Right to use sign language in educational programmes
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Frédéric CARLIOZ Guest |
#101 LA LSF comme langue dans l'outil pédagogique2010-09-22 14:36Comme depuis quelques années, à Toulouse, la LSF est utilisée dans le classes mixtes sourds/entendants. Il en est de même à Paris, à Lyon et prochainement à d'autres... Le souci est toujours d'informer et de prévenir les autorités judiciaires, éducatifs et institutionnels afin de pouvoir pratiquer la LSF en tous lieux et en toute circonstances. La question est : si un aveugle nous forçait à apparendre le braille, ferons-nous de même pour la LSF aux entendants ? J'en doute fort mais c'est adresser un message fort pour ainsi faire comprendre aux entendants que la dictature du bruit ne nous concerne pas. Dure bataille, mais on aura jamais fini cette guerre-là...(dixit RAMBO...) A la revoyure ! |
Renato Pereira Guest |
#102 Petição assinada2010-09-22 14:39Olá meus amigos, eis uma petição importante para todos os Surdos assinarem contra e a favor conforme depende do que se diz o anexo completo. Abraços |
Ernesto Escobedo Mexico Guest |
#104 Deaf Era can work equal Humans and Social in the World2010-09-22 15:23In congratulating,From now on we can include social and human! and not separately |
Mahama Johnson Guest |
#1052010-09-22 15:29I am deaf from the Ghana and the staff of the Ghana National Association of the Deaf. it is good this event has come out and this is the right time. I want to say that sign language is the way that deaf people over the world can express themselve well on issues affecting them. I supper the idea that the sign language must be used in the educational programmes across the world. As an association here with are doing everything possible to let the Ghanaian understand us why sign language is very important to us. |
Marco Nyarko Guest |
#106 Sign Language Should Be Use In Education2010-09-22 15:36I write to support the cause that sign language like any other language should be used in education to enhence the education of the deaf. 'Disability' they say is no respector of person and anyone can become disable through no fault of theirs. Those of us who are already using the sign language, our right should not be curtailed. Let us hold hand in hand to petition against this abolishing of sign language in education. Thank you. |
Diane White Guest |
#107 Freedom of using our DEAF LANGUAGES!2010-09-22 15:55We do not really need to have the third parties in our classrooms since we have the right to have the natural method to deal with ASL. It would be nice to have Deaf or CODA teachers. Also, it doesnt really require to have oral speaking or listening for us to hear or speak to be involved since it will interfere our learning process with ASL all along. It s more freedom of signing for all of Deaf babies/children s rights to have their Deaf language anytime. Deaf languages are ROCKS! :) |
john david sigurdson Guest |
#108 it is long overdue back to the future and start anew 100 years wasted2010-09-22 16:00it is abolut time they are awake up 130 overdue b ack to the future deaf education will be enpowered by using visual sign language |
Francis Prinsloo Guest |
#1092010-09-22 16:18Deaf Children should have the right to receive education and training through Sign language as medium of instruction and also receive equal knowledge about Sign Language presented as a language subject. |
Juan A. Vietorisz, Guest |
#110 ...and all forms of communication?!2010-09-22 16:20I'm culturally Deaf with the big "D" and communicate primarily in ASL. I agree with the petition that we should respect all grammatically sophisticated langauges, whether they be spoken or signed, BUT...I'm not sure I agree that we should also respect all other artifical and flawed forms of communication that were created by hearing people to force deaf and hard-of-hearing children to communicate more English-like, such as signed English or Manually Coded English (MCE). English is meant to be spoken or written, but NOT signed, whereas ASL is meant to be signed, but not spoken. Teaching signed English to D/HH children is equivalent to teaching "spoken ASL" to hearing people. If I am wrong, please explain or clarify what this petition means by "...and all forms of communication."
Liene Strante Guest |
#111 Love to Deaf People, Please!2010-09-22 16:31One can not love without sign language! Keep the Deaf Peoples Right to sign language! |
Diana Herron Guest |
#1122010-09-22 16:47Empowering deaf children to become life long learners is good for the global economy. Empowerment begins with sign language skills. |
Joseph Hill Guest |
#113 My support2010-09-22 17:01I am deaf and I grew up in a mainstream educational setting. In my primary years, my only communication was oral and it was a daily struggle for me. I could talk clearly and I could lip-read people but it was a chore for me rather than a natural communication channel. When I went to middle school, I had my first sign language interpreter and that was when the world opened up for me through sign langauge. That was the access I needed in education and it should have started from the beginning. If it wasn't for the sign language access that changed my life, I wouldn't have many professional opportunities I enjoy today because of the ineffective oral communication method. |
Tamba Aloysius-Bull Guest |
#114 LANGUAGE SHOULD NOT BE A BARRIER IN EDUCATION2010-09-22 17:30Languages of all form must be recognised in the educational process of the human race. No one language should be held supreme to others. Doing so is tertamount to gross violation of others basic human rights. Sign Language must be recognised and made acceptable in all form of the educational process, if only Deaf people are to be seen playing pivotal role in nation building.
donkor yaw konadu Guest |
#1152010-09-22 17:31Thank you for you message. True sign languare very important but African misunderstand that what is mean sign languare so we introducetion sponsor. hope to hear from you vrey soon. |
Francie Nazloo Guest |
#116 Stamping Out on Audism!2010-09-22 17:36I would like to share this video clip. It was pretty old and still very useful information. |
Dr. Barbara LeMaster Guest |
#117 EUD petition2010-09-22 17:41I encourage all to sign this petition. |
Gál Gábor Tamásné Guest |
#118 esélyegyenlöség2010-09-22 17:49Hello Ádám Nem tudom megismersz e még .A B.A.Z.Megyei Szervezet Miskolci tagja vagyok mint Nagyotthallo.Én szerintem még most sincs az esélyegyenlöség jo utvonalon.Legalább is valamivel elörébb áll mint volt de még mindig sokat kell küzdeni és harcolni mert még most sem az igazi.szervezetek nyomják egymást és nincs disziminácio hiányzik.mindenhonnan.a megértés.köszönöm hogy véleményt alkothatok neked.Tisztelettel Gál Gábor Tamásné |
Jaime Mariona Guest |
#1202010-09-22 18:16We value sign language communication is unique in our deaf community. We have many ways to use technology for effective communication in sign language. We respect your value and same you respect ours. Sign language is the best tool for deaf children in our family generation. Please preserve our beautiful sign language. Thank you for reading. |
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2010-09-22 18:17- Date of removal: 2010-09-22
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Marc Noble Guest |
#122 Right to Use Sign Language anywhere in this World2010-09-22 18:20To prevent barriers ( communication breakdowns) , free to use sign language in every countries and save papers from trees ( no more note to write and less of wrist cramps.) .. ASL is forever !!!!!! |
Thota Kiran Mallikarjun Sandeep Guest |
Andres Sebastian Ramirez Gracia Guest |
#124 Derecho de lengua de Señas en el programa educativa2010-09-22 18:24Quiero decirte que nosotros necesitamos que reconocimiento en la lengua de señas para libertad de idioma del mundo. Ademas nosotros queremos este el programa educativa debe obligación en el institución, entidad y organización para lengua de señas ese es muy importante para las comunidad sordas en el mundo si tenemos derecho igualdad a los oyentes. También nosotros las comunidad sorda quieren que en Colombia para adentro en el ley de La Comunidad Sorda que generales y gobernación deben respecto que idioma para los sordos en lengua de señas y así es lengua de señas. Por favor ustedes atención sobre de esto es muy importante para las Comunidades Sordas son mejorares y identidades derechos. |
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