Make sheppey bridge safe to cross
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Make sheppey bridge safe to cross.
cj xxx |
#227 make sheeppy brige safe2014-07-02 10:59I think that speed cameras and safe crossings and traviffic lights also a sppeed limit |
Guest |
#2292014-07-02 11:04Speed cameras and safe crossings should be made also a speed limit should be made xxx |
Guest |
#2302014-07-02 11:46I use this bridge on a daily basis and its only the speeding drivers that are causing the problems |
#232 Re:2014-07-02 12:04Only this morning coming off the island and going over the marks in the road where the tragic accident occurred yesterday was i being tailgated by an impatient twat driving a white astra van.Average speed cameras are the only way to go,and a police presence to catch those drivers on phones not paying attention,followed by lengthy bans. |
Guest |
#2332014-07-02 12:17This is tragic and again reflects that the bridge is a continued danger to most of the residents that use it. Having just narrowly missed a number of cars in the previous Sheppey accident it is time that variable speed cameras are fitted on the bridge and the A249 leading towards Maidstone plus appropriate lighting. How many more people or accidents is it going to take ? There are so many idiot drivers on Sheppey and this is again what happens... |
Guest |
#2342014-07-02 12:19I'm sorry, but there's nothing wrong with the bridge. As other people have said, it's not the bridge that's dangerous, it's people's driving |
Guest |
#2352014-07-02 12:23Please Please sign the petition and urge for a lower speed limit on the bridge and perhaps cameras to moniter the amount of people going over the speed limit thankyou. |
guest |
#236 Re: sheppey bridge.2014-07-02 12:26#234: - quite agree even after the last pile up you'd think people would learn but even the following day there were people driving like maniacs
Guest |
#2382014-07-02 12:39The bridge isnt the issue the fast erratic drivers of the local area are we need speed cameras and a hard line taken against those who speed. Since moving to the isle of sheppy I've been involved in two major accidents caused by people speeding to close to me. Please we need cameras to get these idiots to slow down. |
Freebird |
#239 Sheppey Bridge2014-07-02 12:42I took a friend home on Sheppey just after last year's big accident and had to drive back over that bridge afterwards. I'm not a slow or over-cautious driver by any means but I couldn't believe the speed at which other people were tearing along, certainly motorway speeds if not a lot more. Obviously coming straight off the bridge onto the A249 their speed didn't decrease and it was terrifying to be on the same road as these lunatics. I've never been so glad to reach my home. Something MUST be done to stop more tragedies happening with people driving like there's no tomorrow, and sadly for some poor people like the lady and her son who were killed yesterday, there won't be. |
Guest |
#2402014-07-02 12:55It is about time the bridge was made safe! There has been too many accidents on it! |
Guest |
#2412014-07-02 13:08The access to the bridge (A249) needs to have controlled speed restrictions as well as the actual bridge itself, as well as a hard shoulder on the bridge for emergencies. The A 249 and bridge to Sheppy are like a race track and only when there is a disaster, is it bought to the fore. |
Guest |
#2422014-07-02 13:18The bridge is sooooooo wrongly designed, no barriers, no speed restrictions, no cameras, no lights and no common sense. It needs a rethink. How many more need to be killed. |
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2014-07-02 13:21- Date of removal: 2014-07-02
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#244 Re:2014-07-02 13:22You obviously never tried to get onto the island at rush hour before the new crossing. The old single lane bridge caused massive hold ups even if it didn't go up. I also sat in the queue last night for an hour, I don't wish to do that every night. Remember a lot more houses have been built since the new bridge, a single lane would be inadequate. There is nothing wrong with the new bridge, I have used it almost daily since it went up and its design has not caused me to crash into anybody. It is simply the drivers who use it. |
Guest |
#245 Re:2014-07-02 13:24Do you want to think it through before you make a generalised statement? The bridge is not to blame, it is perfectly safe if you use it properly. |
Guest |
#2462014-07-02 13:55Should have been sorted after the last bad crash like all mp's not interested in getting it sorted only worried about putting money in hes pocket |
Guest |
#2472014-07-02 14:15It's not the bridge that is unsafe it's the drivers doing stupid speeds and cutting in and out of traffic! I think we need speed cameras or something to stop this! No one else to die or get hurt! Rip deb and Marshall! Xxx |
Guest |
#2492014-07-02 14:22I no longer live on sheppey but a lot of friends do and this bridge needs making safer. Too many incidents to ignore the situation so prevent more happening |
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