Justice for Baby Elephant, Agam
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Justice for Baby Elephant, Agam.
Guest |
#1032014-11-17 13:53Wicked evil scum You are disgusting i hope your country is bombed and everyone dies BASTARDS |
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#1052014-11-17 15:57Penanganan cidera seperti ini tidak bisa dilakukan dengan orang yang bukan dibidangnya dan peralatan yg seadanya. .setidaknya diberikan kandang yg tertutup dan bersih dan diberi alas, tidak seperti yg di foto. .INI TERMASUK PENYIKSAAN HEWAN |
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#1062014-11-17 16:07It is unbelievable that elephants are treated like this in 2014 almost 2015 |
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#1072014-11-17 16:39What has happened to this animal is a disgrace, no animal should have to suffer this treatment they live, breathe, bleed, feel just as we do! |
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#1082014-11-17 20:08You have to get this beautiful baby elephant released from these savage people who are abusing him. Stop this from ever happening again. Worldwide we need to all protect our amazing wildlife. The abusers of animals need to be held accountable and be put in jail for a very long time. They are disgusting. |
oj |
#111 wildlife2014-11-18 04:34This is so damn sick and twisted and it's time to stop these murders once and for all! |
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#1122014-11-18 04:40You cruel, ignorant wastes of shin. How dare you. God will decide your fate and uou better be ready to meet the devil. What you are doing is already the work of evil. And who ever is taking these graphic pictures of cruelty are just ad evil |
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#1142014-11-18 08:13les auteurs psychopathes et irrécupérables méritent la prison à vie |
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#1172014-11-18 11:42Iya, betul: banyak manusia yg masih menderita kelaparan... Iya, betul: banyak manusia yg juga ngalamin kesakitan2 seperti yg Agam rasakan... Iya, betul: banyak bayi manusia yg bahkan ngga punya kesempatan minum susu dan perawatan yg layak... Iya, betul:... Iya, betul:... Iya, betul:... Iya, betul: banyak hal2 lain YG LEBIH PENTING dibanding Agam dan banyak hewan2 lainnya... TAPI, mereka adalah manusia dan bayi2 manusia, yg punya kemampuan utk bersuara, membela dan mempertahankan hidup mereka sendiri... Manusia adalah layaknya makhluk Tuhan yg paling sempurna yg punya akal dan budi, dan diperintahkan Allah utk merawat, menjaga, dan memanfaatkan alam dan sekitarnya ini... Lalu, kenapa kita bisa dengan senang hati mengambil bagian yg "memanfaatkan", dan melupakan bagian yg "merawat dan menjaga"nya? #prihatin |
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#118 Re:2014-11-18 14:10 |
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#119 Re:2014-11-18 14:12Terimakasih atas kesediaannya membantu kami mencari keadilan bagi bayi gajah Agam. Sayangnya selama cedera, Agam tidak mendapatkan penanganan yang layak. untuk itulah petisi ini kami buat, agar semua makhluk hidup bisa mendapatkan keadilan.
salam |
Guest |
#120 Re:2014-11-18 14:15Thank you for your support. However, we are taking this picture not only for finding a spotlight but we are taking this picture as an evidance for all of those people that this baby elephant didn't get a proper medical treatment, in fact he had to suffer till death. |
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#121 Re:2014-11-18 14:19Thank you for helping us by signed this petition. Agam is a symbol of our fight against the cruelty of wildlife. we need more people to support us and thanks for every support given to us.
regards. |
Guest |
#1242014-11-18 19:55It is disgusting to see how the innocent will be treated in such an inhuman way. The animal gets hurt and no one ist interesting about it. How come. Please stopp this cruelty with immediate effect as this shows no humanity. Thank you in advance for the right away action! |
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