Mass Effect 3 Hungarian & Czech & Slovakian Translation
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Mass Effect 3 Hungarian & Czech & Slovakian Translation.
Noname Guest |
#3762011-04-27 11:26De am úgy akarjátok hogy alapból be legyen építve a magyar nyelv? :D És akk akárhonnan töltöm, mindig benne lesz? |
Faramir Guest |
#377 Čeština2011-04-30 05:51Nebude česky? Nevadí, aspoň ušetřím. Stejně to jde s kvalitou her od Bioware z kopce. Navíc zanedlouho vyjde Zaklínač 2, na podzim Skyrim, takže bude co hrát. |
#380 Czech sub.!2011-05-05 16:42I've bought the first and also the second Mass Effect and I was playnning to buy ME 3 aswell. But when I heared that ME 3 will not have the CZ sub., I started thinkink about downloading this game. Why should I buy a game what I partially don't understand?? I really want to buy it, but only with Czech subtitles. |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2011-05-05 17:39- Date of removal: 2011-05-05
- Reason for removal: Sorry, double.
Guest |
#3822011-05-07 09:24Please, BioWare Make a Hungarian Translation For Mass Effect 3. Mass Effect Series are the BEST GAMES FOREVER! A masterpiece! Thanks Z |
Czech fan |
#384 Mass Effect 3 Czech language2011-05-16 23:03Please, make Czech language version. I love Mass Effect, but without Czech subtitle it wil be unplayable. I think, all Czech fans of Mass Effect would like to have their favourite game in Czech. make the Czech verison please. |
reder |
#385 me3 translate2011-05-20 11:32Hello,iam from Czech Republic.Iam owner of almost all bioware games becouse they are simply best.When i finish mass effect 1 and 2,i was so excited,so i couldnt sleep at night and iam waiting for the end of the Trilogy.But,for all my friends,all Czech,Hungarians and Slovakians,we want translate for our favourite game!You do Translate for ME1,ME2 do ME3 as proud end of trilogy.We must stick together guys,all of us and we must show EA,when they piss of the fans,they can easily loose them.Direct words for EA?"Its not all about money,some year you can have low incomes,but another year can be different.If you dont know,why you dont earn much money,maybe its simply becouse,people dont buy the game,which dont understand!Translation must be standard of all products.And if you think,the amateurs,can do for free,thats right,but meantime,before they even finished,most people just download pirate version of the game,becouse then dont want to pay for uncomplete game(mean without translation...).This is not just some random talk,this is reality,so stop do bullshits and focus on buyers dont yourself" PS:If its so problem do a translation,i can pay even more,but you can call yourself a thiefs.It was right from my heart. |
Gamer |
#3862011-05-25 15:35Amikor kijátszottam az első 2 részt, azon gondolkodtam, hogy milyen jó lenne, ha magyar szinkronos is lenne.Erre még az is kétséges, hogy magyar felirattal megjelenik-e. :S Nagyon bízok abban, hogy magyar feliratosan fog kijönni. |
Guest |
#3872011-05-26 01:20Nabízím bezplatnou pomoc překladatelské skupiny RK-Translations při překladu Mass Effect 3 do češtiny. |
Guest |
#3882011-06-01 22:17Eddig is volt lokalizálva a játék, akkor miért változtatnának rajta. |
Guest |
#3932011-06-13 15:52Aztán csodálkoznak, hogy a játékokat a "virágboltban" veszik... Ha nem lesz hozzá magyar nyelv, akkor valószínűleg én is ott fogom beszerezni. Minek fizessek így érte? |
Guest |
#3982011-06-20 00:33I will buy all of the mass effect series if they will have hungarian subtitles! or we don't need HUN subtitle if BioWare do Hungarian synchronous for the game! |
Guest |
#399 Szabó Krisztina2011-06-20 00:40You have enought time to create all 3 subtitles. (9 months) |
Mx. Griggs |
#400 For the players!2011-06-20 00:55If theese people (about 5000) will buy this game they will earn 5000 x 59,99 USD (about 299,950 USD, 56,302,386.70 HUF, 5,067,662.60 CZK, 6,329,137.79 SKK). It's a lot of money! And a good team can do it in 1 week! I think there are some hungarian, Czech and Slovakian in BioWare studio. You can do it for us. So please translate it for theese people! |
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