Developmentally Challenged have been denied access to services
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Developmentally Challenged have been denied access to services.
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#1012014-10-18 05:11The city needs to do a complete overhaul on the way they run the handi-transit! It is not working for the people who need it, the way it is now! People should have easier access to it when they need it and should not have to book 2 days in advance. Instead of cutting back the service they should be looking at increasing it so it is accessible to the people who rely on it. The people making the decisions should be empathy trained by making them have to jump through all the hoops and go through all the procedures to access a ride from handi transit to get to work everyday for at least a week but preferably longer as if they were a person with a disability! |
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#1022014-10-18 05:27Handi Transit should be for those with all sorts of disabilities not just from the waist down! Are they also trying to say that an elderly 95 yr old with dementia (Alzheimer's) or any individual with a mental disability cannot use the handi transit because he or she is not wheelchair bound? Give me a break!!! Further more, When an individual is diagnosed with having a disability from a professional doctor or specialist and that doctor decides that there is a genuine need and signs the forms for them to have access to a handi transit, then that should be all the assessment they need!!! PERIOD!!! Any more than that is harassment and discrimination from the city and the transit system! |
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#1042014-10-18 12:08This is just downright WRONG!!!! This NEEDS to be fixed so that no more discrimination is around. |
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#1052014-10-18 12:35This is absolutely unfair and discriminatory! I am an educator and work with developmentally challengeed children everyday! To treat them this way is a gross injustice of their rights and their capabilities within the community! |
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#1062014-10-18 13:06this is absolutely WRONG.....Alzheimer people struggle every single day as do the mentally challenged. How can the city take away a service that so many in Sudbury NEED? financial reasons perhaps? TAKE A CUT IN PAY - you don't deserve what you're making anyway |
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#1072014-10-18 13:13This should not be allowed. It is atrocious to treat an autistic child this way. My heart breaks for him. |
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#1082014-10-18 14:27Discrimination at the most..City of Sudbury needs to wake up and start treating everyone with any disability with equal rights.. |
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#1092014-10-18 14:46This is an outrage..... Sudbury needs to get their act together!!! |
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#1102014-10-18 14:48This is utterly ridicilous...My father had Alzheimers and developed a lung infection which required an x-ray to rule out pnemonia, he was confined to a wheelchair and there was no way that we would be able to transport him to the hospital for the test. We utilized the Handi-Transit....without that service he either would have went without the test or we would have had to call an EMS service to take him. This is just another tactic to cut the seniors out of society and have the family "fend" for themselves. |
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#1122014-10-18 15:39My daughter was denied education for 4 yrs. here in North bay, she is high-function autism, Nos. with other disorders,, let's stop this discrimination Thank you Christine Racine |
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#1132014-10-18 15:44Greater City of Stupidity should take a sensible look at this situation. |
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#1142014-10-18 15:54Discrimination for sure.. I'm sad that this had to happen but this will create awareness!!! |
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#1152014-10-18 15:55This is a violation of Human Rights! A complaint must be filed to stop this from happening |
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#1162014-10-18 16:44Just because you have a disability that is not always physically noticeable does not mean you don't gave a disability. I think this is just disgusting. Shame on you Sudbury. Please reconsider your decision and get your appeal process up and running now. How can people appeal if there is no process in place. |
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#1172014-10-18 17:00Who made this decision? Elections are running. How could this decision be made without public awareness/imput. Three steps back. Lived in sudbury all my life amd have never been so disappointed with this cities decision making as I am now. Shame on you sudbury officials! |
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#119 Stan Fox2014-10-18 17:36#1: - This is wrong on all levels
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#1202014-10-18 18:12Please help developmentally challenged people to have handi transit access. This is a true diasbility. Who was it that decided to make a distinction between developmental and physical diasbilities being a handicap? What medical background do they have? The name of the actual person(s) who made this decision should be public. I am a nurse @ HSN-this is truly diaturbing and disgusting. Three steps back people! Election time. Let's use our vote to remedy this atrocity! |
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#1212014-10-18 19:33I have a brother with downs-syndrome and if someone took away any of the services given to him to improve his quality of life under the pretense that the city feels he's capable of something he isn't, I'd blame it on how much money this city spends on things that aren't making any positive change for the citizens paying into it.hooray for corruption.. |
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#1222014-10-18 21:19It's sad that this is happening. Sudbury transit should be ashamed. |
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#1232014-10-18 21:21Another Sudbury city decision that makes no sense! Shame on them for deciding these services are deemed unnecessary for our children and members of our community who depend on this service daily. As a tax payer I am completely appalled & embarrassed! Every person living with either a physical or mental disability should always have access to "no questions asked" services. This is definitely discrimination! |
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#1242014-10-18 21:52As a teacher, I recognize the definite need for special transit services for the mentally ill and developmentally challenged. Unfortunately, there is a great deal of ignorance in our society regarding these needs. This decision by our city takes us many steps backwards regarding the move to ensure accessibility for all. Those responsible should be ashamed. |
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#1252014-10-18 22:02It's times like these that make me embarrassed to be born and raised in such a simple and small minded town. |
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