Contact the author of the petition
This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition SAVE HEIDI'S LIFE.
BS detector |
#51 Re: Re:2015-03-07 03:01Do you all really believe this story as written? I got one of these letters as well and it had a bunch more details than this petition, all seem very difficult to believe. Do you all really believe a mayor, an elected board, a police chief, attorney, and all the others who work in a village are all after this family and this dog? Oh yea it's on the internet so it must be true. Towns, mayors, police chiefs, they don't go around killing family pets for fun. If they did you all would have heard about it long ago. Maybe all of you should just stop and think for a moment. Maybe go ask some neighbors who have had experience with the petition writer and then start making judgements. I also noticed the petition writer deletes entries - maybe that was someone who was bit, or has a different opinion on the issue? Anyone wondering about that? And the court case has been brought on by the petition writer, so any money that town has spent is only because this person is suing the town. Maybe there should be a petition against people who file frivolous lawsuits and cost taxpayers money? I sent an email to the mayor, and all he said was that since this was in court, he was not able to talk about details. But I know enough about the law to know that all that is written by this petition writer better be true, or they may learn what the law is really all about. |
Guest |
#522015-03-07 04:01A beagle are they serious poor dog. Poor family free the dog |
Jean Bacardi The author of this petition |
#53 Re: Re: Re:2015-03-07 04:24Why don't you call the petition writer, me, and you are welcome to ask me anything you want to. 847-736-1340. Here's a question for you: under WHAT circumstances is a village government justified to kill a family pet? No matter if you believe what has been written or not, I think you need to ask yourself this question. All the facts of this case are out there if you want to find out more information. The case is only in court because the mayor and his lawyer refuse to settle with us and allow Heidi to be re-homed outside of Hawthorn Woods. We will immediatley drop the legal case if the village board agrees to let Heidi live. The village forced us into this postion. We will do everything in our power to let this beautiful, sweet, loving dog live out the rest of her natural life. The truth of it is that the case is, on the surface, about the dog, but really is a vindictive, powerful government punishing humans for personal and not legal reasons.
neighbor |
#54 Re: Re: Re:2015-03-07 06:00 |
neighbor |
#55 Re: Re: Re:2015-03-07 06:51
Detector: with your knowledge of law you could have the procedings from the village and circuit court and see that the initiative was by the chief and then by the lawyer with the firm that has the village for $5, 000 a month retainer. The board and mayor were not involved until the lawyer brought them in after the village lost in Waukegan. The issue was prompted by a nip, not a bite, below knee when the beagle felt cornered in her front doorway by five trick or treaters. Unfortunately. Please don't inflame the matter, I trust your legal knowledge will agree. Only one comment was removed - yours. If you want commentors to see a certain girl you can invite them to your home for them to meet her. |
Guest |
#562015-03-07 08:10Isn't this just great news! What the heck are these people trying to prove! 25k when we can't even get our street repaved. These people should be ashamed of themselves. I am an animal lover and if they continue this, we should launch a protest immediately to show support for this poor dog and family. Count me in. I am actually embarrassed to live here now. |
Guest |
#572015-03-08 01:21Wow, Hawthorn Woods at it again. If the mayor, and everyone else on the board would do what they are suppose to, instead of wasting our tax money on this, and instead work on our roads, and community. Have you not noticed, people are moving out of HW. This use to be a great place to live 17 years ago, it has really gone down hill. Nothing is done for the people here in HW, the taxes keep increasing, but the quality of community is gone. Roads are crap, snow plowing poor, car stickers, dog tags, etc. continue to go up, but what has the board done for the people that live here? NOTHING! SAD! Streams use to be cleaned out, now the home owner has to do it, and if dead trees need to e removed, we the home owners need to pay for a permit, and do the work ourselves if we are able or hire someone. the elderly can't do this nor do they have the money. Hawthorn Woods use to clean out the streams to keep the flow going, and clean out the wooded area. The wooded area is also Hawthorn Woods, the boards responsibility, 10 years ago this was done. It helped keep the woods growing, now everythin is dieing. Soon you will have to call it Hawthorn, the woods will be gone...have of the trees have fallen over, but the board doesn't care! So very sad the place we moved to is no longer, it was beautiful, there was a sence of community, not any more... We realise things change, but it is usaually for the better, not for the worse. Check out Indian Creek road, you sure can tell where Long Grove starts, and Hawthorn Woods is. What a big difference in plowing, road side maintance, and tree trimming. HW saving money, and we the residence suffer, and still have our taxes increased! |
fred |
#582015-03-08 01:23Wow, Hawthorn Woods at it again. If the mayor, and everyone else on the board would do what they are suppose to, instead of wasting our tax money on this, and instead work on our roads, and community. Have you not noticed, people are moving out of HW. This use to be a great place to live 17 years ago, it has really gone down hill. Nothing is done for the people here in HW, the taxes keep increasing, but the quality of community is gone. Roads are crap, snow plowing poor, car stickers, dog tags, etc. continue to go up, but what has the board done for the people that live here? NOTHING! SAD! Streams use to be cleaned out, now the home owner has to do it, and if dead trees need to e removed, we the home owners need to pay for a permit, and do the work ourselves if we are able or hire someone. the elderly can't do this nor do they have the money. Hawthorn Woods use to clean out the streams to keep the flow going, and clean out the wooded area. The wooded area is also Hawthorn Woods, the boards responsibility, 10 years ago this was done. It helped keep the woods growing, now everything is dieing. Soon you will have to call it Hawthorn, the woods will be gone...half of the trees have fallen over, but the board doesn't care! So very sad the place we moved to is no longer, it was beautiful, there was a sence of community, not any more... We realise things change, but it is usaually for the better, not for the worse. Check out Indian Creek road, you sure can tell where Long Grove starts, and Hawthorn Woods is. What a big difference in plowing, road side maintance, and tree trimming. HW saving money, and we the residence suffer, and still have our taxes increased! |
