Right to use sign language in educational programmes
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Michael Ch'ng Guest |
#376 Re: Sign Language2010-09-27 16:05Hi..Thanks for shared and info. Yes,we sure learn about sign language more more. That we are proud of our sign language them. Cheer :)
Many thanks Best regards, Michael Ch'ng |
Anna Szekér Guest |
#3772010-09-27 16:47The sign language is in my country forbidden during the lessons. The teacher of the deaf say that if they had signed, the children couldn't learned lip-reading, and speaking. They think that sign languages are pidgins. They don't regard the facts that the sciences and arts demostates. Many Hungarians live in other countries. In this countries Hungarian children they often couldn't speak Hungarian during the lessons. This is the same thing because the signed languages are languages as the spoken ones. Many deaf peoples Hungarian is poor, and can't study because the lacks of the learning materials. It would better if they could learn both in Hungarian Sign Language and Hungarian. |
Jennifer Peddie Guest |
#378 Children who are Deaf or hard of hearing should have the right to sign language2010-09-27 17:23I have taught children who are Deaf or hard of hearing. We still have 5 year olds coming into school systems with no language because the option to learn sign language was taken from them. This belief that speech is the only way is false and cripples children who need to develop language through sign. Research has proven that sign does not prevent children from speaking. I used sign language with my own hearing child because she was a premature baby and her language was behind. She now has impressed her dance teacher with her vocabulary and ability to communicate. My daughter's dance teacher is teaching her hearing son to communicate with sign as he learns to speak. If you taught children who desperately want to communicate and you saw how much time has been lost to learn a language, you would truly understand. I have my B.S. in Speech Language Pathology and my M.Ed. in Communication Sciences and Disorders (Deaf Education). I understand the need to reinforce and teach speech. I also understand that many children need to learn sign language and that is their right as children who are deaf. Who are we to take that from them. I have seen the eyes of children light up when they receive the chance to sign and learn language. They can communicate and learn and have a chance at a full life. |
Niall McCormack Guest |
#379 Enforcement of oralism2010-09-27 17:51Excessive Enforcement of Oralism and Complete ban of Sign Language are the real torture against the Deaf. The 1880 Milan deliberately created a dark age for the Deaf community that lasted one century in many countries. The 1880 Milan was the delusional action of "age of enlightenment" which is cryptically satanic. |
Mª Celeste Vieira Guest |
#3802010-09-27 18:02Of course that , Sign Language in educational programes, must be a reality!!!! |
Ana Maria Acosta Castelblanco Guest |
Mehdi Mahbaz Guest |
#382 sign language!2010-09-27 19:32Sign language is important for our life in the world. |
Michael Conway Guest |
#3832010-09-27 19:46Everyone has the right to learn and to communicate. No exceptions. |
A. R. Fadhil Guest |
#384 Communication is essential to all living being in the whole world..2010-09-27 20:00I support this petition whole-heartedly... |
#387 No discriminazioni verso i Sordi2010-09-27 21:02Sono udente, non uso la Lingua dei segni perchè non l'ho studiata, mia madre è sorda e ne fa larghissimo uso, è bellissimo vederla comunicare con le mani! Sto con Voi! Forza. |
Kika Meereboer Guest |
#389 Sign Language 100% accessibility2010-09-27 22:42Deaf people have, just like hearing people, the right to be themselves, the right to equal treatment and equal access to education. In order for Deaf people to develop themselves in the best way possible and develop themselves emotionally and intellectually, communication should not be blocked by a language which is not accessible at all times. Sign language is the language of Deaf people which could guarantee 100% of accessibility. |
christine daly Guest |
#390 deaf education2010-09-27 23:56To provide deaf awarness or education in schools. so the children or young people grow up having confidence to talk to deaf persons. unite the diversty! Some may know who Helen Keller was but not enough.... ordinary or extraordinary deaf people are out there.... |
Vanessa O'Connell Guest |
#391 Time for change2010-09-28 00:15Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it...let us learn the lesson and move forward |
Susanne-Verena Schwarz Guest |
#392 Why not?2010-09-28 00:55For me there is no reason for to longer hold on to the situation that sign language is not integrated in normal educational programmes. Why not? Communication should be the less exclusive as possible.
Svea von krshwioblozki Guest |
#393 bitte unterschrift für gebärdensprache für alle gehörlosen kinder auf der welt2010-09-28 01:49danke euch:) und klickt : yes (ja) first name=vorname last name= nachname city=stadt bzw ort country=land age=alter occupation = beruf |
#394 WONDERFULLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2010-09-28 05:25
Kelly Seymour Guest |
#3952010-09-28 07:35these children have a right to language! it is not right to prohibit the use of sign language. it is natural and comfortable for them, they can and will be able to learn other languages by being allowed to have this language base. |
abel tembu Guest |
#3962010-09-28 09:46sign language is very important just like ant other language in educational programmes |
Deaf Langauge Friendly Guest |
#397 Aidan's comment very important!2010-09-28 10:02I agree that we have every right to use our native sign langauges in its nations. What did I say? Native? Yes, it is native that mean natural, sign language is our native visual language but for Signed English, Signed Exact English, Signed Syntax English, Auditory/Verbal Method, Aural/Oral Method, Cued Speech, Padgin Signed English, more.....those are called language?? Our langauge?? The answer is NO! Look at Aidan's comments as she reject this petition. I have decide to join her. She has made the point so clearly. I applaud on her.
Lorenzo Laudo Guest |
#398 Sign Language POWER!!!2010-09-28 10:13Pleaseeee sign the petition for the Sign Languages of the World!!! In Italy have a website which is focused on the world of the deaf sign language and also to give more visibility to our beautiful sign language! Look www.vlog-sordi.com |
Manfred Pittracher Guest |
#3992010-09-28 10:43Gebaerdensprache ist die natuerliche Sprache der Gehoerlosen. Wissensvermittlung ist hauptsaechlich nur ueber die Gebaerdensprache moeglich. Der ganze Bereich Gehoerlosenkultur und Geschichte der Gehoerlosen soll in die Bildung der Gehoerlosen eingehen. Es ist wichtig zur finung der eigenen Idaentitaet. |
legato caterina Guest |
#4002010-09-28 11:48la lis e un nostro dovere e il rispetto dei sordi, ed importante per noi.... e la nostra ragione di vita |
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