Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!.
JMc |
#1052 Re: Petition2014-11-20 04:55I would love for more people to see this! I am just not sure what else to do! Feel free to share on twitter or wherever you can think of. Thanks for your support! |
DuggarFanForever |
#1053 1st Amendment Rights for ALL!2014-11-20 04:56Free Speech for ALL. The Duggars represent a HUGE part of our society. Please let people who value tradional, loving families have a voice in the public arena. This family celebrates LIFE! As a viewer, I enjoy the refreshment they bring to our society, and millions agree with me. Only the sorriest of unhappy people would silence the joy of this family. I hope TLC gains the attention and dedication of millions of more viewers and fans for 19 Kids and Counting. |
Tricia |
#1054 19 and counting2014-11-20 04:56I love the 19 and counting show it's got Christian faith that you can watch on TV that you don't have to worry about what your families going to hear about all the other shows that are on here keep your head up God will see you through this God bless each and everyone of the 19 and counting |
Guest |
#10552014-11-20 04:56So much violence and sex and walking dead on TV, 19 Kids And Counting is a breath of fresh air. If this show is canceled I will boycott the TLC. What is wrong with morality and a family that has it all together, loves each other and presents a good show. I love it and admire the Duggars. |
Guest |
#10562014-11-20 04:57I think this show is a blessing! We need morals being taught to our children...look around you! |
Guest |
#10572014-11-20 04:57If the LGBT community doesn't want to watch the show all they have to do is change the channel. As a Christian I really enjoy 19 Kids and Counting. I should not have to sacrifice watching a family show just because the LGBT community disagrees with the values & morals held by the Duggar family. If a program is on television that I don't agree with I don't turn the television on. The LGBT community can do the same. |
Guest |
#10582014-11-20 04:57There's some people that just can't keep their noses where they belong. Does anyone agree on everything no that's why we all have our OWN beliefs and opinions some can't understand that keep the show on it sends a great message |
Guest |
#10592014-11-20 04:57I am so tired of Christian beliefs being attacked while very other religion and point of view expects and even demands tolerance and acceptance. If you don't like the shows viewpoints or what the Duggars believe, don't watch it. I don't watch the programming I don't agree with so I invite others to do the same. |
Guest |
#10612014-11-20 04:58Ilove this show and the family Its show me how family all about I wish my family had the love that they have for each other . |
Guest |
#10622014-11-20 04:58Nobody should be silenced, or kept from practicing their religious beliefs in this country. Tolerance is preached from everyone supporting same sex marriage. And now this same group of people are discriminating against a family for their relationship with God?! This is the very definition of unconstitutional. Censorship based on a belief system. I never watch this show, but I will always stand up for the rights of the people in this country. |
Guest |
#10632014-11-20 04:59I believe that Christians deserve as much of a voice as any other group. You can't hardly watch a show that doesn't endorse homosexuality...this is a lifestyle that I oppose of but am forced to accept it as their "rights" Well, I have "Rights" too and I want the voice of righteousness to be heard, I believe this family is a voice. Please keep them on the air! |
Guest |
#1065 Don't cancel because of hate.2014-11-20 05:00Love this family. Please don't cancel due to hatred and stupidity. |
Guest |
#10662014-11-20 05:01Show must stay !!! Is one of the few show that I enjoy watching..there is to much garbage on TV . |
Guest |
#1067 Re:2014-11-20 05:01I love this show!! Its one of only a few decent shows to watch.. Please please do not cancel this show over this nonsense
Guest |
#1068 Re:2014-11-20 05:01I AGREE! The LGBT community is way more heterophobic and militant than I would ever dream of being homophobic. They're a scary group for sure. |
awestruck |
#1070 Political Manipulation2014-11-20 05:03Let's definitely keep this program on. The issue brought on by the LGBT is not primarily about homosexuality, per se. It is about an aggressive group of people who are creating a straw man and building a case upon false premises. In the past, most people would just ignore this kind of activity, but it has gotten out of hand, and is now in the hands of governmental authorities who are taking the statements made by these people as if they are true. I mean really, how does one get the ability to call someone a 'Gay Basher' from someone who makes a statement about marriage being made up of one man and one woman? A true Gay Basher is someone like Fred Phelps, who is no longer with us, and who truly hated homosexuals. The head of Chick-Fil-A is not a Gay Basher and he even made it clear that he accepts everyone no matter who they are. These people are irrational and we are assuming that they know what they are talking about. They don't. It's time we stand up against them. Not because they are homosexuals but because they are aggessively hateful toward others whom they see as a threat to their well being, even though no one is threatening them or hating them. Hate is a strong word, and hate is vicious. Just because a man and a woman have a good marriage and hold to Biblical values in marriage and other relationships, this in no way is 'hate' toward homosexuals. These Gay people are acting really stupid, but the real problem is with the rest of us who just ignore them and think they will go away. (In saying the word 'Gay People' I know that not every homosexual is like this. Some really don't want to be Gay, and I respect them for their honesty and desire to get help). I do not respect those who are using their label in the LGBT and their stand against Biblical teaching on marriage. If you want to live your Gay life, go ahead. No one is stopping you. But when you stop straight people from living their lives under the guise of your term 'Hate Speech' then you need to look out because those of us who are straight are going to aggressively go after you for your slander and hate. The issue goes both ways. |
Guest |
#10722014-11-20 05:03Keep the duggars on tlc. They have a right to delete materials they do not want on their fb page just like anyone else does. |
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