Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album.
Deby Gonzalez Guest |
#1676 Fans united some new "Michael" album fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2010-12-09 01:13I make this request because the new album "Michael" is totally false, only four songs are the voice of Michael, while the other does not even appear. Michael never had released an album in the state in which it will launch. The fans ask for justice for Michael Jackson! |
Ryan Michaels Guest |
#16772010-12-09 05:49We aren't fooled. We aren't buying. We are doing things about it. |
SOUPART Clément Guest |
#1678 MJ2010-12-09 12:58Entièrement d'accord avec la pétition. Just for MJ |
soufian amriti Guest |
#1679 fuck you sony and jason malachi2010-12-09 16:13The new album of michael jackson is fake 1song is real and that is Akon and MJ the rest is all fake I find it sad that there's nothing to get done Sony can not make this disrespect against Michael Jackson on his children and family members There are 10songs on a fake album is really the rest is sung by Jason Malachi F @% k you Sony and Jason Malachi |
Jennifer Comino Guest |
#1680 Contre la sortie de l'album menssonge2010-12-09 17:01L'album ou un imitateur reprend 3 titres de Mickael Jackson ne dois pas sortir! C'est une honte et un enorme menssonge pour tout ses fans |
sliman salem Guest |
#1681 outragé2010-12-09 17:26honteux que sur 10 chansons 4 soient fake et cela en essayant de nous tromper,nous fan de la premiére heure! un seul mot:révolté |
Tahon Benoit Guest |
#1682 Mécontent et triste2010-12-09 19:39Je ne trouve vraiment pas ça normal de ne même pas reconnaitre mon artiste préféré dans cet album!! C'est une insulte envers lui de sortir de tels musiques douteuse!! |
Franck COUSSERANS Guest |
#1683 Shame - Michael need respect from the world2010-12-09 20:35Monster & Breaking News are fake songs from Michael even if some parts are really his voice but this is not 100% MJ. I'm really upset and shocked by such disrespect to the man who game us so much joy through his music. |
roques christohe Guest |
#1684 symbole2010-12-09 23:14on ne touche pas à un symbole qu'il a façone toute sa vie d'artiste . |
Ziz Camille Guest |
#1685 Respect2010-12-09 23:20Respecter michael et nous les fans ne détruser pas le travail qu'il a mit temps de temps à batir |
Kisha Jones Guest |
#16862010-12-09 23:38The "Michael" album is in complete disrespect of Michael. This album is not honoring him what so ever. For Sony to even release an album, that I'm sure MJ didn't think was good enough, is wrong. Michael was a perfectionist and would never have wanted this album even released. This record companies sole motive for releasing ths album was/is: Money. That's all that matters to them. Even if they have to throw in some unfinished songs/ demos/ etc. they will do it. The quality, in my opinion, doesn't seem to matter to them. It seems as if they expect the fans to automatically love the album and purchase it just because it's "Michael Jackson" or so they say. |
francoise frayssinier Guest |
#16872010-12-10 00:47LAISSEZ MICHAEL TRANQUILLE !! SEUL, l'argent compte pour vous !! C'est IGNOBLE !! |
Monica Jensen Guest |
#1689 We know his voice2010-12-10 14:33Any real fan could tell immediately that the album is not authentic. Some songs are definitely Michael singing; others are definitely NOT. Whoever thought they could fool those of us who have been listening to him our entire lives was really misguided. We know him in our hearts; we hear him in our hearts and in our souls. You can't imitate, duplicate or replicate him. If you don't have enough music for an authentic album then just let our beautiful prince rest in peace. |
Aafya Yassine Guest |
#1690 Respectons L'artiste2010-12-10 14:40Il faudrait vraiment pas laissez Sony gâché les œuvres d'un artiste aussi brillant, ensemble nous vaincront. |
pascale gil Guest |
#16912010-12-10 15:54Michael jackson avait une voix particulière que l'on reconnaissait entre toute , donc c'est certain certaines chansons ne sont pas chantées par lui , bien imité mais quand on a l'oreille musicale cela ne passe pas , pour sa mémoire ils devraient être plus honnête . |
Perrine Bialek Guest |
#16932010-12-10 17:08If they wanted to use some demo made my Michael, they should have record an album with these demo and clearly say that they are only demo and that songs are not finished (and will never be!) It would have been something we would have liked, but not this supposed "album"... (-_-') RIP Michael! And be sure we will always be on your side <3 |
Roca liliane Guest |
#16942010-12-10 18:45Je rejoinds le commentaire de stephane Boudsocq avec lequel je suis d 'accord. |
brettnacher brice Guest |
#1695 no choice2010-12-10 19:01no choice pr aller sur le site alors bon .... |
chavet arnault Guest |
#1696 respect the artist2010-12-10 19:05nobody has the right to earn money on the backs of mick, mick hated dishonest people,the least we can do is to respect him for all we have to give glory to Michael, I love you michael! |
#1698 Shame on you Sony Music & Cie2010-12-10 20:06Monster - Break on news - Keep your head up : ça a la couleur de Michael, ça a le gout de Michael mais ce n'est absolument pas NOTRE MICHAEL qui chante. Ca fait 26 ans que j'ai attrapé la Jacksonite et je n'est aucun doute à ce sujet. Sans compter les copier-coller sur d'autres chansons de l'album. Tout cela est vraiment un beau gâchis. L.O.V.E. |
romuald jehanno Guest |
#1699 michael2010-12-10 20:23bonjour à tous,malheureusement le roi de la POP a disparu et comme on l'a vu, les hyennes sont rapides, alors devenons chasseurs de hyennes par le "NET". Je soutiens ce mouvement de colère pour l'image des JACKSONS, espérant que la famille soit "blanchie" de toutes supercherie sur le dernier album où les critiques fuses. J'ai debuté avec les JACKSONS FIVE et j'éspere finir ma vie sans triche avec mickael . un honneur de l'avoir écouté depuis temps d'années ne peut pas étre trompé , sa voix était trop pure pour etre copier , alors pas de faux ou contre-façon musicales ou vocale , car il vaux mieux écouter un vraix chanteur que d'acheter des mauvais acteurs. cordialement a tous , romuald 95270 viarmes. |
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