Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album.
Varne Mike Guest |
#1401 Comment je vais rendre la monnaie de la piece a sony! How i will f### sony music2010-11-25 05:34Je vais telecharger illegalement l'album a sa sortie et je vais envoyer 40€ a la fondation Jackson pour les enfants. I will download the album when it will be released and i will send the double of the value (40€) to jackson foundation to help children. Mike |
Guest |
#1402 album Michael2010-11-25 11:25Quand MJ n'était pas encore parti,il donnait le meilleur pour toujours nous plaire à la perfection en se surpassant.Il n'est plus présent pour le faire ce qui c'est vraiment dommage donc il ne faut pas gacher toute sa vie de travail en commercialisant tout et n'importe quoi. |
Sophie GRILLET Guest |
#1403 In the name of LOVE2010-11-25 12:58We all can LOVE Michael Jackson, but we don't have the right to do anything we want because of this LOVE. When you LOVE you don't lie, you don't steal, you don't take advantage of the person.When you LOVE you give, you don't take.When you love you don't make the person your prisoner, you cherish his freedom... Michael's songs are wonderful, everybody has the right to make as good as he does, if he can... I LOVE Michael Jackson from the boddom of my heart, as he's always saying!, this LOVE will never end, and I hope to have the chance, one day to see his eyes with my own eyes..No he's not dead. |
nat Guest |
#1404 RESPECT FOR MIKE !2010-11-25 13:15I'll never buy this "new album" if sony don't change the tracks of "MICHAEL" ! I only want MJ's Voice..... Please RESPECT HIS LEGACY ! |
#1406 THE LEGEND NEVER DIES2010-11-25 15:47 Michael Joseph JACKSON , You will be always THE KING of Pop, the legend never dies I LOVE YOU FOR EVER |
#1408 the KING of pop for EVER.2010-11-25 15:53Michael, you always be the ONE and THE KING. I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU FOR EVER |
isabelle Pfleger Guest |
#1409 l'album "Michael"2010-11-25 15:53nous nous devons de respecter et honorer la mémoire et lhéritage de Michael qui nous a tant apporter ; son héritage musicale est unique ; nous ne pouvons accepter que des chansons a l'origine douteuses soient inclues dans cet album |
stacy lohre Guest |
#1411 michael jackson2010-11-25 16:49it's true this is unrespectful i do not understand why the family of michael accept this it's shameful |
Guest |
#14132010-11-25 18:53we all know that michael has said about sony that they are a band of idiot and not forget that they have massacred michael's album invincible and today it is again the same thing of another way in your place i should be aschamed no respect for this great artiste go to hell sony this album must not get out because it has not been approved by michael than the devil take you this is really unfortunate |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2010-11-25 19:25- Date of removal: 2010-11-25
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Gerardo G. Matheus N. Guest |
#1415 If i want a Michael Jackson Album HE MUST BE IN IT 100%2010-11-25 19:27Sony, you have a LOT of Michael Jackson´s 100% finished song, WHY, WHY you need to include questionable songs?(even obvious impostors "BREAKING NEWS, MONSTER"), You people wanna make a lot of money with THE KING legacy, is fine by me, BUT, i dont want a 70% Michael Jackson in an Album with HIS NAME. Please, remove those songs, replace then with FINISHED ONES, WE, the fans, will always want new songs/old song, we don´t care the date. I will always get the originals albums so i can add it to my collection, so don´t worry Sony for the money. |
Guest |
#1416 honte à sony !2010-11-25 19:43inutile de continuer à engraisser sony sur le dos de MJ ! |
jazmin ruiz Guest |
#1417 live in our hearts2010-11-25 19:59honor the legacy of de king of pop Michael Jackson |
cedric belliard Guest |
#1418 unbelievable2010-11-25 20:25I can' believe that Sony did that, it's incredible... Terrible and I don"t understand how some people don't hear it's not mickael singing... |
Audrey VANEGUE Guest |
#14202010-11-25 21:25Il est hors de question de salir la mémoire de Michael Jackson en y mettant des chansons qui ne viendraient pas de lui. les chansons originales inédites de Michael suffisent à créer un album posthume. |
Duchamps Emina Guest |
#14212010-11-25 21:42... |
Guest Guest |
#1422 Re:2010-11-25 21:43NON A CET ALBUM ! |
cons stephane Guest |
#1424 all respect for Michael and his memory2010-11-26 00:43please, we want only true songs of Michael, not disguises songs! We are not sure in " breaking news " if it's the true Michael's voice. We don't want lies! We want respect for Michael and his musical choices, and songs. Thanks for this! ( Michael, you're the best!! ) |
sandrine perez Guest |
#1425 Titles Michael Jackson 20102010-11-26 07:3011.pm Bottom of my heart Children's hour Butter Funk green hornet groove King Tutankhamun Lovin You. Pajamas Photographs I am a looser Jungle Don't be messin' Avec ça vous pouvez faire un album, sans que ce soit quelqu'un d'autre que Michael qui chante. Bye |
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