Guest |
#59 Re:2015-03-08 17:25I really can't believe our village board!! That $25,000 should be spent on more important things, not fighting to kill a dog! Really?/? This dog should be given the chance to live. Have you ever heard of compromise? They've agreed to place the dog somewhere else. What's wrong with that offer? It would save the village the legal expense of killing this dog. You people are heartless. I wouldn't blame them if they decided to sue the village over this. There goes the legal expenses again! |
BS Detector |
#60 Subject2015-03-11 18:30I have found out more, but I am sure you will remove this comment because you claim it is "false." This was a multiple offense, not a nip at trick or treaters. After the first multiple offenses, you had the opportunity to let the dog move from the village. You agreed. You lied and didn't do it. You lied to a judge and spent a week in jail for doing so. Talk about wasting taxpayer money. The County declared the dog viscous, not Hawthorn Woods. The dog has bit in other towns, and other states too, all presented in court. What is shameful is you are attacking our elected folks for your behaivor and your dog is going to pay the price. You have brought this on. The village did try and do the right thing. The people who have been bitten demand something be done. Yet you just attack these elected officials, who by the way have no jurisdiction in the court, and did not declare the dog vicous. Also the attorney is on retainer for general village business, not for this case. Another twisted story this person is telling. Go ahead and erase this post and claim it was false. All of you on here I am also a dog lover - have a lab/whippet mix that is adorable - and I knew that letter could not be true. The problem here is about people who can't take care of dogs, people who abuse the court system, people who twist facts to fit their needs. I hope you learn your lesson. |
Jean Bacardi The author of this petition |
#61 Re: Subject2015-03-12 05:01Your words expose who you are. If you advocate having a poor dog put to death to get vengence on any family-- like them or not, you are depraved. The letter is absolutely true. Every word of it. You have the facts wrong, and you presume too much. The 'county' never declared the dog anything. And what is this about 'the people who have been bitten'-- demanding? Sure, right. they are knocking down the village barn doors demanding Heidi's death. Only you are so dispicable to do that. I know who you are.
BS Detector |
#62 Re: Re: Subject2015-03-12 15:03#61: Jean Bacardi - Re: Subject Yes, I am a person who got one of your letters. I didn't believe it as written. You encouraged me to find out more and I did. I asked around and the story is different that your letter describes. I don't advocate for anything, especially the death of your dog. Calling me names just confirms more of what I have heard. But this is not about a town trying to punish a family and put your dog down - that is what you presented and it is not true. You put this letter on my mailbox, you invited me to find out more. You have no idea who I am, and your name calling, your fact twisting, just exposes who you are. If you don't want to be challenged, don't go around putting mail in my mailbox and I will mind my own business. I know how to take care of my dog. |
Guest |
#63 Village should accept the family's offer to settle!2015-03-12 21:42The comment numbers 51, 60 and 62 are all made by the same person who clearly has a vendetta. They accuse the petitioner of lying while their remarks are riddled with inaccuracies and misstatements. Who knows what unreliable source they are getting their "information" from because they don't say. The party clearly knows the petitioner, but doesn't even have the courage to state their real name; rather, they only make accusations and insults. The fact remains that the family offered to settle the court case by having the dog live in another state. The Judge said that sounded like a reasonable offer, but the Village refused to accept the offer. The attorney for the Village gets to keep sending invoices for this matter as long as the attorney can keep the case going. Hawthorn Woods should accept the offer and allow the dog to live out its life out of state. Enough is enough already. |
BS Detector |
#64 Re: Village should accept the family's offer to settle!2015-03-12 22:40#63: - Village should accept the family's offer to settle! To Guest:
So you know what the judge said? He or she said it is reasonable? And your sources are reliable? Are you a "Guest" or are you the petioner? Sounds to me the petitioner has a vendetta against the town. |
Guest |
#652015-03-12 23:15You people should be ashamed of yourselves...spending $25000.00 to kill this poor dog. I don't know all the circumstances but it appears that the owners have tried to rectify the issue and re-locate their family member and you still want to end the poor dogs life. I just don't get people like're no better than the sick people out there abusing animals by shooting them and tying them to RR tracks to die. |
Guest |
#682015-03-13 02:39This is insane of an elected official trying to make a 'name' for himself by killing a dog. |
Guest |
#692015-03-13 11:30Please let Heidi live she's one of God's creatures and only god can give life and take life by doing this you may be damming your soul to hell you never know what god has in store for those that hurt the helpless |
Guest |
#70 Re: Re: Village should accept the family's offer to settle!2015-03-13 15:01#64: BS Detector - Re: Village should accept the family's offer to settle!
