Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!.
Guest |
#19012014-11-20 21:00The Duggers are a wonderful Christian family. They follow Gods word and have the right to believe what they feel is right. May God continue to bless this wonderful family. |
Tera |
#1902 Re: Re: Re:2014-11-20 21:01You are wrong, I am straight and all my friends who signed the petition to take them off the air is straight. We do not believe in preaching hate. When Michelle started campaigning to others, is when it became more than just her opinion. |
Guest |
#19032014-11-20 21:01This is the best show I watch it every Tuesday! They are an inspiration! |
Guest |
#19042014-11-20 21:02The Media should show all points of view. not just one side. Not everybody is going to like or believe in homosexuality, that is their right! THAT IS REALITY! |
Guest |
#19052014-11-20 21:04Weather people agree with their religious view points, it is one of the few reality shows that DO NOT have foul language,dressing inappropriately or living and having sex with someone they are not married too. Many of us like and live these values. |
jeffsgirl4610 |
#1908 DON'T CANCEL2014-11-20 21:08Please don't cancel this show. My family and I love this show. |
Guest |
#19112014-11-20 21:11The gays and transgender people need rto leave the duggars alone Ilove this family and believe like them keep this show on TLC |
Ellie |
#19132014-11-20 21:15I love watching the Duggar family. They are great parents and raising good kids. I want them to stay on the air. They have never shown prejudices on the show. |
Guest |
#19142014-11-20 21:16People need to back off of this family! They are a fine example of how family should be. If people don't like the show then they can stop watching it or then the channel. |
Guest |
#19162014-11-20 21:20Love the Duggars they are good people. What happened to freedom of speech and religion is it only if it is PC that it is allowed now :( |
Guest |
#19172014-11-20 21:20We all have the right to our own opinion, and it is my opinion that this show should stay on the air. There are very few shows that you can actually sit down and watch with your family , that does not have ugly language or other things that you don't want your kids to watch or to hear. I don't push my christian beliefs on anyone and I don't want anyone trying to push whatever they believe down my throat. Just change the channell like I have to do most of the time. |
Guest |
#19182014-11-20 21:21This is one of VERYfew shows still worth watching! Our family has benefited greatly via communication opening on various topicsfrom things hsppening or talked about on the show! Especially the high standard for courting! |
jw |
#19192014-11-20 21:22We love and Support the Duggar's!! Please stop letting a few ppl push you around!! Keep the Duggars on TLC... |
Guest |
#1920 Re:2014-11-20 21:22 |
Gamma |
#1921 Re: Re: Re: Re:2014-11-20 21:25I just rewatched 5 season's of shows. I did not see any of the Duggar's show any prejudices towards anyone. No hatred was shown towards anyone. I saw the family going to third world countries doing Mission work. You are entitled to your opinion, but why come to a pro-Duggar poll and start stuff. And expressing an opinion does not mean spreading hate. My son is gay and his partner cannot miss an episode. We find it endearing. They watch the show with their 3 kids, 10, 9 and 8. He is a lawyer that works on Capitol Hill. One of many. |
Guest |
#19222014-11-20 21:27Just because the Duggars don't agree with the actions of others, doesn't mean they hate them. They're not watched by their haters anyway; why should they be the ones to decide the show should be cancelled? |
Guest |
#19242014-11-20 21:29I vote to keep the Duggars onTLC!!! Wonderful family!!! Great role models!!! |
Guest |
#19252014-11-20 21:29TLC and the Duggars are being "Face Bullied". "Face Bullying" is when one person has multiple Facebook identities and posts comments of their hate filled opinion from all of them, making it appear that the majority agrees with them. Don't fall for it TLC. The people causing the problem have never watched "19 and counting" anyway. But you risk losing REAL viewers if you let these hate mongers win. |
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