Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!
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#3262014-11-20 00:27Everybody is allowed to believe there own beliefs. We should respect the duggars as we would want people to respect our own beliefs. I am so tired of seeing people censoring shows for something based on there belief. They didn't murder anyone or break the law. |
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#327 Re: Keep 19 Kids & Counting on TV2014-11-20 00:28#4: - Keep 19 Kids & Counting on TV Well said! As a Christian, I have a right to my beliefs based on my upbringing. The Dugger Family is practicing their beliefs!
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#3292014-11-20 00:28Great idea! The Duggar family is speaking out of faith and not hate! |
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#3322014-11-20 00:30I thank they should leave them on the air cant they hae there opinon and rights just like everyone else do they not have rights to you are judging them for there belifes so what makes you better |
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#3332014-11-20 00:31If you take this FAMILY programing off I will never watch TLC again. The only thing TLC can do is stand up for Good Family Values. If the gay's want to make a fuss, let them start their own show.. Why infringe on the Duggers right to have their opinion. They are good Christian people and are going by what the Bible says.. |
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#334 beliefs2014-11-20 00:31Why is it wrong for people to have their own beliefs? What happened to this being a free country? It is ok for the gay community to be anti-Christian, anti-freedom of speech, anti-free thinking, but no one can be anti-gay? What makes the gay community think that everyone should support them? I am so sick of all of this. Why can't we just live our lives the way we choose to without everyone else forcing their opinions on us. If you don't like the show, and don't believe in their views....DON'T WATCH IT....easy as that !!! |
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#3352014-11-20 00:32TLC has a great show with 19 kids and counting and they certainly should keep it on the they could allow something a "bad" as Honey Boo Boo on the air and then question this show is beyond me. The Duggars do not make Southerners look like idiots like Boo Boo's family does. Another one that does not drag the south down is Duck Dynasty, both families are God fearing people and not afraid to share their beliefs. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. |
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#3372014-11-20 00:33Thanks for caring. This is my favorite program. We have the right to watch programs like 19 kids and counting. |
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#3382014-11-20 00:33Every one has the right to believe in what they want. If you do not believe the way they do then don't watch the show.but do not sit there and try to get it off the air just cause you have your owe ways of believing . If every one wanted a show off t.v. because to them it is wrong there would be nothing to watch on T.V. I happen to like the show it is a show the hole family can watch. We need more shows like 19 kids and counting. |
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#3392014-11-20 00:34Whether you agree with their stance or not, this IS STILL AMERICA, isn't it? They are allowed to have any opinion they want to have! |
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#3402014-11-20 00:34This show is amazing!!! I love watching it, I wish it had been one while I was raising my kids. I would have taught them no holding hands until you get engaged no kissing until your married, and it's up to God how many children you have!!! I think I would have tried harder to save my 1st marriage and sought God alot more then if this show had been on back then!!! All they are doing is following what the Bible says !!!The world would be a much better place than it is now!!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE THEY ARE ONLY LIVING FOR GOD!!!!! |
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#3432014-11-20 00:35I really enjoy the tv show 19 kids and counting. They are sharing their families' life with the world - growth, accomplishments, sadness, marriages, babies, and their moral beliefs. The public has the right to make a comment, but not to judge other people's religious faith. Freedom of religion is in the US Constitution as well as freedom of expression. People are being way too critical of a comment. They have the right to express themselves. They are raising their kids how they feel is the right way to do so. People need to stop being so judgmental of others. No one's perfect. |
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#3442014-11-20 00:35I love this show! That's just their opinion everybody has there own opinion!!! Shouldn't affect their show! |
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#3452014-11-20 00:35The show is the best show I ever watched and when I am upset I watch the duggers and listen to the messages they say and all of the older girls I look up to because they all are great girls. I would cry myself to sleep every night if the took them off the air and my family is like the duggers in some way and I feel like they are a regular family but the just do things different then other families and the is no reason to judge them for who there are. I want to keep the show on TLC. |
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#3472014-11-20 00:37Disagreement is not hate. Let ALL have freedom of speech. |
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#3482014-11-20 00:37its the duggers right to speak of how they feel about religion and there beliefs just as its the gays peoples rights to speak of how they feel and believe so y don't we all just mind our own business! i'm tiered of everyone trying to start unnecessary problems this world has enough without all of this nonsense! Believe what u want and let others do the same!! thats y we live in a free country so we can do that!!! |
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#3492014-11-20 00:38Soooo gay people can voice their opinions and Christians can't? Please, get over yourself. Obviously they posted gay kissing pictures to get attention and a pity party riot. The Duggars are amazing people. |
doggie |
#350 Re: Re: Keep 19 Kids & Counting on TV2014-11-20 00:38#327: - Re: Keep 19 Kids & Counting on TV They push their anti lgbt agenda on the world the campaign and vote for politicians that do that. they go around and have rallies saying how bad gays are. This is very much pushing their agenda onto others. If you go around shouting on how much others are sinning or wrong according to your beliefs then you are not showing any love towards them.
I hear how everyone says they are great but at the same time saying they don't do what the duggers do. so if they are so great why are you not doing what they do?
Judging others then condemning them in public is very un Jesus like.
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