Stoppum Julien Blanc!
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Stoppum Julien Blanc!.
Neptúnus Guest |
#1512014-11-19 11:11Eina gagnið sem kæmi af því að fá þennan mann til Íslands væri að komast að því hvaða einstaklingar það væru sem færu á fyrirlesturinn. |
Guest |
#1532014-11-19 13:37This guy and his organisation need to be taken down. Teaching how to sexually assault women is absolutely unacceptable. He must be a pretty vile human being to think this way |
Guest |
#1542014-11-19 13:47I can believe this, that people can be teaching how to rape women and get away with it. Please don't allow him to arrive to Iceland, preferable help him get into therapy |
Guest |
Guest |
#1562014-11-19 14:55I'm Brazilian, such a petition worked in my country! We're grateful to all people from all over the world who signed our petition and are ready to retribute! Misogyny is not welcome anywhere!!! |
Guest |
#1572014-11-19 15:19Í veröld þar sem svo margir eru ósáttir, hvernig væri þá að hindra manninn að halda námskeið þar sem KENNT er að fara illa með konur. Þetta er ekki í lagi. Takk. |
Guest |
#1592014-11-19 16:03Stop rapist tactics everywhere in the world. They are the opposit of a healthy sex drive. And only express the sad insecurity of a control freak that looks to overpower and belittle others to feel better about himself. Thereby the individual using these tactics reflects self disgust as well as disgust of humanity. Julien Blanc´s sad and humiliating advice should not be given to any man. By taking his advice men will humiliate themselves, their families and the women they are trying to reach. |
Sigurjónsd |
#160 Re: Re: Re:2014-11-19 16:23Hjálpa? hvernig í fjáranum á þetta að hjálpa? á þetta að hjálpa mönnum að verða að tilfinningalausum aumingjum? og hver á svo að hjálpa konunum þegar þær hafa ekki dug til að standa uppi fyrir sjálfum sér? .. Þetta er bara eins og að hafa námskeoð um það hvernig eigi að stunda dýraníð!! |
Guest |
#1612014-11-19 16:46Þetta er ógeðslegt og misnotkun á konum, það ætti að vera ólöglegt. |
Guest |
#1622014-11-19 17:01This guy's a danger and allowing him to travel to your country is just asking for a crime you won't be able to prosecute |
Guest |
#1632014-11-19 17:05Það er alveg nóg af vitleysingum í landinu þó þessi fari nú ekki að spilla karlpeningnum í landinu. |
Guest |
#1652014-11-19 17:51Ég held að við þurfum ekki fleiri svona hálfvita til landsins, við eigum nóg með þá sem við höfum nú þegar. |
Guest |
#1662014-11-19 18:38 Julian Blank is likely to abuse the civil right for free speech. In my opinion it is civil duty to try to prevent that in a peaceful manner. |
Guest |
#1702014-11-19 19:12This should be illegal.......absolutely amoral....don´t care if this is a joke- who will find this funny???? |
Guest |
#1732014-11-19 20:04Who does this guy think he is, so he would like a man to treat his mother that way. No respect for anyone let alone himself. Wake up idiot and treat everyone you meet the same way you want to be treated with respect and dignity. |
Guest |
#1752014-11-19 20:24Ef svona kynvillingar komast í stjórn einhverntíman mun mannkynið fljótt sökkva aftur til miðalda. Kæmi mér ekki á óvart ef hann kenndi fólki líka að brenna konur á báli. |
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