Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!.
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#16772014-11-20 16:02This show is one of the last shows that actually show great family values and ways to treat others. You take this show away die to people posting pictures that would get taken down because they know that the duggars are Christians and I myself would have taken down the photo everyone is entitled to there own option so let the duggars do whatever they want on there fb page just like we do on ours. |
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#16782014-11-20 16:02There is not a ounce of hatred in these people. They truly do want to honor God! If anyone wants to be angry , be angry at God because he is the one who has said that "a man shall leave his mother and father and become ONE with his wife"I have a very close family member who has chosen to live in the homosexual life style and we LOVE her just the same, we just pray for her to rid this life style and get right with God, just as I want the same conviction for my son who has chosen to sleep with his girlfriend KNOWING it is wrong in God's eyes! Deliberate sin is just that, knowing it and ignoring and doing it anyway. Yes, we all fall short, but we TRY to live in accordance to his word! The Duggars are just trying to stress and speak on behalf of the beauty and joy of living a Godly marriage. It is one of the few wholesome programs on today that actually promotes healthy family relationships. |
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#16792014-11-20 16:02The fact of the matter is, is that God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. He made a woman out of a man. He made women to have children fertilized by men. Men and Women are suppose to be together, and just because you have your reasons for not wanting it to be that way doesnt mean thats whats right. Michelle and Jim Bob can have their own opinions about this, but just because theres are getting around you want to flip shit. Leave them alone! Youre just mad becauae theyre right! #keep19kidsandcountingonTLC |
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#16812014-11-20 16:05I have watched from the beginning and love this family dearly! Their love and devotion is immense! Please listen to the viewers and keep the show on TLC! |
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#16822014-11-20 16:05This family is amazing! They are a real example of a christian base family. God bless them @ll! |
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#16842014-11-20 16:09They are the best and i love there show and i will always watch them i love there family values and everything |
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#16862014-11-20 16:11I might not be married but I love this show and watch it every time it comes on. They are an insperation of love and I love how they brought up there children and that there children had respect for there parents you dont see that anymore. |
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#16872014-11-20 16:11The 19 Kids and counting show teaches many different families what it would be like to have a big family now days. They also show what it means to teach and not to denigh Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. It would be ashamed if TLC take 29 kids and counting off the air. |
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#16892014-11-20 16:12What about our rights? This family has done nothing wrong! Stand up for what you believe |
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#16912014-11-20 16:14We believe in tolerance on BOTH sides of the gay rights issue, and we believe in the same religious freedom that our forefathers and ancestors sacrificed dearly to provide for us. The Duggers are kind, loving people that have a very interesting family situation. They deserve to have a program on the air without threat or even criticism from groups of people that believe differently than they do. Those of us signing this petition stand in favor of THEIR rights to publicly state their beliefs and ideas on television just as much as anyone else. |
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#16922014-11-20 16:17People of God unite!!! These people are a true example of Christian beliefs and morals!!! We will not walk with the world,we will walk with Christ!!! |
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#16932014-11-20 16:18I love the duggars , they are the best. I think more families should be more like them, then maybe the world wouldn't be in such a mess. I also disagree with how people have their own page , wanting wanting the other two girls to move out, this is how they are raised to help one an other, how would u like it if people did petition for your kids to move out of your house just because u parent differently. I think that if the tables were to be turned for some people, it would be a different storey . Treat others as u would want to be treated. Love u duggars |
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#16952014-11-20 16:22No one should be judge them for their beliefs. They don't voice on the show. They only show you the way they live and by the principals they live. Don't cancel them!!!! |
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#16962014-11-20 16:23I hope TLC keeps this show. There is NO reason, what so ever, to cancel it. |
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#16972014-11-20 16:24I don't understand how others are allowed to speak their mind and convictions but when we speak out for our religion, God, family, and values we are condemned. Somehow it just don't make sense to me. |
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#16992014-11-20 16:25Please keep it on how many years been on they TLC I believe long Time .Everyone has different options in life and marriage .If they don't like it there Netflix lol |
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#17002014-11-20 16:26I don't believe that 19 kids and counting should be taken off because everyone has a right to their own opinion! 19 kids and counting is a wonderful show that shows decency and morals are still alive. We have watched the show since it began on TLC and my kids and I LOVE IT!!!! |
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