So you know what the judge said? He or she said it is reasonable? And your sources are reliable? Are you a "Guest" or are you the petioner? Sounds to me the petitioner has a vendetta against the town.
I am not the petitioner. I don't even know the petitioner. But I am now researching the matter, since it was brought to my attention my another village resident. The petitioner is trying to save the life of the dog. The Village has the power to settle this matter anytime, but they have not up until this point. In the mean time, the legal bills keep piling up for the village to pay; and, the children of the family are heartbroken. You seem to keep coming back to this petition over and over, why don't you look up the case? Let Heidi live. |
Concerned Resident |
#71 Re: Re: Re: Subject2015-03-14 15:49#62: BS Detector - Re: Re: Subject Sorry, the letter was on the outside of many people's mailbox. Are you sure it was inside your mailbox? Are you sure of the facts in this case? We are wondering because you have made some accusations and since you called out the dog's famiily owner(s) we are requesting your fact checking information. Perhaps some court case numbers? The judge? The circuit court these issues were debated in? The states that you said were involved? It really does seem that you perhaps don't like the fact that many in the community are supporting not killing this dog but removing it to a new home which saves our city the legal battle and should really end this issue. This dog from my understanding has not been home awhile. Now the FOI Act provides so much but since you have this information can you please back your case and statements? We are so confused because since this issue is still in court we are shocked to find out how much information was posted in your many posts just by making phone calls? Please, it would help out so many to just give us the real facts with supporting evidence that we can all check and perhaps this division of the community would just go away. Our family again does want this dog to be placed in another home. We are big believers of transparency for all government. Since they cannot talk, can you again please provide this torn writer of this of your fact checking with the actual information so that all of us can see it. Thank you very much, I think it would mean a lot to those who are torn by the issue if you actual have proof, facts etc... that can be checked on line, perhaps phone numbers of who we need to call, etc....Again, since we have seen multiple posts by your tag name BS Detector, we assume you have great interest and that should help have you post what we as residents would like to see. We have already spoken with the owners and worked our computer but the inside information you have is astounding. Please share so that we can move forward and move on and make a decision as citizens. Thank you again for your time. |
Concerned resident |
#72 Re: Re: Village should accept the family's offer to settle!2015-03-14 16:05#64: BS Detector - Re: Village should accept the family's offer to settle! I had typed a note from me and my family. But BS Detector, again, you have so much information apparently coming from reliable sources can you please share this with the community? I have no idea who you are nor would I want to but it really does sound like you just don't like this family and the only reason I am writing this is because more accusations are flying the other way now but there is no supporting evidence. Please provide this so that the community can do the work themselves since you do have this great experience and wealth of knowledge on the situation it would so help this community to understand the facts as you have stated versus this dog's owers. Thank you again for any help. If you cannot provide the help it does seemingly make it look like a personal issue or perhaps something that you cannot talk about or write about or as you have accused the dog's owner's something to the effect of not having reliable sources for this infomation that was written? Seriously, inquring minds want to know and you would be doing your civic duty to provide your evidence to this forum, unless, there is a legal reason that you cannot. But please, this bantering is crazy. Can you please provide your reliable sources? Case numbers? Judges? Phone numbers? Anything? Seems like the owners are taking calls from anyone who would like to discuss. I don't like seeing a shroud of secrecy over information unless it is because of legal issues that may be pending and cannot be discussed based on an attorney's recommendation for no comment. Again, thank you for your time and I think the community would really love to see the research and facts and then they can truly make up their own minds. Bless you, and once again, thank you. |
Edzzzo |
#73 Poor Heidi2015-03-17 01:42Poor Heidi. I'm sure her being locked up in a kennel for the last 16 months has done no good for her. Something stinks here. Has the Mayor, Board, etc., commented on this case? I hope you get your dog back. I just don't know what's going on anymore. Very dissappointing. |
Jean Bacardi Guest |
#74 Re: Poor Heidi2015-03-17 01:56Thank you Edzzzo for your comment. The mayor refuses to say anything about the case, using the excuse, 'it's in court'. But he and the Board have the power to change that by accepting our offer to re-home Heidi forever outside the village. It's a strange and very, very sad case. But we still have hope that the mayor and board will realize the humane thing to do. Thanks much for your support and your signature. |
Guest |
#75 Save Heidi2015-03-17 18:31A dog who is wanted (and loved) should not be killed!! Stop wasting our tax dollars and return the poor dog to her family. |
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