Per nje ligj efektiv mbi Mbrojtjen e Kafshëve në Shqipëri / For an effective Animal Protection Law i
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Per nje ligj efektiv mbi Mbrojtjen e Kafshëve në Shqipëri / For an effective Animal Protection Law i.
diana caushi Guest |
#127 mbrojini kafshet edhe ata kane nevoje per dashuri2011-02-27 20:59mos i vrisni qent e rruges ... E C'FAJ KANE ATA??? |
enxhi tori Guest |
#128 protect animals2011-02-28 09:15protect animals they need more love and care not violence |
samantha carpentier Guest |
#1292011-02-28 19:52marre de voir de la maltraitance sur les animaux !!!! |
melsena caushi Guest |
#131 protect animals2011-03-01 17:06i agree with this petition. We must take care of them not kill them...violence is ugly |
Tatyna Guest |
#1322011-03-07 16:56To His Excellency the Prime Minister of Albania: Dear Sir, 1. Considering that it is the duty of humans to respect animals and to ensure that these benefit from legislation which protects them in an adequate and effective way; 2. Considering that this duty is increasingly recognized and valued not only within the Albanian society but also across the world, and that it has been driving governments, parliaments and municipalities from several regions of the world to take advanced legislative and practical steps to protect animals; 3. Considering that, in spite of the latter being also a duty of the Albanian State, this state has not been matching it, or meeting its responsibilities in this field thus leaving Albanian's animals cruelly abandoned and victims of the state indifference, which, both by actions and omissions, has been permitting that many and serious harms committed against animals may happen in an environment of total impunity; 4. Considering that the Albanian State, by not taking proactive, modern, effective and adequate legislative measures, by not forbidding cruel, unacceptable and absolutely unnecessary practices, and also by involving some of its institutions, among which are the municipalities, in the cruel treatment of animals, disregards all European Animal Protection Acts; 5. Considering that the Albanian State wants to promote tourism by enhancing the sensitivity and humanity of its citizens, this state is called to protect its animals and give example of humanity and respect; We, the undersigned, call on the Albanian Parliament to establish and enact an Animal Protection Law that is a) wide-ranging, in a way that it establishes animal protection regulations affecting all areas in which animals are somehow used and involved, b) coherent, clear and specific, in a way that its provisions can be understood, respected and enforced, c) strongly protective, establishing: i) unequivocally the prohibitions which are due to be defined, ii) strong penalties to the infringements of the law, and iii) exclusive legal permissions to hold animals in captivity and/or to inflict pain, suffering and/or death to animals only in the cases in which that is strictly necessary and justified, also rigidly and clearly regulating those permissions, d) easy to enforce, in a way that the agencies and officials which are responsible for enforcing the law and making sure it is respected may execute their enforcement work in the most direct, fast and effective manner, so that the infringements may be punished as swiftly and efficiently as possible, also to be accompanied of immediate and precautionary measures to protect the affected animals´ safety and integrity - measures which should be also immediately put to practice by these very agencies and officials. Sincerely yours |
Guest Guest |
#134 Re: Re: te mbrojme kafshet2011-03-18 22:27 |
klajd |
#135 Re: a ka ndonje profesionist kafshesh mes jush2011-06-03 17:40#5: - a ka ndonje profesionist kafshesh mes jush tipike e jona kjo. sa here qe na kerkohet nje mbeshtetje pytja e pare eshte "Cfare fiton ti nga kjo?" |
Guest |
#1372011-07-25 00:17Shpresoj qe sa me pare,te kete edhe ne vendin tone nje ligj per mbrojtjen e kafsheve.E ketyre qenieve te pafajshme,te cilat na falin dashuri pa fund. |
Guest |
#138 Re: kafshet qe rriten ne vendin tone jane2011-11-22 21:53 |
Guest |
#139 Re: mbrojini kafshet edhe ata kane nevoje per dashuri2011-12-01 17:55 |
Guest |
#140 Re: te mbrojme kafshet2012-02-15 22:40 |
Guest |
#141 si te mbrojme kafshet2012-02-28 08:21 |
This post has been removed by the site administrator (Show details)
2012-03-12 08:29- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
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This post has been removed by the site administrator (Show details)
2012-03-29 18:14- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
- Reason for removal: spam
Guest |
#144 Re: si te mbrojme kafshet2012-04-17 17:11 |
Guest |
#145 Re: si te mbrojme kafshet2012-05-23 20:12 |
Guest |
#146 cilat jan kafshet e vendit tone2012-05-31 16:02 |
kafshet e ventit |
#147 Re: cilat jan kafshet e vendit tone2012-06-04 00:57 |
Guest |
#148 Re: Re: kafshet qe rriten ne vendin tone jane2012-06-12 19:10 |
Guest |
#1502012-07-25 16:10E vleresoj shume kete peticion pasi eshte nder te paktet qe meret me kujdesin e kafsheve, dhe kafshet duhen mbrojtur dhe kujdesur njesoj si njerezit. |
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