regular walker who knows every tree and duck on this stretch of river! |
#352014-07-01 11:21This beautiful and much-loved stretch of the Twickenham Riverside is used predominantly by the locals. Personally, it is the reason I live where I do. There are not many places so close to central London where one can spot the occasional kingfisher on the daily early morning walk. Why on earth would a busy London tourist want to traipse out to Twickenham to see a modern replica barge? It needs to be put in a place which already attracts the tourists, as an added extra. Hampton Court? Westminster? Greenwich? Twickenham makes absolutely no sense whichever way you look at it. |
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#362014-07-01 12:47Laughable. Put it at Hampton Court or somewhere a bit more royal. Twickers was historically known for poets,actors, painters and playwrights. Stick it in Windsor maybe ? Leave that bit of the Thames in peace. |
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#372014-07-01 13:21I like the idea of the Gloriana having a permanent home but not at this site. Orleans Gardens and playground is a peaceful oasis used by most of the residents in this borough young and old.Planning support talked to me about this proposal encouraging tourists to come to this part of the borough,but surely the needs of your Residents ,your Voters should take priority. There are Memorial benches in situe around the site too, chosen by Residents for their loved ones because it is a spot that holds wonderful memories .Indeed my mothers bench was erected last month in Orleans Gardens, and nobody on the Council mentioned to me that this site was to be altered. The secrecy that surrounds this idea is truly disgraceful and displays the regard in which some Councillors hold Richmond Residents. The timing couldn't be worse either as so many of us are away over August..but maybe that was done on purpose. |
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#38 Yet another ridiculous idea by this Tory Council2014-07-01 13:45While you're there, let's concrete over the whole site and build 120 affordable £2M apartments and call them Turner's Rich Mound |
pearl |
#39 gloriana2014-07-01 14:35No thank you,let richmond have it. |
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#402014-07-01 14:51It is vital that we keep the green space and our beautiful park intact. It is the wrong place for the Gloriana and is quite unsuitable. |
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#412014-07-01 15:47This would destroy a beautiful tranquil part of the riverside. It would have a serious and irreversible detrimental effect on the area. There are many other more suitable areas nearby ie at Hampton court where the Gloriana could be moored and established as a visitor attraction. The Thames riverside is an area of national environmental importance and the borough should be acting as it has the power to do and protect this area from this unnecessary development. |
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#422014-07-01 16:22Me and my family often have lovely days walking along the river and going in the park with my children, and friends children. It is a very popular park and I know for a fact it will be sorely missed if it was to go. |
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#432014-07-01 17:38How would people access this 'tourist attraction'? I am concerned that the surrounding areas will be totally destroyed with traffic and parking, making the whole area a big no go gridlock. |
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#442014-07-01 20:10Orleans gardens is a perfect backdrop to stunning Orleans house with its wonderful art gallery. The walk through the gardens, along the tow path and in to Marble Hill Park is enjoyed by everyone who lives here. Twickenham riverside is a unique and beautiful space and this proposed development would be out of place and do little to enhance it. |
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#452014-07-01 21:13The riverside in Twickenham is lovely as it is, it doesn't need this. It's sneaky to try and push this through without telling anyone - we're supposed to be a democracy and people should have been consulted first. |
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#472014-07-02 00:00 I have been playing in these wonderful gardens for over forty years. They are natural and beautiful and the residents deserve a special place like this to recharge and enjoy nature. Quality of life for the people should come before making a profit. Find somewhere else, please, don't ruin our heritage. |
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#482014-07-02 00:43Leave it alone! To the author, you should put a link up to the development plans to help others see. |
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#492014-07-02 09:41Please dont, this part of the riverside is so peaceful, day and night...It always feels timeless and private, no matter how full it is. Please don't redevelop it and ruin the soul of the place! |
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#502014-07-02 11:12My most beloved part of all of the Riverside. A place we have walked, cycled, played, sat for over a decade being destroyed for a boat I don't want which belongs to a woman I don't care about. Heartbreaking. |
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