BS Detector

/ #60 Subject

2015-03-11 18:30

I have found out more, but I am sure you will remove this comment because you claim it is "false." This was a multiple offense, not a nip at trick or treaters. After the first multiple offenses, you had the opportunity to let the dog move from the village. You agreed. You lied and didn't do it. You lied to a judge and spent a week in jail for doing so. Talk about wasting taxpayer money. The County declared the dog viscous, not Hawthorn Woods. The dog has bit in other towns, and other states too, all presented in court.

What is shameful is you are attacking our elected folks for your behaivor and your dog is going to pay the price. You have brought this on. The village did try and do the right thing. The people who have been bitten demand something be done. Yet you just attack these elected officials, who by the way have no jurisdiction in the court, and did not declare the dog vicous.

Also the attorney is on retainer for general village business, not for this case. Another twisted story this person is telling.

Go ahead and erase this post and claim it was false. All of you on here I am also a dog lover - have a lab/whippet mix that is adorable - and I knew that letter could not be true.

The problem here is about people who can't take care of dogs, people who abuse the court system, people who twist facts to fit their needs.

I hope you learn your lesson.